Oct 13, 2014 10:39 AM
The Dark Veil My parents feel that my social anxiety is a product of the way I was raised and by the people that are around me. So, I recently have been seeing a psychologist to “rid me of my social anxieties,” which I understand that to them I have social anxiety even though I know that is far from the case. So Mr. James Orandaz, the psychologist, has suggested that once a week, every week, I am to write down what I am feeling and any events that have happened that feel important in any way, unless said events happen in a row then I am free to write as much as I feel needed to relay the issue. So I will begin on the journey that is my life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 10 It seemed as if my thoughts were only capable for me to hear, from past arguments to future memories to come, I thought alone. While the kids from time to time would walk past me over to their friends desks to talk about the days fleeting happenings, whether big or small. But I was alone. I don't have the slightest clue when the first time that I started to feel this way but it fits how I live my life, socially and personally. There are only two things that I truly care for and they are my books and my drawings. I read whatever I can bring into my immediate focus to distract myself from the dark, unnerving outside world that encapsulate and confuses my very being. The main part of why I write so bitterly, as you might view this as, is because I cannot distinguish people apart from one another, so I do not attempt to try. It’s more of a disease that I have had to live with since I was young, so I don’t try to make any unnecessary connection with anyone or anything. Even the parents who have loved me unconditionally since the day I was born have been cast away into this veil of darkness that haunts me. The only way to tell anyone apart is by voice and mental integrity. I mostly sit on forums that discuss ancient artifacts and modern art, the place where I don’t have to see a face to tell the people apart, only a creative name and an online status symbol. In essence, I am not alone but the emptiness and loneliness still stands. How can I care or feel if I can’t tell who the person I've grown to care for from anyone else? What decides a person’s experiences but what the person himself is hindered by? Am I a puppet that the gods have decided to change one aspect of as to separate me for the masses as sort of a punishment from my ancestors? I don’t believe so, but that I feel, might be the reason. So in that aspect, I feel sorry for myself, which I know I shouldn't. But that is the hand in which I am dealt. |
BluwulooOct 25, 2014 4:44 AM
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Oct 15, 2014 12:40 PM
October 17 The last person I connected with was my friend Nathan; he was a normal looking guy; yellow hair, blue eyes, average height, the like, with normal wants and desires. Have them being the newest video game or the newest sports drink that everyone is making a big deal over. I see no need for these carnal desires but of what I want I can attain in a five minute walk to the art store down the street from my little corner street condo. I never judged Nathan for what he desired mainly because he was the only one that I was able to tell apart due to getting used to his mannerisms and speech patterns. The way he greeted me with semi-painful slap on the back and a “Heyo Denny” made it always easy to recognize that it was him speaking these random words and sentences. I always sat away in the middle of the classroom reading my many books, and Nate would randomly try to talk to me, which I would always ignore him. Until one day walking up the east stair case to the roof during our lunch break, where we can go anywhere as long as it’s still on campus, I tripped. The way that I had fallen, I would have definitely severed my spinal cord from the aftershock of the drop. But about ten feet from impact luckily someone was there, someone not that much bigger than me broke my fall. I fell unconscious. When I started to regain consciousness it was as if I had woken up from a coma that lasted many months. I slowly opened my left eye, upon seeing the bright white light bouncing off the tiled ceiling and stark white walls, I slammed it shut, I didn’t even go for a second attempt. All I heard was some voice next to me beckoning me to wake up as if I already didn’t wish too but these damn lights are not helping that fact. “Ar… you… Den….y?” It followed in a non-determined pattern of broken letters and sincere sounds of panicked noises and moving of what I would guess to be small tables or desks. Am I in the clinic? I thought I was walking to the roof. “Wake… p… Den?” The words became more comprehensible but still jumbled. “Yo.. shoul… go… back t.. class N..te. It wo..ldnt do an.. good miss class. He’ll be f..ine here.” A female voice was saying in a calmed and hushed voice to someone really close to where I am. “No, it was my fault he’s unconscious, he always seemed to want to be alone so I tried talking to him. He seemed to be accepting but annoyed deep down, so he must of went there to get away from me. I’m staying, I want to at least apologies in my own words.” He said as if he was actually talking to me instead of the lady. I knew exactly who it is; it’s obvious that it’s Nathan. I never actually found him a bother; I just never talk to anyone, so my interaction skills with people are a bit on the loose side. I never want to lose anyone so I decided not to respond to his attempts at talking. Now, I understand what he actually felt. Without thinking I responded, I didn’t know if my emotions took over or if I was still drowsy from waking up but I spoke without opening my eyes. “I don’t find you annoying, or bothersome, or anything of the sort. I don’t like to talk because talking brings pain for me, and I don’t want to say something and lose someone just because of whatever defect I have that stops me from being able to keep people close to me. I do consider you a friend and I look forward to our conversations, even if it doesn’t seem like I do. Also I don’t blame you for what happened; it’s just a small bump on the head and some light scratches. Go on to class, I’ll be back tomorrow, and I will try to respond next time, okay?” I said all this with the feeling that I might have just made a mistake for my sake not his, but he left with seeing a loose smile on my face, and with that he said his goodbye with the message of “I’ll be on the roof at lunch tomorrow, climb carefully,” and gave a concerned look as he left the room. |
BluwulooOct 25, 2014 4:55 AM
Oct 16, 2014 9:52 AM
October 18 As I had told Nathan yesterday, I was here, a little light headed but present and well enough to stay focused besides the resulting concussion that took a while to take affect that day. I sat in my usual seat, read my books while listening to the teacher with an attentive ear and a false conviction due to me already knowing the subject. Functions and English, I’m already ahead in both subjects after many hours of studying three hours a night every night for the past two years. It took awhile for me to grasp the English language, me being from Austria, it took a bit longer than people told me it would. But now I can speak as fluently as a native speaker, withholding judgment and different people opinions. The main reason that I feel that I am speaking English well enough is that now no one corrects me or goes out of their way to correct my speech. I know that some words I use when writing or speaking could be construed as extravagant or unnecessary in the way in terms where the word could be shorter, it just comes easier to me. I am sure some can agree and some can also not agree. Moving on, I was sitting in class reading a book I had recently bought from the aforementioned art store down the road while internally counting down the seconds until the bell rings. I can eat my lunch, and make an attempt to talk to Nathan. The clock above the empty preface of a white board in the front of the room seemed as if it didn’t even tick, as if the whole portion of space time lording over the classroom has seized to move. I felt almost on the brink of disappearing from how much I tried to force myself to make time move in my mind. Then as if luck was on my side, the loud sound that signifies that our break time has started had begun to ring and I was able to make the attempt to climb the stairs that led to the roof. I walked down the east end hall, which was eerily empty even though everyone is allowed to roam at their leisure, on my way to the east staircase. As I was climbing the stairs, I don’t believe I have ever clutched anything as tightly as I had that cold railing. My knuckles were stark white and had a burning sensation as I reached for the door handle that led to the roof. My immediate vision was blurred almost completely as the afternoon sun had begun to slowly make its way along its usual route. As I slowly started to gain my sight back, what I saw next was not a greeting from one friend to another, but a mistake that I had stumbled upon. It might have been the last time that I could have been able to rationalize anything as a mistake. |
BluwulooOct 25, 2014 4:59 AM
Oct 20, 2014 10:26 AM
October 19 My knees started to feel weak as the expanse of stone and metal before me that had once was brought a calm relaxing reading space for me and me alone was now one that brought horror and sadness. As I regained my focus I immediately recognized a single person, Nathan. I don’t really know how I knew it was him, but maybe on the atmosphere around me had made me be able to register it as him, I still don’t understand this ailment I contain completely. Nathan wasn’t sitting there patiently waiting for me to get here, no, he was standing near the edge of the broken piece of fence that the school should have replaced years ago. Broken, rusted and ripped as it was, it could be bypassed fairly easy with little to no effort. I then made the attempt to lift my leg up and lazily push forward, but they would not respond to my forced attempts, as if they were not my own but someone that is inside forcing me to stay still. I tried my best to yell out in concern and curiosity, repeating “Nathan, what are you doing? Were supposed to talk remember, even if it’s small, anything.” I then started to sound hysterical at this point; Nathan wouldn’t even look my way. “We were going to eat lunch and get to know each other better, get away from there, it’s not safe.” All my efforts seemed in vain. He still faced the edge of the building, teetering on the loose rubble that seemed to not fall, which is good for me, I still have time. The rubble started to become loose as he rocked back and forth with his left heel trying to jar the cement little by little every second. My legs slowly started to return control to me as I inched ever so slowly toward where Nathan was standing but not too much to spook him and force his hand. There was one thing that pounded in my head, one simple question, “Why is he doing this? Why is he doing this?” “Nate, please tell me why you are standing there? Please give me a response, something. A whisper or even a click of the tongue would suffice for giving me a reason to keep calling out besides just to save a friend. I need a response.” I was roughly three-fourth the way to the ledge, but I felt I didn’t quite try hard enough. The next two seconds gave me this impression. The single event that I knew was a possibility but was the worst possible route that I never would have wanted to happen. Sadly, I got the response I was looking, a quite loud one, but it wasn’t one I wanted to hear. “You will cause the end,” that was the last thing he said as he gave one last push with his heel against the cement as it gave way. The most unnerving thing about the situation before me was that he was staring directly at me and muttering the last two words of his recent statement, “the end.” My mind rushed, mainly my thoughts, and all I could do was fall to the ground and feign ignorance. I didn’t want to be here, I didn’t wish for this to happen, I should have just stayed home. |
BluwulooOct 25, 2014 5:02 AM
Oct 22, 2014 12:05 PM
