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Nov 15, 2009 11:27 AM

Nov 2009
Whithin the music room where all the host club events take place.
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Nov 15, 2009 11:38 AM

Nov 2009

Thank you for Joining me today. Your smile which has the warmth of the sun, you have melted my lonely, glacial-covered heart.

When you go to sleep tonight, I will become your blanket. Your blanket will become yellow sand, and it will lead you to the world's only oasis. There, I'm sure, a lake called love is gushing forth, and surely it will wash away your tired heart.

My beloved one... please don't forget. You are... my only goddess. No matter when, my heart exists to be offered to you.Princess and Princes,Please, may your morning tomorrow be a road brimming with happiness."
-With a simple saying for the darlings of his precious host club. Tamaki instantly twirled his finger tips around a red rose and put it up to his nostrils. The intense smell of a lovely individual rose made his heart pound softly within his bare chest. Completely unaware that females were swon over his current words. He stood by the large window of the back corner. Gazing dramaticaly across the school horizon. Watching the water to the pound below settle. He pressed his finger tips to the glass while thinking to himself. Carefully, he spun his feet and faced the crowd he was pleasing. The king bowed and walked up to a small first year girl. Handing her the rose of his touch. The females squeed around him and the king winked with a smile. Ah the pleasure of making others happy. This was his life, but why didn't he seem so happy today from all the others?.-
Nov 17, 2009 11:54 AM
Jul 2009
haruhi saw him handing over the rose and felt a pain in her heart......
she didnt know what it was.....
the only thing she knew was that every time the king smiled gently to all the other girls, the pain in her heart was getting stronger and stronger...
more powerful..

haruhi watched him smiled for a long time... as the minutes were passing by... she decided!!
she was going to ask him why he was doing all these things just to make the girls happy...

she took a deep breath and stepped closer to him.
he didnt notice her. but haruhi did not stop!!
she tried to get his attention even harder!
she poked his back!!
"he finally noticed me" she thought..

then she gathered all of her couage and asked him staight away the question...
Nov 18, 2009 1:11 PM

Jun 2009
A small sigh escaped his lips as Kyouya watched from the far side of the room, his hand clamped over his black notebook as ususal. Today was like an ordinary at the club, the guests had entered, waiting to be entertained by the hosts. He was more than happy to take care of the club from the sidelines and just observe though sometimes he had to get invloed.
It was fairly busy today, Tamaki overworking his charm, from what he could see by the big crowd surrounding him. That was typical Tamaki though and it would always would be, unforuntately. He tucked away his pen, making all the notes he needed, like usual.
The hosts seemed all busy and content but Kyouya couldn't help notice something as Haruhi approached Tamaki. Hmm, what could this be about? he thought as he edged neaer the ladies gathered around Tamaki. He smiled to the girls, wanting to make a good impression. Afterall the club needed all the guests and good reviews to help publicise the club and make money. Behind his notebook, he pulled out two brightly coloured albums.
"Ladies, as of today these photo albums of all the hosts shall be on sale for half prize if you care to look at them" he grinned as the girls hungrily took the copies out of his hands before he could say another word. "It's a one only offer. And don;t worry we have many copies at the opposite table" he guestered to the table as all the girls swooned over. He smiled to himself, buissness usual, though he couldn't help but wonder why Haruhi was acting strange. And why Tamaki was so dsitant today.He had no idea but the truth would come out eventually.
Nov 18, 2009 4:24 PM

Nov 2009
-The females around him swoned and cooed his name. Tamaki smirked his childish smirk and looked out toward the crowd. Wide eyed and waiting patiently for the Kings next move. He opened his pale thin lips to say something more,to release them a goodbye,however, the unexpected happened. He felt a small tap on his back. Turning, his violent hues lite up with the sight of his daughter behind him looking as though she needed attention. Though, un aware of this fact he blinked multiple times and faced the Commoner. "Was there something wrong,Haruhi?" While his voice filled with concern, his eyed wonderd around the crowded room of girls with yellow. The vibrate color of pink blended well like a strawberry float. The blue specks were that of his commards, his family members. The young twins were off playing a game with a few girls sitting at white marble benches. Mommy was writing in that black notebook. Tamaki always wonderd what he was writing, what interesting facts crossed that Shadow kings mind.

