Ok first up is the template to build your charater.
You might want to save this and your completed charater in your blog as they will be deleted in this tread.
There will be a tread for postign and upadting your charaters though elsewhere.
Stat explination
Ok first the stat atributes.
Strength (STR) Strength messures your charater's muscle and phiscal power.
This stat applys to attack rolls, as well as damage rolls and skills that take mostly muscle power to use.
Dexterity (DEX) Dexterity messures your charater's hand-eye cordination,agility, reflexes, and balance. This stat is aplaiyed to ranged atack rolls, and some ot you AC ( amour class) Because fo your chater ability to dodge. If your chater needs to jump roll, do things quickly and actualry with his or her hands and genraly balnce and sneakyness, this is your stat to focus on.
Constitution (CON) Constitution represtnts your charater's health and stimina. This stat incesses your Hit Points ( HP) so it is important for everyone. You apply this stat modifyer to your Hit Dice ( HD) to determin your gained health at every level. This is also a stat that represtns yoru health and restance of the body to thigns like poinen and desise, it is also a messure fo toughness.
Intelligence (INT) his stat represtns hwo well yoru charater learns and reasons. This affects wizzrds ( to be added later) spells, as well as hwo powerful they are. It also is import if you want to have a stogn assorment fo skills. This stat applys to th number of languges you know when fisrt creatign your chater as well asthe skill points gianded at each level.
Wisdom ( WIS) Wisdom represnts your charater willpower, common sense and intuition.
Basicly if WIS is your chater's ability to gather information, while INT is his or her abilility to process it.
Will saveing throws are affected by this stat. this stat mostly aplyyys to skills.
Charisma ( CHA) represtsnts your chater's force of peroanility, persuasicness, personal magnetisim, ability to lead, and phidcal atracivness. This sta is also a messure of your chater's lifefore energy.
Thsi stat mostly applies to skills.
Dice explination
There will be abrivations for dice and the nuber of them, they are actualy eay to understand.
But forst lets get to knwo the dice, as there are a few of them.
First there is a 4 sided dice, 6 sided, 8 sided, 10 sided, 12 sided, and 20 sided dice.
The die 100 on that site is what will be callded a percent die here.
The 30 sided diece is nto used.
Ok, the left side of an abriation is the number fo dice the D stance for "dice" and the number on the right of it is the number si sides on that dice.
Thus 10d4 is 10 4 sided dice, and 3d6 is 3 six sided dice.
OK, here si the format for your charater, refered to here aftr as yoru charater sheet.
YOU will be inchage of updateign it when it is aprotrate to do so so keep that in mind.
ALso there is alot od stuff to be foudn here you probly won't knwo yet, that si ok we will get to those I promiss. For now, just copy and paste this format some where and we will begin tot fill it out slowly. It is not as hard as it look when we do it step by step.
Oh, and also any time you see a >>[ ]<< Thsi represents a place where a number or a word to describe somethign will go. Also With the >>>:<<< at the top of the sheet.
HP ( Hit Points) Total [ ] Wounds/Current HP[ ] Subdual Damage [ ]
AC (Armor Class) Total [ ]= 10+ Armor bonus [ ]+Sheild Bonus [ ]+ DEX Mod[ ]+Size Mod [ ]+ Misc. Mod [ ] Arcane Spell Failure [ ] Armor Check Penalty [ ]
Speed [ ]
Armor Type [ ]
Initiative Modifier Total [ ]= DEX Mod [ ]+ Misc. Mod [ ]
Base Attack Bonus [ ]
Skills Max Ranks [ ]/[ ]
Skill Name [ ] Key Ability [ ] Skill Mod [ ]= Ability Mod [ ]+Ranks [ ]+Misc. Mod [ ]
( this format will continue for as many diffrent skill as you have)