October 22 The news reporters kept on repeating the same lines over and over like a CD with significant scratches on its shiny underside. They kept repeating, “Horror at Ciat Central High School,” and “Nate Matthews, Student at Ciat Central High School found dead after jumping from the top of the roof….” All of the other reports just rang in my head as I planted my body face down on my pillow top mattress, my face pressed deeply into my pillows surface. Inside my head, I was screaming so loud as if to block out what my voice of reason had to say. Every single reporter in town was asking me about the situation and wanted to know the true reason why he did it. But why would I know? Why ask a kid who didnt know anything about him besides his name and how he greeted. I couldn’t even interpret the situation myself let alone tell them about it, so I decided to hold back my anger and willed myself not to lash out. I walked back and forth from school taking back roads and short cuts that one of the kids in my class had informed me about. Thanks Gene. Everything didn’t make sense, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t even begin to understand why he would say that “I will cause the end,” with such malice and frustration on his face and in his heart. But why call me up to the roof to tell me this? I felt after roughly three days I should check the roof again to look for a single shred of this insanity that he could have left for me. So after most of the students left for the day with all their friends, I quietly made my way towards that dreaded stairwell. Luckily I just followed the same pattern in which I easily passed it the day before. My knuckles didn’t tighten almost at all, not from the lack of nerves but from the draining of my confidence as I made my way up that darkened, concrete stairway. I actually made my way relatively quickly up the stairway as if I had never had a problem with them, I started feeling better. Now ahead of me, the dreaded door to the roof. I quickly took a single deep breath as to attempt to calm my nerves. I plunged shoulder first into the now tinted mixture of orange and red afternoon sky, the sun was discretely saying it good night to this part of the world. As my eyes started to adjust again, I swear I started to see something in the corner of my left eye. Relatively close actually, as if it was coming in for a sneak attack. Instinctively I jumped back and turned towards the fleeting image. Nothing was there. Was it just my imagination? I proceeded to call out as if hoping for a response, “Is anyone there? If you are, don’t mess with me, I am not in the best mood today. Just come on out.” I realized almost instantly that what I said was a typical saying of a main character in most of my action/supernatural stories. I chuckled to myself at how stupid my thoughts could be when my whole being is in a serious situation. I started to see the entity coming from my left. The being started to come into focus. It seemed to be about six foot maybe, give or take an inch, and was taking the same color as the sky to attempt to camouflage itself. It didn’t try that hard to reach me because I decided it was my turn to strike. I clenched my right fist tighter than I thought I ever could to prepare myself. I lowered my right shoulder and tensed my forearm as I proceeded to pick my shoulder back up and swing my fist as if to get the highest score on the BOXer arcade game that I used to love to play as a kid. My fist definitely connected, but it didn’t feel as if it hit anything that even resembled a face, chest, or anything. There was almost no impact, my fist just stopped as if a wall of air had halted the motion. I was in shock at how this “thing” stopped my attack almost effortlessly. The fact that he had stopped me as if I hadn’t even tried sent chills down my spine. His hand, if I could call it that, draped over my fist. I slowly looked up, as if in a trance, and all I saw was this WWII type gas mask that seemed as if it hadn’t been in use since then, cracked between the two jet black eye holes and its main decaying brown color. As soon as I was able to show shock on my face, the enemy started to bear down on my hand. My body started to instinctively drop lower and lower to the now soft concrete even though I felt nothing. The crushing slowly started to affect me, I was pretty sure the entity wouldn’t let go, so I attempted the best action I could with the options I had left. I attempted to blind side him with a quick sweep to his legs just to throw him off balance. Luckily I managed to loosen his grip enough to get away and jump back a few feet. The most disturbing part was that the mask didn’t move his eye holes away from me at any point during that confrontation. I could feel the murderous intent in the air even though the space between us was a good few meters. He started to pick up jogging, almost near sprint in my direction, still keeping a steadfast gaze on my face. I noticed that he had a limp on his right side as he started to move. Did I do that to him or was he already like that? Also how is he moving so quickly with that limp? Albeit being a barely noticeable limp, but he is basically almost running at full speed. I started running at full speed towards the bench on the west side of the rooftop to get something, anything to protect myself with. I was almost half way there when my ears picked up on something that could be noticed as heavy clanking and choking-like sounds coming from behind me. I heard the clanking, almost scraping, getting closer and closer, and if by some miracle instinct, I ducked. I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I am not going to question it. He caught up to me quicker than I had thought, and swung what seemed to look like a steel pipe. Not the one from the school, it looked almost brand new. Was he carrying that the whole time? It didn’t really matter; I really needed to get something to protect myself from the next attack. I started sprinting in the direction of the accident from the other day, the emotions didn’t matter, and it became even more of a fight-or-flight situation. I was right next to the opening in the rusted fence when I heard the heavy choking right behind me again. All I felt next was a clank and my head went numb as my body fell against the gate. I put my hand on the spot of impact and all I saw on my hand was a brown-like liquid, it was most likely blood but my vision was growing weaker as the seconds pass. The thing was standing right over me waiting for me to fall, and against my best wishes I did. I felt my right arm lie up against the cold, now solid, cement as I rocked back and forth between brightness and darkness. I frantically attempted to grab the nearest object to throw at it so I could crawl away. I managed to feel something familiar, I didn’t care what it was, with a good amount of force that was left in my arm, I threw it. The good part is that the object managed to be a piece of cement and managed to stagger him for a good thirty seconds or so. The bad part is that it was only thirty seconds of escape time, which at the pace I was going wasn’t enough to run. I tried my best to move closer to the edge of the building to yell out for help, even though I knew that everyone was gone, I tried. “SOMEONE…. ANYONE… I NEED HELP….” My voice was coarse and seemed as if it didn’t even make it past the second floor, ten seconds wasted. I grabbed the nearest piece of concrete before attempting to pull myself up as it drew closer. I managed to get one foot flat on the ground and the other resting on the fence as I took a defensive stance. He stopped as if amused, standing perfectly still as a statue. “He is mocking me.” I said under my breath. As my blood boiled, I quickly felt the adrenaline course through my veins as I went on the offensive, sprinting in his direction. “Don’t you dare mock me!” I yelled as I cocked my arm back, concrete in hand, ready to bash its head in. I ran, foot after foot, angered yell after angered yell, full speed at the masked figure. I did lose my balance a little but it didn’t matter at this point. As our distances grew shorter my thoughts grew more calculating. Where should I hit first? Will he counter? It didn’t matter though, I only saw red. At the moment I had reached him, I threw all my weight into my arm and drove the cement piece directly into the right side of his neck. I felt victorious until I saw the entity before me. He didn’t even move an inch and was still staring at me, deadlocked on my angered expression. I stepped back slowly with my expression now resembling one of helplessness. “Why won’t you go down?! Why are you still here?” I wanted to say to him but the words weren’t coming out. I felt all over my body to make sure he didn’t retaliate. My heart stopped, my mind went blank, my hands stopped. I felt the handle of some small object protruding from my stomach. I lifted my hand six inches in front of my face only to see blood slowly making its way down every part of my palm and wrist. It was mine, and only mine. I started to grow faint and my breathing started to become labored. I only saw the entity before me stare as I dropped to the ground gasping for air. Right before Deaths hand started to reach for me, a voice that sounded oddly female in essence but male in tone called out, “You are mine now.” |
BluwulooOct 25, 2014 5:14 AM
Oct 24, 2014 12:38 PM
October 24 My eyes shot open as I heaved myself forward gasping for air, any and all of it. My mind immediately drove up a red flag as I tried to understand why I was still alive, if I truly am. The first thing that hit me was the stench of melted iron and crushed glass lingered in the room; it was not a pleasant smell. One by one I heard screams, sounds of blades and tearing echoing from the next room. My vision was blocked by some sort of mask locked onto my face, which I didn’t notice at first. All of that wasn’t on the forefront of my thoughts however. I sat still as I felt around my abdomen for the scar or something that would help this situation make any sort of sense. I felt nothing but my normal skin, no blemishes and no change in texture. That didn’t help how I was feeling and actually made this situation even more jarring. I don’t understand why my wound seems to disappear or, more importantly, why I was even breathing right now. Also, if I was supposedly taken hostage in some way, why are my hands free? So many things that I don’t understand keep popping up, when will it stop? The voices from the next room started to stop at the same time as my racing thoughts have. I tried my best to listen to the faintest sound that could help me regain my composure. Sadly, only the dripping of a broken faucet gave response. Then as if by chance I started to hear a rustling sound coming from the corner of the room. Not from the torture chamber, but mine! My mind started to race again as the rustling stopped and the clicking of shoes started heading in my direction. Click, Click, Click. The sound grew closer, quicker, and deeper. My heart started to synchronize with the clicking that was heading my way. I quickly pushed myself to my feet and made the attempt to run in the opposite way, but it was a wasted effort. I managed to run shoulder first into a wall that was about ten feet away. I attempted to run along the wall to find some method of escape. Luckily, I managed to find a door on the right most wall, but it was locked and chained shut. I quickly tried to push my shoulder against the door to jar the chain loose and maybe even crack the lock. My attempt to ram my shoulder against the door, halfway through my attempt the person behind me yelled in a sharp tone, which in turn drew my attention and stopped me. “If you move again, you’ll get stabbed again,” The person said with a confidence of a war time soldier. I stopped immediately due to the last word they had said and that they had the same voice as before. “Again.” The word wavered in my head as a statement, question, and an order. I wanted to yell back, but I didn’t try to risk it, so I raised my hands over my head and dropped to my knees, but I did not bow down. I am not that sorry for my situation. “I’m listening, see. Can you please take of the mask so I can see the face of who I am talking to?” “You would like me to do that, huh? What reason do I have to do so?” She sounded a little too serious in her words that it made her sound kind of nervous. It didn’t really matter though; all my voice spewed was anger as if I was the king yelling at my subjects. “Why do you think? I have no clue where I am. Why I’m even still alive. Also, I don’t know why the fuck I am masked and I also have no want to attack you. It’s mainly because I am in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar position with an unknown woman telling me she’d cut me if I resisted. I won’t try anything stupid; I want to live so it wouldn’t be smart to charge you, as much as I truly want to.” I said with a dead lock gaze in her direction, almost in a state of depression, I said, “I have to cooperate, so,” All of my mind and soul resisted as my mouth tried to utter the next word, “Pl……. Please unlock the mask.” I heard her stumble back a bit, unprepared for my pleading. “W…w… well, ok… okay then. As long as you cooperate and don’t do anything funny, everything will go just fine.” She walked closer as she pulled out the key from god knows where to unlock the mask. My eyes started to burn even before she started to remove it, as if they were anticipating it. The room was actually dimly lit, almost barely at all, as if by a bulb nearing the end of its life span. It fits in well with the already dreary and creepy environment, so my eyes didn’t burn as much as I thought they would. The first thing I focused on way the walls around the room, but slowly after I looked back at the woman in front of me. She was still awfully close, almost way too close. So close in fact the iron stench of the room started to drift away, being replaced by a sweet scent with a mixture of sweat. I normally don't notice these things easily but it was unavoidable. As I proceeded to look towards her, I noticed that I was able to see her face. She is the first person ever that I am able to recognize, I don’t quite understand but I decided to bask in this moment. In amazement, I decided to study her features. She had a pretty cute face compared to how she acts, some would say beautiful; too bad she had to be my enemy. Her waist length hair was drooping ever so slightly over her right shoulder, tied at the end. It was a pleasant mixture of quicksilver and midday sun yellow, almost a evening gold; it made her look innocent and pure. Her eyes were two different colors, one blood red and the other emerald green, they both were aimed at me with a questioned gaze, wondering why I was looking for long. She stood up quickly and stepped back a few feet in a panic, “you were thinking weird thoughts, weren’t you?” She turned her back away slightly as if she thought I was fondling her with my eyes. She is easily flustered despite her outward appearance and the tough front she puts on. she is still a girl, so I decided to tease her a little bit. “What if I said yes? Would it change