The blonde looked to Hauhi and waited. Some of the girls were getting unpatient and they too looked at Haruhi with stary eyes since this whole sequance seemed like some sort of family play. Eventually, Tamaki smiled and closed his eyes, standing tall again and leaning against the wall. His thoughts once again wondering off to that world theater within the back of his amazing mind. He looked dazed,and out of it...the typical prince type at work-
Nov 20, 2009 7:31 AM
Jul 2009
haruhi felt embarressed when she noticed that the other girls were staring at her...
she felt like running away...her hands started to sweat a lot.. her heart beat was rising...

she stood still and thought:
-why do i care so much about him? thats not normal...
is something wrong with me?
no-no... theres nothing wrong... im just a little tired...

and then she stepped back while thinking that she should work in order to repay her dept...

but while serving tea to the commoners she noticed kyouya was looking at her...
their eyes met and kyouya turned his away...

haruhi started to feel nervous again as thoughts were floating around her head!
-did he notice i was acting weird??
no-no. tha cant be...
he wouldnt possibly care about a commoner like me...
definetely not.

and she continued pretending to be a host while trying to hide her nervousness..
Dec 11, 2009 2:58 PM

Dec 2009
Kasanoda had finished up his last class of the day and had just sat in the empty classroom for a few minutes, waiting for Tetsuya to call saying he was outside. In a few moments his phone rang - a hard rock tune that he had been partial to for a few years - and he flipped it open, raising it to his ear. "Kasanoda speaking."

It was Tetsuya's voice on the other end. "Ah, Kasanoda, I'm glad I caught you. Listen, we're going to be late picking you up - your father's plane has been delayed an hour. Will you be okay hanging out at the school for a bit longer?"

Kasanoda hesitated. Perhaps he could join the Host Club? After all, it would give him a chance to talk to Haruhi again. He did enjoy his - or rather, her - company. "... sure. I'll just hang out with some friends until you get here. I'm sure they're still around."

"All right, see you in about an hour." And with that, the phone conversation ended.

Kasanoda picked up his bag, heading down the hallway to Music Room Three. While he had befriended everyone there, it still felt odd walking through the doors. As he did, a bunch of people greeted him. "... yo." He halfway-waved to those that had greeted him, looking around to see if Haruhi was here. Once he spotted her, his heart leapt out of his chest. He could feel his cheeks flush a deep red, and he had to drop his bag by the door and step outside for a few minutes to catch his breath. Why was it that every time he was around Haruhi, even though they were just friends, his body decided to toy with him? Regardless, after he had caught his breath, he re-entered and walked over to where Fujioka and Suoh were standing. "... hey guys." He stated, a little nervously, as he felt the stares of several girls aimed directly at him. "I was wondering... if I could stay here for a little while?"
- Officer in the KU Anime Club
- Beginning Cosplayer
- 100% Special

I am Ritsu Kasanoda in the Ouran High School Host Club Roleplay!

"Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like 'NO WAY!' and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great." ~G.L.a.D.O.S.
Dec 11, 2009 9:01 PM

Nov 2009
-Alright, Hunny and Mori were eating cake,Kyouya was in the corner taking notes fearously upon his notebook pad. The devilish twins swoned over a few females costumers, clinging to each others arms and necks for simple fan service. Yes,...yes the family seemd all normal. Yet the little daughter seemed out of line. The prince turned his full attention on the first year and blinked his velvet orbs in simple cunfusion and worriment. He'd listen to her words and nodded in reaction with the same expression resting upon his pale french futures. Blonde strands of wavy hair pressed against his forhead and hid his eyesight. Pushing them back with slender fingers to automatically smile at the girls who never seemed to move from there standing positions in the room. Completely oblivious to Kasanoda walking within the room. Clearly there innocent hearts were melted and there eyes were stiched to the sight of the princely blonde. In a way, Tamaki would find their stares simply flattering but after awhile it grew quite normal and boring. Though the king of the host club will never share such a thing. When the door creased open slightly this caughed the Kings eyes. He turned his direction now on the red headed male.