much?” I chuckled, “I’m joking, I’m joking. You are easy to jump to conclusions aren’t you? I was just surprised because you’re the first person that I actually was able to see the face of, and wow I got a good one. You’re cute, you know that.” In a normal situation, I wouldn’t normally talk like this, and I should be angrier being in the same room as her. But surprisingly I am calmer than I ever have been; it’s a truly weird feeling. Her face turned redder than a spring ripened tomato, I got her. With her hands covering her face, she said, “W….w….why w… would you s… say that? I accept the compliment but I thought we were enemies, why compliment the enemy?” She returned her small hands to chest height, and a curious expression put on, her face back to its shining white luster. “Wait, what do you mean first person to be able to see the face of?” I noticed now that I stepped into a rat hole, not a big one, but a decent size enough that some wouldn’t want to endure it. I didn’t want to share my weakness to the enemy, but this may help me get her on my side later on. Wow, I just noticed how easily I forgave her, but I truly didn’t, its somewhere in my mind, back there but there. “Hmm… this won’t be easy for me. Give me a minute to word it. Well ever since childhood, I have been cursed with a fate from my ancestors,” she had the look on her face as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself. I wanted to question it, but I restrained myself to keep the momentum going. I continued, “It’s a curse that makes it that I can’t see anyone faces, no eyes, no hair, no anything, just a veil of darkness over anyone, even my parents. I’ve gotten used to the repetitive asking of people if I remember them or not, and I always have to answer back with a no, or a sorry. That in itself is very demeaning because everyone thinks it’s a memory problem, which is not the case. Again and again, I have proven that my memory is at level in which I can remember more than most young adults, but they still suggest that I have a disorder.” I looked only towards the ground, my face becoming more and more sullen as I went on. “So, to stop people from asking stupid questions and suggesting different treatments, I shut myself away in my own little world full of adventure books and historical art. I actually enjoy it more than conversation, so in the end it worked out well in the long run. I have only connected with one person, mainly from him not leaving me alone. You have probably seen him on the news, Nate Matthews.” I quickly looked up to see that it was lost on her. I didn’t ask because honestly I didn’t want to hear the answer. I continued on as if I didn't say anything. “Since I can’t see anyone’s faces, I couldn't read any situation correctly, so everyone decides to leave me alone. The way that I have to live because of my ancestor’s curse is a relatively lonely way of living but at least I am content. That’s all that really matters in life, right?” I looked up at her with a loose smile and small tears in the corners of my eyes. They didn’t fall, just stood there waiting. |
BluwulooOct 25, 2014 5:28 AM
Oct 25, 2014 4:34 AM
October 25 She immediately went silent, almost painfully so. I didn’t want to make her feel sad or feel pity towards me but just thinking of my life in full brings it into a painful perspective. I was alone for most my life, I get that and no one can change that fact. Should I feel bad for myself knowing that? No. I had my books and people online that actually cared for what I said, or at least acted like they did. I didn’t just stay home and read though; I felt like that would be a waste of the time that I had been given. I would put myself through hell before I could even start to think of entertaining myself with books and art. What else could I do besides making myself the most presentable that I possibly could so people would see me even more of a non standout character. I wouldn’t be picked on, called names, called fat or stick, called unwanted, so I made myself a well oiled machine. I ran six miles every day, did over three hundred pushups every day, and did over two hundred squats three times a day. It wasn’t easy but it made sure that I didn’t have to sit through talks of resentment or random encounters. Yes, I was the one making myself alone, but what could I do but try not to stand out? I’m going to stop there before my mind becomes flush with angry thoughts. I tried to stop thinking when all of a sudden I heard a gentle but angry voice yelling out to me, “hey, you. Are you okay?” It wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t react, “Are you okay, whatever your name is. Wake up.” Just like that I felt a tinge of pain on the right side of my face, and my head flung sharply to the left. “Oww, what did you do that for? You know hitting isn’t a nice thing to do young lady.” She was not entertained by my joking, though I didn’t really expect her to. “What were you staring at my face for? You’ve been doing it for a straight minute, same expression and everything. It started to get creepy and you weren’t budging, so slapping you was the next viable option.” She said with a certain kind of pouting look on her face as she leaned backwards a bit looking as if to get ready to pull some cute little tantrum. “Do you like causing more pain than needed? I was in thought about some personal issues and then I get a smacking from a girl who has a low sense of tact. I spilled my guts to a person who I don’t even know the name of, so it jarred some memories loose. Did you feel any sort of a humanly emotion in my life revealing story?” I had a blank expression on my face with my voice also monotone, but on the surface I was actually happy to get some rise out of her even if it hurt a bit. “Well, I had some kind of emotion, not pity or any of the happy ones. I kind of understood the loneliness, in my line of work one has to be alone to get anything done. I also have one question though. What did your ancestors do to have this curse thing put on you? Like I’ve had to go after people with curses but none of them were ever as bad as a recognition deficiency. Mostly lowball ‘sleep walking and mental disorder’ type of missions.” She said as if not a care in the world, especially not for the feel of what the conversation should sound like. “I have no clue about what my ancestors did I was just given the short side of the proverbial stick, I thought you knew why? Being that you were the one that stabbed me because of it. Ring a bell, Mrs. Loose Cannon?” She decided it would be best to sit down rather than leaning on the bar she randomly had on her, I still don’t know when she grabbed it though. Maybe when I was zoning out, anyway she replied with a sense of confusion. “Oh I have no clue, I just followed orders. I was just doing my job like normal, and they don’t normally say why, they just say do. So like a good employee, I did what they asked and it just happened to be you, nothing more nothing less. Why I saved you was more of a reason of ‘is this guy worth it or not?’ It was more or less down to two factors.” She stopped there; I’m guessing because she was looking for the empathetic “why?” that everyone wanted to hear. So I decided the best way to make her continue would be to participate in her little game. “Why did you choose to save my life?” I leaned my elbows on my crossed knees as I cocked her a smile. She then gave her response with the same expression as before. “Number one, I wanted to see if someone could survive well in a spur of the moment encounter with me, you put up one hell of a fight until the last second, no one has ever done that yet so it surprised me. Number two, you are kind of… handsome.” She kind of blushed a bit when saying handsome. I didn’t know if she was getting me back for when I called her cute earlier or if she was being serious, either way I blushed the same way she did back then. I quickly put my head down to hide my expression, I said to myself sternly, “men don’t get nervous, men don’t get nervous but god damn that was beautiful.” She looked kind of confused, “Did I say something weird? Why are you looking down? Are you okay, you look kind of feint?” I took in a deep breath and then let it out slowly, and then without even thinking, I replied, “I.. I’m… I’m fine just a thrown a little of guard, that’s the first time a girl has called me handsome, so I never knew how it would make me feel. Okay, I’ve calmed down, don’t blindside me like that, okay? I bet it hit you lightly when I called you cute earlier, so that’s why you gave the compliment back so easily, right?” Now she’s the one that was a little blindsided. “Whaaaaaaat? I… umm… don’t umm… I...” She couldn’t quite get the words out, and I could see that she was getting really embarrassed. She then proceeded to say something way too quiet for me to be able to hear, but the way that her face turned red as she said it, she must’ve said something around the words “it didn’t.” I still can’t stop myself from thinking that she is just too cute when she is flustered. Stop thinking like that brain, she’s deadly, deadly is not cute, its evil, but right now she isn’t the enemy. Anyways, we have to start thinking of what to do. So I had to talk to her about something, “Oh I need to ask a few questions before we even start to think of doing anything, which we should’ve actually been thinking of this whole time. What is your name or is there something that I could call you by? Why is my wound healed or just plain gone? And where exactly are we? Sorry for the rapid spitfire of questions but I need to know.” “Okay, I’ll answer your question with a question, what would you want my name to be? I technically don’t have a name; I go by whatever anyone wants to call me. Altia, Sandra, Wench, name it and I’ve probably have been called it. Your wound is still a mystery for me, I have no clue. I was led to believe that you did it yourself because I am the only one that is allowed in this room. So you were alone in this room for two whole days while you were unconscious. And Number three, I’ll keep it short, The Underworld.” “Let me get this straight. You don’t have a name, I healed myself, and, worst of all, ‘The Underworld’? What is this Dante’s Inferno? What do you take me for, an idiot?” I quickly stood up staring down at her, a tinge of anger planted on my face. What didn’t help was that she answered so nonchalantly as if it would faze right through me. “No, I don’t think of you as an idiot, I understand your shock. Let’s just call me Kyoko, sound good, then agreed.” She gave a little smile, and then proceeded with her blank expression. “As for the other two, this is The Underworld not Hell; Hell is technically another name for this place. Since The Underworld is set up differently than the supposed Hell, that book has no jurisdiction here. Since this is hell, then this is where anyone who has died ends up. Since you’re in this room, in The Underworld, then does that answer your question and more?” The words repeated in my head, “Does that answer your question and more?” That means that I must be… dead? How is that possible? I am breathing right? I’m walking, talking, and have no exit wound. I kind of anticipated this answer since I did pass out after being stabbed but thinking that it doesn’t make it any less real. My mind started to slowly go blank as my eyes started to stare, as if they went completely blank at the thought that my reality as it was is now gone, shattered in an instant. It was made in seventeen years and smashed in an instant like a pane of glass crashed through by a sledgehammer. I couldn’t rationalize it properly so I sat there, it could’ve been a minute or an hour but I doubt it, Kyoko wouldn’t let me stay like this for long. Just as that thought left the fleeting image of my mind, I suddenly felt something warm wrap around me. It was Kyoko, she must have understood the brunt of her words, and felt my pain. I didn’t mind as we both sat there for a while as I attempted to pick up the shattered pieces of my once stable reality. |
Oct 25, 2014 1:31 PM
October 25.5 Kyoko’s POV Umm.. Hello, I am Kyoko. Wait, is anyone actually going to be reading this diary thing? Well it doesn’t matter, moving on. Hello, as I’ve stated before that I’m Kyoko, It’s actually Kyo Koura Azuraine, but people call me Kyoko. So I stole the guys journal, diary, whatchamacallit, and decided to read through it. I have now learned that his name is Dennzyte (Weird right), or Denny (Better), that’s a new name to me and probably you too. Well, from reading through the first couple days, it seems he didn’t have a good time growing up, me neither so it seems that is one thing we have in common besides the attitude. I’ve been in The Underworld since I was born so I haven’t seen many humans, especially there were none of them that were like him, most just yell at me, tell me that I am a monster, and give in. I think that’s kind of rude, I am a lady after all; I take care of how I look even though I wear a mask, tough armor, and a cloak. I still care about how I look. If you have gotten this far into my writing then congratulations, I am very happy for you, : ). I bet you didn’t believe Id draw that smiley face, did you? Well since you are here I am not going to just write random stuff in his diary just because I can. I feel like filling you in about why I came after Mr. Macho here. I’ll give you a background on me first, so you can relate, or not, with me. I don’t talk very much unless I need to extract something or the person is generally above average in conversational skills. Luckily Denny is, despite being alone most of the time he can hold a conversation quite well. Anyways on to me, I was born in a little town called Xerces, the city of lost souls. Depressing name, right? Sadly, it is basically the capital of the whole Underworld. Why do I live there you ask, well good question. I am forced to. I have no say in where I live, actually no one does, and it’s all “predetermined” by the Efferets Coucil, which is basically the government of all countries. It is full of greedy assholes that chase woman and drink all day. They are all pigs. Anyway, I am the unluckiest of all; do you want to know why? I am the king’s daughter, a freaking princess. Some may say sentiments such as “Lucky you, you can buy whatever you want and never struggle. I don’t like that I am pampered, but I am. Since I was born into that family, I was always fed lies that beauty and grace was everything. “Stand up straight, don’t let anyone see you yawn, act ladylike.” ACT LADYLIKE? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I get up at six every morning to learn piano and cello, and go to bed at midnight after learning table manners and presentation all day. I have always hated it, from the itchy dresses to the overly profound galas, where men only seemed like they wanted to be the next prince-to-be because I was beautiful and also the daughter of the king of everything. I always enjoyed playing with the Vice Duke’s son Alfonse. He was always nice to me, whether he had feelings for me I never knew; I did have feeling for him but never knew how to tell him. Anyway, he would always play as if I was one of his other kid friends that were boys, playing trucks, roughhousing, it was never dull. Until, he moved to Andervell, which truly crushed me. All the rest of the kids that my “loving” dad set me up with were little girls who wanted to play tea party and play with dollies. You know what I did with any dolly that my dad gave me; I told the butler to burn it in the incinerator. As you can tell I dislike anything adorable or fluffy, cute though is a different story, I enjoyed cute. Okay, sorry off topic. So basically I grew up rejecting my parents ideas of what a princess should act like, and actually, I had quite a fan base being a normal person as princess. Well we aren’t technically people; they range from (in order): Mercentry - Half man/Half pig. Just don’t get me started on them Alfertain – Elves. I have friends that are Alfertain, also our guard is Half-Elfertain. They mainly use plant based magic. As for their nature, they are good hearted people, but sadly they are low on social status. Tealwoes - Bear men. They are pretty insidious and plotting creatures, they are meant for strength and building. Owos - Basically Ghosts. We get our camoflauge from these people, technology wise they are pretty advanced. Ushias - My race, we are basically human in shape. Each person has some distinctive ability; some are alike but never the same in degree. The main difference between humans and Ushias is that Ushias have tails normally ranging from feline to reptilian in nature. Thought I should mention that we normally hide it from society unless we are in a relationship, or feel attracted towards someone, little tidbit. So anyway back to the story aspect, I grew up as a princess as much as I could to make my parents stop bothering me. I begged my parents to be a Royal Guard, but they kept on telling me, “No, royal ladies don’t participate in such brute like behavior.” Of course I was furious, so I started to ask Junlos (my Royal Guardian), to train me. So we trained every day whenever my parents were dealing with guests or generally out around the town. I did this for six straight years until I was about the age of twenty, stepping up the latter of every skill I could learn until I was easily able to overpower Junlos. He was more than happy to have been able to teach me his fight techniques. I told my parents that I was going to leave on a mission and since I was an adult (Twenty is considered an adult in Xerces), they couldn’t say no. I packed up all of my necessities (Clothes, money, and a knife), and headed out for the nearest forest, which was about ten miles due south. So I trained as much as I could in the forest for about six months before I deemed myself worthy enough to convince my dad to be put on any type of military. I gained quite a few decent sized scars underneath my clothes, invisible to anyone that saw me in a “normal” type of situation. I bought a suit of armor from this extremely nice and hardworking blacksmith in a nearby town, I don’t know the name of the town, so I can’t write it, sorry. I took about 300 gold coins (Equal to about three thousand silver) from my small bag of change, and I bought a suit of armor named the Dragon Rainer. This armor was beautiful; it was full titanium plated armor with extremely bendable flex joints, Adjustable defense mechanism on telekinetic command (not impervious, just boosts defense to one area), and it can be embedded with the ability that the user has from birth. For me and my magical powers, this thing wouldn’t be seen. It also had a strong camouflage unit for easier hunting or sneak attacks. I have never loved something so much in my life. Besides that I got a gas mask for my face, the armor didn’t have a mask but I didn’t mind, to easily pass any poison trap and a hefty but pliable cloak to hide the armor so it is not too suspicious. So I marched back to the castle after thanking the man for his hard work and wondrous craftsmanship. I walked through the front gate after talking to the guards that were currently on post and went straight to my father’s chamber to beg him to put me on the Royal Guard. He saw the determination and passion in my eyes, and saw my Dragon Rainer armor. He also had a nod from Junlos to that I was an admirable fighter. I waited two days for his decision, and with heavy resistance and consideration, he let me join. I managed a few main missions that included about two to three different guards and a few solos. They were easy with very small payout. Then he gave me my first big mission. He gave me a mission to kill a man who he should’ve killed the entire family of when he was in the Royal Guard. I immediately asked, “Why do you want this kid dead? He doesn’t seem like the type to cause any harm, he looks like he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Dad immediately replied, “Are you questioning authority now after all this time of training?” “No father, if you wish so, it is my command that I will follow.” I started to make my way to the portal to observe my target. Why do I feel so bad for him, I don’t even know the person but I am sympathizing with him. Why do I feel this way? I quickly blocked my emotions and looked at the portal. At this point I saw the boy climbing the stairs slowly towards the roof; I felt this would be the best opportunity to strike. I quickly pressed the button on the side of my right leg that activated the camouflage receiver in my helmet, weird design, but hey it worked so I didn’t really care. I quietly snuck through the portal, and made my way behind the already frightened man standing all alone on the roof. “What a piece of cake this will be,” I told myself in my head. Sadly this guy could feel something was not right and jumped backwards than proceeded to run where I was first standing. Can he see me? Is my camouflage malfunctioning? Then he yelled, ““Is anyone there? If you are, don’t mess with me, I am not in the best mood today. Just come on out.” At that point I started to get anxious. This is just the way I like it, some prey with a feisty side. I decided the best course of action would be to flank from his left. Yeah that will throw him off guard quite nicely. I started running in his general direction preparing to attack with the armor cushioning the blows of my feet on the hard cement; he didn’t seem to hear me. Until, he turned and looked towards where I was running, then directly at me, intently reading me. “What the hell is going on? Does this curse I’ve heard about allow him to see through my disguise or am I imagining things?” I yelled to myself. As I kept on running at him, regardless of if he could see me or not, he began to cock his right arm back and took a shot. I slowly laughed cockily at him; he thought he could punch me, one of the elite royal guards. I grabbed his fist and started to bear down on it like a dog and its ball. He started to crumble under the pressure. What he did next wasn’t what I entirely expected because he decided to sweep me. “Stupid decision,” I thought but sadly I was mistaken as it managed to hit my right leg and shattered my invisibility sensor. He somehow managed to break free of my grip while my legs started to twist. Now I’m pissed. I stared directly in his eyes for most of the battle to strike fear into his heart. He decided to capitalize on releasing his hand and started to run towards the left bench on one side of the rooftop. I followed suit as I picked up the nearest pipe and ran towards him with a small limp that my knee brace quickly compensated for. I started to catch up to him rather quickly. I started to pick up the pipe that I was dragging along my backside to take a swing at him, but sadly he dodged my advance as if by a miracle. At this point my breathing was starting to labor and the mask did not help quieting it down. I quickly caught up with him, who was running towards a whole in the gate on the far side of the building. He’s just asking to be taken out now. I swung the pipe with half of my strength to subdue him and it finally hit. He dropped to the ground after staggering and falling onto the nearby fence. I didn’t see what he was grabbing for, but I prepared for the worst. He threw whatever he could with what seemed like that last bit of his strength and threw it at towards my head. It hit me directly on the top of the gas mask. “Damn it, Damn it, Damn it, I need to regain my balance, it’s not over until one of us dies.” I yelled inside my head once again. The man was clearly yelling something off the edge of the building, but I couldn’t quite make any of it out. He then proceeded to grab yet another chunk of concrete and took a defensive stance after pulling himself up. I finally regained my pseudo-sense of balance but decided not to start moving right away. He then started to get angry which is understandable; this is a fight to the death. “Don’t you dare mock me!” He yelled as he started to cock his arm back, concrete in hand, ready to attempt to turn the tables. I still didn’t feel it was safe to move so I rerouted most of my defense to my upper body (neck, shoulder, and chest.) He then ran full force at me staggering a bit as his steps started getting closer together. He then drove the cement block into the right side of my neck, it hurt quite a bit but the armor helped soften the blow, I still was able to maintain eye contact. My armor tightened around my legs to prevent unnecessary movement so I couldn’t stagger even though I knew I needed to. I was happy that I had enough control over my arms to deliver the final blow, the knife to the abdomen, my famous signature death kill. He started to staggers with blood all over his hand with a look of helplessness as started to bleed out. I regained my normal sense of emotion that is normally shut off during battle. I had the overwhelming need to help him in some shape or form. I can’t bring him back to life but I can transfer his life over to the new world while keeping his body as a human. So I opened the rift and carried him into the room right next to the interrogation chamber, he rested as his body slowly started to heal itself over the course of two days. You know the rest from the other parts. I…. Oh… He’s… He’s waking up after his giant revelation, I need to tear this page out and hide it so he doesn't see it. If you eventually were able to read this, thank you, and See you next time. |
BluwulooOct 27, 2014 12:04 PM
Oct 27, 2014 3:34 PM