"Well Well!" The other exlaimed loudly enough for the group to hover there very being around Tamaki and Kasanoda in the door way. Give the two males air people! It's called personal bubble space for a reason. Perhaps Tamaki may not mind so much but to Kasanoda,this much attention could be quite stressfull. Walking in everytime to get trampled mentally by females who admired your single presances. What a stressful sitation! Tamaki continued on as trying to block his 'precious' Haruhi from his entrance to the room. "Isn't is Bassanova, the lost mean kitty. We havn't seen you around here in quite awhile. What kept you?" He wonderd. Putting his index finger up to his chin and dramatic pose.
Ah the other bought back memories and he smiled trying not to laugh. The hysertical memories that would always make Tamakis bad day into good ones. Even as a little of a friendship him and Kasanoda shared,still it was good to know that such a man can exsist in this world. Even if he was to dense to consider him as threat, or maybe he just didn't see Basanova that way at all and the fun simple way of making the day more intresting was his cause of treating the red head gloomy boy that way. Either or.... Tamaki enjoyed it.
TiiDec 11, 2009 9:08 PM
Dec 12, 2009 7:27 AM
Jul 2009
Haruhi started to feel weird... for some reason the air was filled with negativity...
she started thinking of ways to make the atmosphere a little more pleasant..
-ok guys!,she said, why dont we all hang out together after we finish working?
everybody looked surprised! haruhi had never-ever asked them to hang out together before! they were the ones that used to invite her out (normally)
haruhi felt a little embrrassed so she smiled while trying to hide her nervousness..
and so she waited to hear their response to her invitation..
Dec 12, 2009 8:46 PM

Dec 2009
Kasanoda's eye twitched, only slightly, as several ladies suddenly seemed to swoop out of nowhere, in order to greet him. How in the world had they suddenly appeared like that? The powers of the female persuasion were quite fearsome indeed. Ignoring the women for now, he turned his attention to Tamaki. "I've told you, it's Kasa- you know what, never mind." He signed, turning his attention to the girls in order to greet them briefly, saying a simple "Yo" to each one, along with their name. It was surprising how many names he could put to faces now - after all, only a little while ago, he'd had no friends at all. Or at least, few enough that he could count them on one hand.

Turning his attention back to Tamaki, he tried to smile, though he wasn't sure how scary it made his face look under the circumstances. "Well, dad's been busy with... 'work' lately, and he wanted me to get home as soon as possible... 'just in case'. So I'm sorry I haven't been around much." He knew using code words was useless - he was a yakuza, and the crowd around them most certainly knew that meant his father had been doing shady things, and annoying rival gangs enough that it was necessary for Kasanoda to go home. He had received a death threat or two that week alone. He hoped this minor annoyance would pass within the next week, but it wasn't likely.

All of a sudden, Haruhi piped up, and Kasanoda fell silent. In truth, he was a little jealous; after all, he still had a deep adoration for Haruhi, and the camaraderie among the Host Club was unmistakable. He knew, however, that Haruhi was more than likely referring to the others, and not to himself, so he didn't answer. Instead, he just listened to Tamaki to see what he'd say.
- Officer in the KU Anime Club
- Beginning Cosplayer
- 100% Special

I am Ritsu Kasanoda in the Ouran High School Host Club Roleplay!

"Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like 'NO WAY!' and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great." ~G.L.a.D.O.S.
Dec 21, 2009 8:50 AM

Nov 2009
-Understanding such interesting terms, the king nodded and gazed the other direction in thought. "Well glad you had the time to stop by and relax a little" Kasanoda was a costumer and it was natural for Tamaki to have atleast little concern for the red headed individual. Costumers were parturaly the reason why the Houst Club began but it was morstly to make females forget about their worries and live in a fantasy. Some may think cheating ways into fantasy is cruel. Tamaki had other point of views and he saw this whole situation as a family gathering at work. The males who entered were rare and a sight for some typical boy teenage soar eyes. Girls can get rather irritating and this was a shock thought to be running through a blondes eyes.Fixing his hair and turning the costumers way he bowed a small bit.Trying to seem charming to the ladies who crowded around hisatmosphere. "I will be there in a moment" Amazing how the girls nodded,agreed, and walked to the tables of sweets being displayed near the roses.Kasanoda was the main focus. Because of being stuck out like a soar thumb His fashion sense still did not change from the last time he entered this room. He was different from any other male who walked past those two thick pink doors. Knowing the club secert was being somewhat trapped like a rat in a large cage. Tamaki did trust this guy,to an extent, but trouble always followed him around and with that fact the King didn't feel comfurtable. His little girls identity must be kept to a minimum. Daddy will not allow her to get anymore exposed like she already has in the past.

"Well Casinova" I wonder why he could never get his name right. "would you like a host to tend to you, or would you just want to browze?." Tamaki looked around himself. Everyone was still doing as they pleased. The clock tower outside was standing tall and shown the exact time it has been sense the club hours has begun. Normally, the hours go by to quickly that Tamaki can't get everything planned in for that day. However, today was opposite. The hours were going by so slowly. The instant struggle was waiting for one minute to pass by. So the patients he had was completely gone. They needed more things todo today, or the club will slowly fall to it's doomed and the money will slowly fall through the cracks. Maybe Tamaki was hopping that Kasanoda could save them from a doomed boredum day. -
Dec 22, 2009 2:23 AM
Jul 2009
haruhi did not understand much of what kasanova and tamaki was thinking.. the only thing she new was that she wanted to have fun with everyone! even kasanoda!!
so she smiled at him and asked - would you mind going out with me?
casanova blushed- he thought that haruhi asked him out for a date!

the moment haruhi finished her sentence she understood! she hadnt chosen her words wisely and so she tried to explain the situation: theres no need to blush!! i just wanted for everyone to come out with me!

so everyone?? what do you think? -she asked again
Dec 23, 2009 7:38 PM

Dec 2009
Kasanoda felt warmed by Tamaki's comment. Every time he came in here, people were glad to see him. Glad. This is why inevitably he came back; he knew that he was accepted here, so this would always be his little safe haven. Here he felt safe from even his father's world outside - all the murder, shady business, turf wars, blackmail, smuggling. And yet, even thinking of what was waiting for him outside made him want to stay indefinitely.

However, Tetsuya was supposed to call in an hour. "I don't think I'll be here long, so it's probably best just to browse." He looked over at the other hosts - the Hitachiin twins entertaining a group of girls with their cunning use of poses... Ootori in his usual place, selling photo albums like hotcakes... Haninozuka with his never-ending supply of sweet treats, and Morinozuka standing faithfully beside him. Mori was still as stoic as ever, and that made an amused smile pop up on Kasanoda's face. It was surprising to see how things had changed around him. After all, it had only been a month or two since he had begged Mori for help in obtaining friends before. And now, seemingly the whole school greeted him every morning, and talked to him like he had come from a normal rich family, instead of a bunch of greedy thugs. After he had surveyed the whole room, and waved to a bunch of girls who had waved at him, he turned to Suoh again. "Though I might stick around here for a little while longer, I guess." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing if he'd phrased that correctly. He did just want to hang around Haruhi and Tamaki for a little longer, before they were forced to continue with their duties.

Haruhi tapped his arm, and he turned to her just as she asked him the question. His cheeks turned nearly the same color of his hair, and his eyes went wide. Had she really asked that?! Just as he was about to respond, she rephrased her question. Phew, good. Though that didn't help his face much; he was still blushing so hard he might bruise his cheeks. "I... would love to, but I don't know if it would be such a good idea..." His blasted father keeping him away from friends again, but this time for different reasons. He knew he had to be home; otherwise the gang would resort to complete chaos in their desperation to find him, for fear he had been kidnapped by a rival gang, or even worse, killed. And yet... the thought of going out with Haruhi, even with a group, desperately plagued him. It seemed that whenever he was able to be with his friends, he had to go somewhere else or do something else, but when he was free, they were all busy. It must be the Fates cursing him. Surely that was the only explanation. "I want to go."
- Officer in the KU Anime Club
- Beginning Cosplayer
- 100% Special

I am Ritsu Kasanoda in the Ouran High School Host Club Roleplay!

"Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like 'NO WAY!' and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great." ~G.L.a.D.O.S.
Dec 24, 2009 1:09 AM
Jul 2009
Great! Haruhi was really happy that kasanoda accepted her invitation!!
"What about the other hosts? Are they coming too?" She wondered while trying not to blush from the excitement she was feeling!