October 26 As I started to wake up in a daze from a sleep without a dream, I felt unsatisfied. As if by the ritual I used to do every morning, I naturally started to reach for an alarm that I could swear was going off. “Just stop… Stop it you. Let me sleep… for two more minutes.” I reached for the snooze button but what I felt was not a button; it was a surface that was as smooth as silk and there was no ringing but I woke up all the same. Also, why do I have something soft underneath my head, there weren’t any pillows in this place, at least from what I was able to see once the mask was gone. I clamored my eyes slowly open, and the situation hit me once again. I didn’t want to remember that I was here, but I am. I could no longer consider myself a living being, at least in the normal sense of the term “living.” But I can slowly begin to accept that. My main attention, however, was drawn to the question of “why do I feel so comfortable in a place like this?” Then, as if still dreaming, I heard an angelic voice ask, “Did you sleep well, Denny? Also, why… are you touching my arm?” I looked upwards to see a smiling face looking back at me. Is she smiling because she’s happy or is she just trying to make my awakening more bearable? Either way, it felt pleasant. “Umm… I don’t really think I can call what that was sleep, so... I passed out well. Thank you.” I noticed that I should probably stop touching her arm so we don’t have any misunderstandings, so I quickly did so as to lower the awkwardness in the air. “Sorry about that. But now on to my other question, why does my head feel like its resting on something very soft? We both know that there aren’t any pillows in this creepy place.” She started to look a little flustered, I’m still curious though. “Well…. You see…” the words seemed harder to come out. So, as a curious man would do, I threw out a guess. “I’m going to take a wild guess because I feel that I have a near perfect idea.” I chose the one that seems to happen quite a bit in one of the few manga that I have been keeping up on, so I thought “why not give it a guess?” “Is it your lap?” She stopped immediately and started blushing quite badly now. I sat perplexed at the girl in front of me, I was basically in shock. Then the moment dawned on me as the shock wore off. I quickly jumped away from her lap, my chest started to tighten. “Wait, I was right? Okay… first, umm thank you for letting me sleep there… and two, it didn’t hit me until ten seconds after I guessed, so I am also sorry.” As I sat there I couldn’t really hide the shock and blushing from my face, as if by someone else’s wishes, I couldn’t stop smiling. What’s wrong with me? “Did… I do something weird?” She started to fidget a bit, not too badly but extremely noticeable as redness grew on her face. How can such a girl who seems so military-like act so unbearably cute? “No… No, of course not, I’m… I’m actually very happy. I have never had a girl let me do that, especially not a girl as beautiful as you. It made waking back into this world more peaceful.” I said with a constant smile on my face and slightly avoiding her adorable gaze. She whispers to herself, “He called me beautiful.” She started blushing even more. “Uhh… okay, umm lets… let’s move on then. What should be our next move?” She asked as she started to sit up. Her nervous face and clearly stunning complexion had been burned into my mind. Thank you God, or Devil, or whatever entity I have to pray to now for this. “I think we should gather whatever weapons we can find from this room first. Wait, you’re from here, you should know this place pretty well, right?” I am guessing she is from higher up knowing that she is basically strong enough to stop a Chimera. “Do you live somewhere around here? Or…” Before I could finish my statement she suddenly jumped up, deployed her armor, and reached for her knife. “Kyoko… What’s wrong? Why did you jump up so fast, should I get ready too?” I said sitting almost completely upright now, wide awake. “You know those sounds you heard before? They stopped.” “They stopped? The saws and the screaming that came from the next room? What does that have to do with anything?” I asked with a concerned look and tone of voice. “It shouldn’t stop, it shouldn’t ever stop. It’s not good if it stops. He must be coming. He must know I didn’t complete the mission.” “Mission? He? Kyoko, what’s happening? Like I said before, should I help?” “No, just…” She stopped to give a quick sigh, not in disappointment but in extreme thought before she continued. “Actually yeah, go over to my bag. I might have something that can disguise your scent and look. This can either go very well or go horribly wrong so grab the short sword from the left side pocket.” She yelled orders at me with leader-like conviction. I felt like I wanted to listen not needed to. “Gotcha Captain, I mean, I’ll just go.” I ran as fast as I could towards the medium sized bag in the back corner of the room. I had no time to think of indecencies that I could find in a girls bag as I went straight for the side and the front pocket. Luckily they were both in their respective places and in surprisingly amazing shape. I put on the robe first to make sure it fit; it was kind of tight but it was made specifically for women, so I didn’t complain. I then snuck the sword into my right pocket since I don’t have a holster for any type of weapon currently. Actually, I’m still wearing my street clothes that are stained with my blood under this robe. I'll get new ones once were out of this. The cloak actually sealed my physique well as I stood at the ready next to my current leader. The stomping and I mean earth shattering steps, came closer toward the door that was about five yards in front of us. Kyoko turned to me and whispered, “Whatever you do don’t talk and don’t move, I will cover for you if anything happens, okay?” She started to get into a relaxed but still defensive stance as the footsteps stopped in front of the door. I heard what sounded like loud snarling in a weird pattern on the other side. Is he trying to smell us? Or is he just trying to understand what the noises are from our side? Suddenly everything went silent. It sounded as if the whole world had gone to sleep as quickly as it had started when I had woken up. Is everything fine now? Are we good? I’m not going to stop feeling tense until Kyoko gives me the nod, and even then I’ll still be on guard. It’s a new world, a new life. I should never put my guard down but she makes me feel even a little welcome in this world, at least so far. The harshly worn silence was quickly broken as the beast crashed through the metal twin doors at full speed into our room. He stood there, we were both silent. “Listen Denny, this creature is known as a Mercentry. It cannot see or hear but… here is a big but, he can feel the vibration of any slight movement from anything. He is also almost perfect at distinguishing anything apart from any other object and/or being. So don’t make any unnecessary movements, as long as you aren’t detected through his sense of smell, we will be fine.” The gigantic beast hulking over me as if he was a bear standing on its hind legs looking for prey, but it resembled more of an oversized pig. I didn’t even breathe during that long minute that it took to walk around the room; I couldn’t tell where it exactly was. The breathing kept getting louder as he paced behind me, halfway through his walk. “Oh god, what did I do?” I kept telling myself even though I knew the answer was nothing. Do nothing, say nothing, understand nothing. That saying has more or less been the definition of how I have lived life up until this point. But this is now, so no moving. The beast started to get louder and louder but it wasn’t getting closer. Did I mess up? The only thing I dared to move was my eyes as I looked towards Kyoko. Never have I seen someone yell as quickly as she did in that moment, all I truly saw were what words her lips formed, not the sounds. The words I read were, “Roll left now!” Wait, Roll left now? I didn't truly question it; I just did, almost instinctively. OH SHIT! Right after I rolled left, I turned to see a stray butcher’s knife the size of a full grown alligator sticking out of the ground where I once stood. I barely even kept myself upright as he jarred the knife loose and began to rush in for a second attack. Well, just my luck. |
BluwulooOct 27, 2014 6:27 PM
Oct 28, 2014 11:19 AM
October 27 “Denny, let it chase you and try to keep it on its toes, I’ll give it a run around in the meantime. Are you ready team? Break!” She said as she started running in the opposite direction out of view from the looming monster running towards me. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!! I HAVE TO ENTERTAIN THIS THING, IM A HUMAN FOR PETES SAKE. OH GOD OH GOD.” I was too hyped to be wholly frustrated at her, to be honest this made me feel kind of alive. Okay umm dead? Well I felt amazing either way. I sprinted toward the east corner when I heard the beast start after me. Wait how am I running so fast? I feel like I could run as fast as a car on the freeway, this is cool. I’ll ask Kyoko once were out of this. Either way the beast couldn’t keep up. Ha-ha sucker. Just as I had that thought, every part of my being shook as the blade flew past me at breakneck speed. I froze for the moment shocked. The beast pulled on…. Wait! It has a chain now? How many tricks does this thing have? The pullback was a little bit slower than the throw but not by much as it sailed straight for me, I somehow managed to dodge it by tucking and rolling forward, but it did manage to cut the edge of the cloak’s hood. Damn, good thing this isn’t mine but Kyoko is going to yell at me for it. Not that I honestly care much. I don’t really feel like this is going to go well because he managed to break the wall quite easily as if slicing a butter knife through butter, it crumbled into a fine powder. “How’s it going over there Kyo? Are we at least halfway through some sort of plan? Or are we going to just say there’s a plan and flail around hoping we hit something vital, cause I can handle doing that,” then I whispered to myself, “Not that I have actually held a short sword before.” “Oh I have a plan, just not completely done yet. Give me about three more minutes.” She said while standing perfectly still. The area around her started to shine and glow, almost as if she was using some sort of magic, I didn’t truly believe in that. But hey, a first time for everything, right? I decided the best way to attack a giant would be to take out the legs via the knees, so I took out the sharpened short sword from my pocket and stopped mid step. I then proceeded to turn on my right heel one hundred eighty degrees and as soon as my foot faced forward, I was gone. The speed at which I was running as if I was being chased by demons that represent themselves as horrors from those old campfire stories. I didn’t stop nearing the beast, it clamored to turn around. Ha, too slow beasty. I flipped back the shroud that I had and as it flapped by my sides from the now overbearing wind, the blade glistened slightly. Two knees, two major veins, one knife, which should I capitalize on first? I decided on the left since it would make him fall in the opposite direction of Kyoko. I had to protect her while she is off doing whatever the hell she is doing. She is still glowing, still silent. I ran at full speed while I flipped the handle of the knife so that the blade was on the outside of my arm, waiting. Right as I was underneath this big beast, I looked up. I saw that his arm was already in motion as if it anticipated my movements. Now I regret running at full speed because the brutes swing acted as it would be a gold club, me unwittingly being the ball. He hit me as hard as he could as I flew almost at the same speed backwards, hitting the wall behind me. I don’t know how I was still conscious let alone alive at that point. As I started to fade in and out of consciousness, I heard a type of clink from my right. I attempted to lift my head but the highest I could lift it was three inches off the ground due to the immense pain in my neck and back. But what I saw shattered my perception of what the unknown was. My vision was hazed from the pressure but that didn’t affect how the situation looked. I saw Kyoko pull something out of mid air; I couldn’t believe what I saw. The light that she was once holding was not that of a big ball of white but was quickly turning into a shapely bright silver sword with a bronze handle, which was laced with a stark orange jewel the size of a pigeon’s egg, planted on its hilt. This sword had a weird vibe to it, not of negativity but of something I never would have believed, greed. This masterpiece that was spawned by the imagination of some blacksmith was something that could only come from otherworldly legends. Or at least no one’s ever documented it in the normal world. I would say it most likely resembled Excalibur, but it had a different variant and vibe to it. But that’s enough about the sword. The next scene was like as if it was from an action film that depleted most of its budget on the first fight. Kyoko started to run and I could tell that the sword started to slow her down because she didn’t have the normal luster that she usually exuded when she ran. She still shone but more at a forceful and pained level, like the sword was already draining her of all of her energy. But that didn’t stop her; actually I think it made her more furious. She kept on moving while holding the sword by her right hip at the ready, with a fierce gleam in her eye that I was the unwilling to notice. It was more of hate than of passion but it worked all the same. She was about three yards away from the giant when he decided to go on the attack. He started to swing his over-sized butcher-like sword when Kyoko was at the two yard mark. He swung down with all his might with a single grunt and a short moan. But he was at the disadvantage now as the sword missed its target. With one swipe, the beats arm wasn’t with him but lying on the cold floor next to him cleaved in half. Then I started to hear a chuckle; it was a soft but kind of crazed one that was easily noticeable. I turned my head to see that it was Kyoko. She started laughing at the beast, almost hysterically. I didn’t know what to think about the situation before me. She started to run at the beast again as she held the blade sideways, almost flush to the beast legs. She separated them as if her sword was one half of a pair of scissors and his legs were made of fresh paper. She didn’t seem like the intended to stop brutalizing the enemy who can now be called a victim. I need to stop this. I tried my best to stand up but couldn’t keep my balance. I didn’t care about pain at this point as I grabbed the now dulled blade and used it to try to start the blood flow to the other parts of my body by gripping the blade. As quickly as I did so, my body kicked into high gear as I rushed at Kyoko as quick as my body let me. Nothing stood in my way as I ran at her yelling for her to stop, she sadly didn’t. The last idea I had was probably a very stupid idea but I truly didn’t care. It was going down anyway, why let it suffer more? I ran straight into her, grabbing hold of her, begging her to stop. But I felt a pain, almost unbearable. I looked down to see the mysterious blade stuck in my side. Luckily it was shallow enough that I’ll survive from it but deep enough to cause worry. “St…op it, why… go… this… far? What’s… wrong… wi… yo...” I said while gasping and choking on my own blood. I blacked out at that point; I’m hoping that I stopped her. That’s all could do at that point, Hope. |
Oct 30, 2014 12:31 PM
October 28 I snapped quickly out of my current state as if waking from a nightmare, how long was I out? I guess that it wasn’t long because I felt the wall on my back as I saw Kyoko just staring at my side in shock. Oh yeah, I was stabbed again, I have quite a knack for this. “Hey Kyoko, are you okay?” She snapped her head up towards my face as she started to show her normal concerned face again, “Idiot, you’re asking if I’m okay? You’re the one that got hurt. It’s more of ‘are you okay’?” “Don’t worry about me of course I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt. Wait… It doesn’t hurt at all. What the…” I felt down to feel only skin, jus like last time. Please tell me that I heal almost instantly now. I looked down to check my scar, nothing. Ehh, ehh, what’s going on here? “What is this sorcery Kyo? Am I like a mutant now?” “Well, I was actually shaken a bit after I came back…” Kyoko said looking directly at me, almost serious. “Wait… came back? You mean that wasn’t you doing the attacking?” I wanted to back up but the brick wall was behind me. “Yes and no. The After Bringer is an ancient sword that only certain people are able to use, but only one person was able to control it and stay in control. He didn’t last long because the holder’s power reduces by half if they try to control it once it’s activated. I had no recollection of what had happened but I knew it was bad once I came to and you were bleeding badly next to me. So I carried you over here, and you’ve been out for five minutes.” She said sullen and also happy that I’m okay. “If I may be so bold to ask, why do have I healed twice now? Do I have healing powers? I think that’s a big question that needs some answering, if you may please.” I said with a mix of confusion and happiness hidden on my face as I kept a semi-poker face. “Well whenever someone is born into the world, they are put into a class due to their parents and social status. You must have luckily been considered as being born into this world after I dragged your body from your world over to mine. You were most likely born as an Ushia, like me. They normally get powers, in some way. Wait, do you have a tail?” She said now smiling as if happy to see what it was and if I… if I grew a tail? “Umm… Wait you have one? I kind of want to see it. I don’t believe I have one or at least it hasn’t appeared yet if so.” I said checking but finding no sign of one. “N… No… you can’t see mine, at least not now.” She was blushing and looking away as if I hit some value or rule of this world. Every time I talk about some aspect of her, she seems to blush a lot. Am I slowly getting to her? Ooh my luck, beautiful, strong, shiny silver and blond hair, an amazing body, and now a tail. This is becoming more of a fantasy than a nightmare like I had initially though. She continued, “If you haven’t gotten one yet, you should soon. Ooh I’m excited to see what it’ll be.” She couldn’t stop herself as her face curved into a wider smile. “Depending on the tail it shows how compatible two people are…” She stopped, embarrassed at the thought. “Well I would like to have a wolf tail, which would be pretty cool, I’d like to admit.” I snickered while looking at her, noticing that this conversation isn’t working out as well as she had thought. “Anyway, back to serious matters, where should we go next? I need to get new clothes, maybe even a mask to hide my face. Do you know a nice place to go for clothes and what nots?” “Um... let me see. There is this small town not too far from here that has this really good blacksmith. He actually made my armor, Dragon Rainer, there. He could make you a nice armor set if that’s what you’d like.” She said staring off into the space, most likely trying to remember the name or where it is. We started to head northeast by some bridge name Telorso Bridge. Weird name, don’t get it, but I don’t really care, it sounds kind of cool to me. We crossed the bridge, which was more unstable than how it looked from what seemed to be many periods of extreme misuse and abandonment over several years. Planks missing, ropes unattached, it’s not really worth it to walk on, but we had to get across. We slowly, and I mean painfully slowly, made our way across the bridge. We were talking back and forth about our lives; it was mostly her sharing which to me was fine. She told me that she was the daughter of the king from this land, well more like a ruler than an actual king. So she’s a princess huh? Well, that’s something I wouldn’t have thought that with the way she dressed normally. The jacket she wore resembled almost a mid tier winter vest with a sweater like shirt underneath. She wore what seemed to be reminiscent of a dress from the Chinese culture. I have no idea why she wore it, maybe she likes the style, but I believe it’s for the freedom of movement that it allows. Some crows started to sound in the nearby trees, almost like they were warning us, but we didn’t heed them. “It got quite loud all of a sudden, huh? Birds can get quite loud in the night I guess. It’s actually very peaceful in a weird annoying way. What do you think?” I said looking towards the ground to make sure I didn’t trip, I’ve never been good at the whole forest scene, I fell a lot and pretty badly almost every time. “I don’t really care for crows because blue jays are normally better but we don’t have any normal birds here, only crows and vultures. It almost brings a tear to your eye, does it not?” I wonder why she’s talking in such a stern tone now, did I do something or does she get like this when she’s on guard? “Are you okay there, Kyoko? You seem kind of tense, is there something I should know involving where we are?” She didn’t turn as she gave her response just moved her head slightly to the left, and whispered. “I feel we are being watched, don’t know why, don’t know by whom, but we are. I believe it is dark Alfertain, elves in your world, because this is normally where they live, they move a lot depending on the season. So if I talk in a stale tone that means my concentration is at an all time high. Sorry to make you worry.” She said in her normal soft tone, hushed. I followed the same pattern, I tensed my body to ready myself, “So I’m guessing there are normal elves, also where are we headed right now?” I finished as I tripped only slightly on a large root protruding from the ground. “I have few friends in a village named Astern near here, about two miles due east. They have an amazing black smith as well so we can go there. He can most likely make you some Spirit Armor and get you some clean clothes. It should be…” She was interrupted by a nearby rustling in a tree about seven yards away. Kyoko quickly grabbed for her sword, aptly named Shadow, with her left hand as she brought her right hand down to hit the button on the left side of her back to deploy her armor. I was only able to put on what was left of the cloak on myself and drew my knife. I was ready for whatever came my way. “Who’s there? Come out now or well strike first. Were both well armed and protected, so don’t start a battle you won’t be able to finish.” Kyoko said as she took her normal relaxed defensive stance that I saw from the last battle. Both her blood red eye and emerald like eyes were glaring intensely, almost glowing. I just stood blade facing forewords at about mid-chest level, and a determined gleam in my eyes. I liked the feel of the blade, it had enough grip so I wouldn’t lose it but wasn’t so taught that I couldn’t flip it at a moments notice. We heard a deep chuckling from the bush below which then stopped abruptly two seconds later, to restart almost immediately as it stopped not in front of us but in the tree behind us. “You really think I care about whether if I ‘take a step’ that I’d get hit; did you not just hear me move? Yet you didn’t attack, why? Did you not expect that I wouldn’t move quickly through space, Miss Princess? Yeah I know it’s you, even behind that gas mask, I know.” Kyoko turned to face the enemy. “Oh shit.” I’m guessing she knows who it is, because she immediately dropped her stance and started to casually walk towards the elf that was now in front of us. “Jalac, did you really have to speak in riddles, get down here right now, mister.” “Ha-ha, I made you worry, that’s a first.” He said as he jumped down from the tree to give his hand to Kyoko. “So what are you doing all the way out here? Are you here for Elsa? I can lead you to the village if you want?” I was now not only lost but widely confused at what was happening in front of me. “Whoa whoa, wait… you know this guy. So… he’s a friend, not an enemy, right?” “Yes, he’s my friend Elsa’s little brother, He is harmless, well if you’re on his side he is.” Kyoko said in a kind manner towards me while giving a friendly glare to Jalac. “Oh-ho ho, thank god. I was not ready to fight; my legs were so tense that they would’ve given out if I had taken one step. Hey, nice to meet you, I’m Denny.” I extended a hand out to him but he didn’t accept it. I guess it is understandable, I don’t necessarily fall into a race here. Also, I am a stranger, but I’m not dangerous. At least I don’t believe I am, just unlucky. “Hey…” Off to the side to Kyoko, “Who is he, and why don’t I feel any vibe coming from him?” “I will explain everything once we get to the village. Shall we start going? The quicker we start going, the easier it will be to tell you.” Kyoko said to Jalac, he understood and started leading us through a dense path full of broken down trees and smashed roots. I tripped on almost every step, damn balance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took the good part of the day to reach the village but once we did, it was worth it. The valley contained about fifty houses and thirty acres of farm land in the middle of two crystal clear lakes about fifty meters in diameter. There was a house the size of a manor on top of the only hill in the village that had one majestic flowing silver waterfall that branched out to each side, banking into the village into water turbines for power. I continued to walk in wonder while following Kyo and Julac. He led us to a small inn where he set us up in separate rooms for the night. The room had a single wooden door connecting the rooms. No matter how hard I tried to change it, I still felt like an outcast. There was a rapid tap of three knock on one of the two doors that led to my room. “Oh god this is it, I’m dead.” I was so wound up that I thought that was the case. A calming voice came from the door that separated mine and Kyo’s room. “Denny, are you in there? If so, say something I don’t want to just barge in to see that you’re out taking a walk or something.” Kyo’s voice sounded concerned, she knows how to read a situation better than I had thought. “Yeah… Yeah, I’m here. You scared me a bit, didn’t expect anyone to want to knock on a strangers door as I didn’t know where it came from. I’m a little jumpy right now but I’ll be fine. Come on in, the doors unlocked.” She opened the door and took three steps in. “How are you doing? I noticed while you were glaring upwards at the landscape you were still tensed even though you tried to give the impression that you were fine. Are you going to be fine in here alone?” She said as if motherly but as if the only thing she cared about was my well being. “I just feel like something is off here, I know you’ve known them for a while, but I just can’t shake this feeling. Sorry for insinuating anything. I think I’m fine…” I took a pause but didn’t continue my sentence. “Okay, if you ever have another bad vibe don’t be afraid to knock, all right?” She said smiling; she looked kind of tired herself. Then I said it. “Actually, I don’t feel it would be safe for us to be in separate rooms. I know it sounds random, weird, or creepy to you but I feel like it’d be for the best. Can I stay in your room? I’ll be sleeping on the floor, of course.” I realized real quickly that it sounded way better in my mind than it did saying it. Then as if not caring either way, she agreed, keeping the warmth in her smile. I felt weird being in the same room as a girl but I needed to be there in case something was to happen. I couldn’t shake the feeling throughout the night that someone was going to strike at any minute. I’m happy she trusts me to not do anything, either she didn’t care or was feeling that something was off herself. It didn’t matter either way; I didn’t want to do anything to upset her. So I kept my guard until passing out at later in the waning night. |
Nov 5, 2014 11:51 AM