And with these thoughts, she looked at Tamaki who was ready to give her his answer.
What will the answer be? As that thought was flowing through her head, she felt her heart beat rising and her blood rushing to her head, painting her cheeks red.
Jan 13, 2010 3:12 PM

Nov 2009
Tsuki was walking through the halls of Ouran Academy. She was a new student there and was walking to her next class. Then she heard to girls talking.
Girl1: "Hey are you going to the Host club?"
Girl2: "Of course. You?"
Girl1: "Duh."
Tsuki walks over to them and asks.
"Um, what's the Host club?"
Girl1: "You don't what the Host club is! Wow!"
Girl2: "You're new here, aren't you"
Tsuki nodded. The two girls looked at each other.
Girl1 and Girl2: "Come with us."
And they took her up to the third music room.....

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Jan 21, 2010 11:39 AM

Dec 2009
Ritsu looked up with the door opened again, signaling a late arrival. It was three girls, and while he recognized the faces of the two girls on either side, the middle girl was completely foreign to him. Was she a new student? What class was she in? Where was she from? His curiosity piqued, he looked her over - she seemed very short, compared to him, and wore glasses. She also had golden brown hair and looked awfully confused as to where she was. He pitied the poor girl, so he leaned in towards Tamaki and whispered, "There's a new girl at the door. At least I think she's new." He didn't know how the Host Club handled these sorts of situations, or even how Tamaki would respond to the new girl.

((Please keep your posts in story format, not script format. So instead of Girl 1: "Blahblah.", please say The first girl said "Blahblah." Thank you very much. ^^))
- Officer in the KU Anime Club
- Beginning Cosplayer
- 100% Special

I am Ritsu Kasanoda in the Ouran High School Host Club Roleplay!

"Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like 'NO WAY!' and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great." ~G.L.a.D.O.S.
Jan 22, 2010 8:04 AM

Nov 2009
-The devotion of the delicate heart toward Ritsu, it was his face and that voice that persuade him to stay to leave. "Listen up!" Tamaki said, his voice rising like that of a king. Halting almost any intense motivation within the large club room. Where everyone froze and gazed upon the king with a stunned and confused expression. Clearly this made the king back to the time where he and Haruhi first encountered and everyone was just getting to know who she was... as a host. Tamaki smiled slyly and turned his body toward the direction of his comrades and family members whom he leaned he couldn’t live without. Blonde locks swayed to the side of are forward while eyes pieced solids. He’d gaze directly at the red head ready to encounter his plan to the whole world and try to get a chance to seek the new girls entering the room. However before he could actually contain his focus on the ladies he would continue his words. “This here is basso nova, our new and improved favorite costumer of this year. Treat him as you would a host. “ With that, he patted the young males shoulder and looked toward the individuals. “Ah, a new flower has blossomed” He’d coo his words toward the new comers and the new sight for sore eyes.

Tamaki had this soft expression when he talked toward the females. Leaving Bassonova out in the wide open to all the females who had no trouble with accepting the words The Host King had just privet about him. He then tilt his head and sweet talked the new young first year and welcomed her into the club as he always has. “please enjoy your stay here madame..” his French tounge rolled and he spoke it like a pro. As always, The French had no hesitation in showing where he truly was from. Talking the language and engorging in detailed in how lovely everything was. Who would of known.-
Jan 22, 2010 11:07 AM

Nov 2009
As they approached the music room Tsuki looked inside the door and could see seven boys surrounded by girls. She then timidly went into the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. She scanned the room, as she did she thought to herself, "What is this? What am i doing here? Why did they tell me to come here?"
As she thought this the girls where whispering to each other, and the seven boys were still looking at her, and she was looking at them but when her eyes met with the one with black hair and glasses she quickly looked away. But in that instant she felt like she was like him in a lot of ways. The one in the center with blonde hair came over and motioned for her to have a seat.
But as she did she was looking at the one in the glasses. he was talking to some of the others but she could not hear him. Then they walked over to her and asked her what her name was. She said, "I'm Tsuki Shinwa." and she was still looking at the boy with glasses and he was looking at her, smiling, and she noticed she was smiling too.
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