October 29 I woke up in a cold sweat for some weird reason; I didn’t dream almost at all, so maybe it was panic. I turned to greet Kyoko with a typical good morning, but she wasn’t in the bed. She wasn’t even in the room. Wait… oh no. I ran out of the now wide open door, down the nearby rustic stairs to the front desk. “Did a woman about sixty five centimeters in height, silver-like blond hair and two different colored eyes run through here?” I said in a panic. “Oh you mean Kyo? She woke up really early this morning; she seemed to be in a rush to talk to Elsa. I didn’t want to ask why, it seemed way too urgent. They’ve been apart for a bit due to Kyo’s training.” He said as happily as possible. “Oh, that makes sense. Where would this Elsa be by the way, if it’s not too much to ask? Also do you have a blacksmith in the village?” “She lives on the manor on the hill; it’s easy to get to. A path on the side of the hill should lead you straight there. The blacksmith normally works in the manor as well. So I guess you can hit two birds with one stone there.” I liked this guy’s attitude, he didn’t seem to care if I was asking any type of question, and he still answers. Nice… I like this place so far besides the constant feeling of being watched, I hope I didn’t offend anyone. I said my thanks and went off with a smile. I would have given him some money but I don’t believe they’d accept my kind of money. I started to make my way towards the manor, but was stopped outside the door. “Are you the man named Denny?” Two guards in full armor one about the age of twenty-five and the other in his late thirties walked up to me, withholding being a threat to me, they asked kindly. Are they bating me now? “Yes… Why do you ask? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt someone important in my sleep, which happens sometimes?” I tried to keep them smiling, which they were creepily happy, so I didn’t want to anger them by accident. “No no, you’re fine. We have received orders from Clan leader Elsa Sesarie to escort you to the manor, if you will please follow.” The guards separated between one in front of me and one behind me. Weird guarding strategy but hey, whatever they’re comfortable with doing as long as I get there. “Umm… What is this Clan Leader Elsa like, by the way?” I am still really curious; they seem to give me the impression that she’s not afraid to rule like a dictator if she had to mainly because of the title “Clan Leader.” Also because Kyoko is friends with her, that doesn’t help with my perception of what she’s going to be like since Kyo can be pretty strict at times. Does that mean this Leader lady can also have a nice side? I’m hoping for that. I walked up to the First chamber which was covered with more guards, great more security check. Why can’t it be the typical manor with a butler who opens the door, greets you, lets you in, and you chat with the person you’re intending to talk too. Maybe that’s only in TV shows and movies but come on. Luckily for me the second room was more lax than the first and I passed that relatively quickly, now off to this Elsa lady. Knock, Knock. The guard at the door banged the circular if not eerily so, brass knocker on the doors outer surface. “Denny has arrived, should I let him in?” “Of course, I have been waiting for an hour now for the new guest to arrive; you can let him in now.” A calming but sped up voice came from the room beyond me, I am hoping that she will stay cheery like that once I am actually in there. I took one step into the room and was greeted plentifully by the clan leader and Kyo. Okay, so far so good. Before I took a second step to say that unsaid good morning to Kyo, I was tackled by Elsa. Elsa was a tanned woman about twenty five years old; she was genuinely cute with twin tails and pointy ears. Reminiscent of an elf in the fantasy novels I have read but she was in person and alive. “Umm… Hi, why did you jump at me? I’m not saying I am against it, but it is kind of weird since we just met.” She didn’t even listen to me it seems as she stayed lying on top of me as she turned to Kyoko. “Ooh, so this is your cute companion from another world that you told me about, you know how to choose ‘em, Kyo. Hehe, me like.” She said moving back and forth. Oh god, I have to find a way to get her off me without seeming rude. Wait… Kyo told her that I’m cute? I don’t know if that’s a good thing as in that ‘I am handsome’ cute or the way that I act and is considered cute. My chest tightened a little bit when thinking about Kyo calling me cute either way, weird. “Well, cutey-pie. Why don’t you stay here with me and be my prince?” She said with a silver tongue. She spoke softly; others would find it very sexy. Sadly, I am not into seductresses. But it did raise my ego a bit. I grabbed Elsa’s shoulders and gently pushed her to the side, “Look, I can’t accept that offer. I am not able to see myself as being a prince to a place in a world that I have just learned existed. Plus, I need to be with Kyo, I feel obligated. Wait, that may not be the right words, I want to protect Kyo, even though I know she can protect herself.” “You’re not making me want you any less, maybe even the opposite. But I understand, Mr. Macho as I’ve heard you been referred to, wants to stay with his savior. The offer will always be there.” She says with a smile but a hidden small amount of disappointment in her eyes. “There it will stay sadly.” Well that was painful to do, but it closes one door that I didn’t expect to be opened in the first place. I walked over to Kyoko who was standing there in a seemingly formal wear, well way more formal than she normally has with that armor or that Chinese dress. “Did I get the desired reaction out of you? Oh and good morning. Been wanting to say it, but you left. Didn’t even leave me breakfast, rude.” I liked messing with her because the reaction was priceless. It was usually a blush, smile, or friendly slap. I know it’s friendly because I have seen her hit way, way harder. “I had to get to the Elsa before the normal people start to arrive to complain, or suggest unwanted stuff just to benefit themselves. I would’ve stayed but I needed to tell her the situation right away. She actually took my side on it, it surprised me. She’s more liberal than she looks; I thought she’d call the guards on you.” Kyoko said smirking at me, knowing it would worry me. “You’d really go through all that trouble to get me arrested, when you could easily subdue me like you did before? I’ll give you props, that takes determination.” I chuckled as I faced forward towards Elsa who has begun to speak. “So, the situation here is a little confusing but I’ll go step by step. This handsome young man is from Earth and you were hunting him because you were given orders by the Efferet Council, right? You felt something towards him once you saw him before going through the gate, ooh la la. Umm… let’s see. Then you decided to rescue him by making him an Ushia. You know you can get life in prison for this, I hope you know. I won’t tattle though, lips are sealed, sister.” She was stern-faced yet joking. I definitely wouldn’t stay with her because that is super creepy. “Yes, the Efferet Council ordered me to take out this man; it was mostly my father’s word that made them agree. Once I saw who he was and what his life was like, I couldn’t stand seeing him like that. But I had orders to follow and I decided to attack. He put up an amazing fight and that was the last piece I needed to decide to save him.” Kyoko said with a happy and stern face. Now that’s a face that’s all right with me, order is everything. “Hmm… I see. How do you feel towards him?” She asked seriously as it seemed. “Well he’s capable, a good fighter, nice person, and he is good looking.” Kyoko was stopped by Elsa. “No no dear, I mean ‘feel’ feel. What do you feel emotionally towards him?” Now I know Elsa was back to her giddy self. “Wha…what…what does th…that have to do with anything?” Kyoko started blushing a bright red, her eyes sparkling as she stared at Elsa. Her hands about four inches from her face with hands balled up. I’ve never been so intrigued and terrified of what might come of this. Either she answers honestly with her true feelings or everyone in this place gets destroyed in fury. I didn’t know which would be more devastating to be honest, for the first I mean as a good thing. The second is more of an ‘ehh don’t really know them,’ kind of way. “Just answer the question, because if you don’t I’ll try harder to get him.” She looks at me as she licks her lips seductively. That would be nice. No, keep to the task at hand Denny. “We…we…well… Umm… I… Uhh… I can’t say I don’t not care for him, I can’t say I dont like him, mo…more of a mutual like, th…that’s it.” I knew she was just hiding her true emotions as to not seem weak. “Come on, Kyo. Don’t lie to yourself, let me ask your ‘mutually liked’ friend here how he feels. So Denny, how do you feel towards my sis here.” Elsa asked way too quickly, and stared at me to see my reaction, as if savoring it. How do I feel about Kyo? I haven’t had enough time to realize it yet. Yes I admire her. She’s beautiful, she has an amazing body, and I love her joking yet sometimes strict attitude and personality. Who she is and how she acts makes my chest tighten and my mind race. She also has the cutest face when embarrassed, coming from me not seeing any besides her, doesn’t stand for much. I panic when she’s not there. I guess I’ll have to realize it while I talk, this should go well. I pulled in a calm deep breath then let it out slowly. Then I began to pour out my feeling, which was way easier than I thought it would. “Well, when she tried and succeeding in killing me, I was scared of her, who wouldn’t be? I was sucked in by her gaze and spilled my guts to her and she actually listened. She was the first person ever besides Dr. Orandaz to listen to my story and care about me not it. It made me very happy.” I looked at her; she was now looking down twiddling her thumbs waiting for the final result. “I looked at her, and she was the first person that I could see the face of. I was able to see someone’s face and one as beautiful as hers. Her different colored eyes caught me off guard at first but that’s another things that makes her, her. The journey we have had so far, albeit short, made me realize that I belong here with her. I rely on her and she relies on me, I have no idea where we're going but I know as long as I’m with her, I’ll be fine.” I was determined now, to make her look directly at me, she was moving her head up then quickly downwards. “Ever since that day I felt a click, and I still do now. I like her very much, I would say love but I don’t want to make her feel pressured to feel the same. It may be too early for me to say it, but it’s how I feel. I may not be a full Ushia yet or a high ranking human when I was alive. But I knew I had something different and now I have a girl from the Underworld that I can say that I love.” I turned to Kyoko who was red from ear to ear, looking directly into my eyes. She was happy, smiling widely at me. I didn’t even have to take a hint about what I should do next, I just did it. I walked up to Kyoko grabbing her close, putting my left hand on the back of her head and the other in her right hand as I placed my lips on hers. It was passionate, and warm. Soft and calming. Everything I thought it would be and more. It took my breath away at how she kissed me back. I saw in her eyes that she felt the same way as she went in for a second time. I felt more cared about with her than anyone I knew on Earth. Not from Nathan, my family, or my parents. Just her. Right here, right now. |
BluwulooNov 5, 2014 10:37 PM
Nov 11, 2014 8:01 AM
October 30 I didn’t want this moment to end. If it could last forever I would let it. We both leaned back for a breath and we looked into each other’s eyes. Her face showed nervous pleasure. I kept my hand of the right side of her face as I leaned in to continue this moment; there was a clap right next to my ear. “Okay that’s enough loving for one day!!” Elsa yelled quite loudly while clapping. “God, ahh. Do you seriously have something wrong with moments? You just love to ruin them don’t ya? Jumping at me earlier out of nowhere and ruined this kiss…” It just hit me, I just had my first kiss and with this beautiful woman standing before me. So that is what that whole kissing thing I heard about was, I now understand. I looked up at Kyoko nervously, who was looked at me while looking slightly downward as she brushed the right side of her silver/blonde hair back. So cute… Anyway, I was kind of mad at Elsa for ruining the moment but I knew the circumstances we were in. They weren’t good, but they weren’t horrible. Especially with the event that just took place. That cheered me up a bit. “Anyway, what would you need us to do? I can help with whatever I can but what are you two planning to go from here?” Elsa asked, in her serious way again. Kyoko responded still a little flustered but she managed, “We need to get to the village named Hauk to take out a man named Oracle Navarro. He was the second person I was ordered to kill after I had succeeded with Denny here.” She looked to me, and in a hushed tone said, “Sorry.” “So what can we do for you? You are perfectly fit enough to take almost anyone out, being the best of the Royal Guard that you are known to be. Like I said I can get almost anything for you since I consider you family, as long as it is currently available in the village I can get it.” Elsa replied less serious but more leaning on the neutral, emotionless side. “Well, for starters, we need clean clothes and a specific Ushia armor that I know your personal blacksmith can make for Denny. Two, we would like to have your brother, Jalac, for the mission. And the third, we will be in need of new weapons, I have a sword and Denny has a dagger. I also believe we need to train Denny in sharpshooting because as you know, I am speed and close combat based. If Jalac joins, he is meant more as an assassin who can use low range magic, if any at all. Denny is quick but he has more strength and honing skills then speed and accuracy with a normal blade.” Kyoko listed the needs while Elsa nods as if she wasn’t really listening. “One, of course he can, Jacob will just need Denny’s measurements to be able to get the right material sizes. He can also get you some upgraded weapons as well. Two, that’s up to Jalac if he wants to, I won’t force him to go. I doubt he will decline though, he is a weird case. Three, I would say that you should go find Aster to teach Denny archery. He is really good at teaching anyone the art, and since you said he has good honing skills, it might even take less time than that.” “I believe it shouldn’t be too hard, right? I recently have been able to pick up new techniques and skills relatively easily. I am also ready for some sort of training. Why don’t we do this, Kyo. While I go and learn from the master archer, you should go to the blacksmith for those new weapons, I believe you’ll be able to pick the best one for me. Also I don’t believe Jalac trusts me yet so could you see if he’d be cool to join us? After archery practice, I will ask around for information on Oracle Navarro, sound good?” I had a gleam in my eye that projected happiness but showed determinism. “Sounds solid enough, don’t get too hurt. You may be able to heal almost instantly but that doesn’t make you invincible. Remember that, if you go down, I will mourn you. Not well, but I will.” Her joking manner never seizes to amaze me. The last sight I saw was Elsa doing weird movements through space and Kyo’s smiling face slowly fading as the door closed behind me. I quickly made my way past the two waterfalls, which I actually stopped at both to look at the crystal clear water seemingly dancing off the edge of the hill. Once past I finally got past the waterfalls and hills, I saw two houses in front of me, both equally beautiful. Elsa only told me to look for a house with a blue ribbon hanging on the front porch shutter. I have never seen a ribbon placed on a shutter on Earth. New places, new ways of doing things, I guess. I looked at each of these two buildings, one was labeled, “Aftershop,” the other being named, “Oltos.” I decided to pick the abnormally named one because curiosity was beckoning. As I walked up to the door, I realized that I had picked the right one since the house did have the desired ribbon tied to the front facing shutter. I am one for one, I feel great so far. I didn’t even put my hand on the door handle when I heard a deep almost hardened voice call out. “Come on in, I have heard from Elsa that you need my help.” How are they able to talk to her so fast? “She sends messages quickly.” “I don’t see any letters, did you...?” I didn’t even open my mouth for the next word when he answered me. “Yes, she sent a message through her mind; I can receive messages but not send them out. Neat, right?” This man seemed like a nice guy so far. I walked into the house to find a normal sized man with a darkened skin tone, two white eyes, and pointy ears. I sat down in the chair opposite him. “So, you are Denny? You want to learn Archery or do you need to? Ahh, okay. So you don’t need to but you want to be able to effectively help Kyo. Protect her. That’s enough to reason, it seems. Will do; let me prepare the bows, arrows, and targets. Come out back and wait five minutes but be on constant guard.” He slowly got up but seemed to have to feel the space, albeit barely. “Yes, I am blind. I heard you ask it in your head, you shouldn’t be so curious.” He smiled as to show me he was joking. He seemed to look at me perfectly, I wonder. Not really, but I will learn from the archery master the way to use a bow and arrow without needing sight. This will be painful to watch for anyone who happens to walk by. …………………Kyoko’s Point of View Where could any of this be? I think Elsa was being really vague in her directions on purpose. “Down the corner and to the left.” Who does she take me as, I was always smarter than her, at least led myself to believe that. Down the corner, to the left. Down the… Oh there it is. Good job Kyoko, you are good at this. I’m hoping that this man isn’t going to charge me above face value because he knows who I am, I hate that. I wonder if Denny found the place well enough, again Elsa doesn’t give good directions, never has, never will. Anyway, Blacksmith, Blacksmith. “Oh ain’t it the princess herself? How you been doin’, holdin’ up” The blacksmith was an older man maybe in his 60s, each wrinkle on his face seemed as if it might have a story. Most likely a boring one but I didn’t want to hear it anyway. “Yeah, Jacob, it is. So, I have a big job for you. I need an Ushian armor set for a man about seventy inches and a pair of weapons that will supersede these five fold.” I took out my sword and Denny’s dagger that he had left me, knowing he didn’t need it anyway. My blade was dulling but still had life in it. Denny’s dagger was an old blade, barely even still held together. “I’ll make one up quickly, I am guessing flexible material? Fiberglass or carbon fiber maybe? What’s are ‘is abilities?” He was a simple man, since he only asked three questions. “He has the ability of near instant healing and an advanced ability to learn new things two times faster than normal. I would say Carbon fiber and mesh around the joints, on the back add in an arrow and ammo holder. The mask should be attached with a scope already on it since he will be our marksman. I believe…” He put up a single bony finger. “All you had to say was, “Yes, Carbon fiber, ‘e is a marksman." I know what to do, give me about six hours and then we will talk about weapons. See ya then, Princess.” No matter how many times that I saw him, his smile still freaked me out. I saw him off with a semi salute, force of habit. Okay, where would Jalac be? I believe the east wing second floor, but it might be moved. It has been over six months since I have been here, I am hoping it hasn’t. Good, the stairs, the magnificent stairs. Okay not really, but I finally found them. I need a place to sit or rest at least. This place is a small manor on the outside but surprisingly huge on the inside. I still get lost here even though I have been here about fifty times in my life. The stairs were strong and well made, “God, I am so tired.” “Then sit down in the lounge.” I heard as I heard a thump at the top of the stairs. “Guess who came to me, thank you. I didn’t want to walk up these, even if they are short. So I have a proposition for you, Jalac. Will you hear me out?” I squinted while barely even containing my laughter; I don’t do movie type conversation as well as I should. “I am hearing. If it is what I need, I will do. This is fun by the way, and how is my voice?” He fired back in a typical movie mob type of accent. He is still the same fun kid I know. I started to bait him, “It is an adventure.” He moved down two steps, “I involved walking through forests.” He moved down three steps, “third of the bounty rewards.” He jumped to the bottom of the stairs, in front of me. “Sold, you and Mr. new guy, right? Done, I am on. I just need to get my stuff ready, where is Den anyway?” He jumped back and forth, kind of like an excited monkey. “He is currently training to be our spotter and marksman with Aster, I think he should be done by the end of today.” I said that way too confidently. “But that shouldn’t be possible to be a great marksman, especially half as good as Aster, him being blind and all. It would take two weeks to even learn his intermediate style of Archery but both by the end of the day?” His mind looked like it was going to explode from the question. “That’s the wonder of Denny, he has two practical abilities. I should make cool names for them, my names aren’t that bad, Bulk and Dagger then Aftershock. My defensive/offensive power and my drawing of the After Bringer, not going to try that again for a while.” I looked away slowly as to draw attention. “Okay, I’ll get everything ready and say my farewells to some town folks. I’ll see you tomorrow; get some good rest, Kyo.” He said as he leaped up the stairs. He is a weird number, isn’t he? I should check on Denny while I am at it. I heard an explosion coming from the middle of the lake. My heart dropped and the only thought running through my mind was the worst possible solution. I didn’t even take the time to run down the cliff, I just jumped for it. It is not the right time for an attack, not good at all. |
Nov 18, 2014 9:10 AM
October 31 The bright light behind me struck me like a flash bang and as I lost my balance while spinning, I saw another. “Holy shit, man, calm down. I know you need to be rough for me to learn but come on.” Arrow after arrow blew up behind me; I nearly lost my balance on this now frozen lake. “You need better training; you have the vision but not the mobility. To be a marksman, you have to be able to dodge attacks as to make your mind sharper and more aware. So what better to train than explosions?” His chuckle kind of sickened me to the point of distracting my mind even a bit. My leg leaned to the left a little more than intended and the arrow hit me directly in the right leg. Then, here came the explosion; that damn explosion felt like a thousand knives stabbing my leg at once. My leg blew off in twenty different directions, tendons and arteries, all of it. The worst part is the healing did not prepare me for pain but made my leg itch horribly. He didn’t even give me enough time to stand up on my new leg as he shot another my way. “Oh shit,” I looked at the nearby lakeside as I ran to distract my mind, only to see Kyoko standing there, still in her formal attire. What is she doing here? Is she already done? I need to get to her. I ran at Kyoko with a speed of a wounded animal but I was making it there relatively efficiently. I was nearing the spot when the old man teleported in front of me. “No, no, no. It is not play time yet, you can’t talk until training is over.” He held the bow to my chest and fired. I was sent flying back ten yards coughing up blood and pouring flood from my chest. I am so happy that he knows I can regenerate because I believe he would have shot more than once if I didn’t. “Do you know my secret yet? It involves the bow. Here is a hint: it involves its makeup.” He gave a quick glance at me and raised the bow to fire again. He shot four arrows in my direction; instead of running I held up my arm to just take the damage. I braced for impact when a bright blue light appeared where my arm was before and I saw the explosions disappear around me. “The hell?” I quickly saw the arrows hit the light and freeze on impact before dropping. “Good boy, good. You materialized a part of your power. I guess humans can be mystifying in this world. I know I am.” He said as he walked towards me smiling. “What does that mean? ‘I know I am’?” I said with a bold expression on my face, endearing but stern. “I was a human like you. How do you think I can know everything around me while being blind, have astral projection, and reinforcement? This lake isn’t actually frozen, yet you can stand on it because I made it viable. This bow is random matter that I have willed it to take form in the shape of a bow.” I was amazed at the fact he was also a former human but who could have saved him? My mind switched to a different subject. “Who saved you and also didn’t you wonder why you were?” If he was saved by someone like Kyoko or…? “You may have not seen her but my savior was in the back. She isn’t doing very well. She saved me and I managed to become an Alfertain once I crossed the border. I was being attacked by a near invisible enemy and she came to save me. Sadly, they were too strong and got to me, I was already bleeding out. That was the moment I realized someone was willing to risk their life to save me. Because of that, I fell for her immediately. She and I have been married for four years now, very happily.” Staring off into the distance while reminiscing, you could see his happiness shining. I saw Kyoko staring almost blankly at Aster’s words in shock. “Shia? She’s here? May I see her?” She walked onto the ice and tripped a bit as she started sprinting. She put her hands on his chest to gain balance. “Why, yes. But may I ask why? I have heard her talk about you a few times, did you work with her?” He said looking, not at her but almost through her. “I see, right this way, both of you.” He led us back to the shop and showed us to the back room, Kyoko was almost fainting as she held onto my arm tightly. I can see the hope and despair on her face, I hope everything is okay. Once he opened the curtain to the room, we saw Shia lying down on the bed to the back of the room barely conscious. Kyoko ran to her bed almost in tears, “You’ve… been here the whole time? I heard you abandoned the Royal Guard but hid here, right under the Ushian’s watch? You could have had Jalac call for me. You know that I will always be on your side.” I looked over to Aster and said, “Why is this making Kyo so sad? Are they related?” “She is Junlos’s older sister. She treated Kyo as a little sister almost to the point of being a mother figure to her. She left for the mission to take me out, you know the rest. After she saved me, we hid here and she fell ill two years later. We weren’t allowed to send any mail out because we were considered outsiders until recently. Hehe, it is kind of stressful looking back but I believe we have been each other crutches. I hope you feel the same when the time comes; Kyo has the same demeanor as Shia. I hope you’re ready for the hard times.” That’s all he said before he went silent while looking at Shia and Kyoko. “I… I am so… happy you came. I am sorry I couldn’t,” She gave a ragged but quick cough. For being sick for two years, she looks really healthy. Maybe she is in an upswing? “They will be after… you, I… hope you know. Your father must be enraged that you let this one go,” She looked at me, I didn’t know for sure so I pointed towards my face. She gave a curt smile as she turned back to Kyoko. “You need to have Aster train him while we chat, I will make some tea.” Aster understood as he led me out of the door to the lake. “Okay, we need to train in your materialization of offense not just defense. Half humans who are put into the Alfertain or Ushia class are able to materialize and reinforce weapons and shields. Pick up the sword in front of you and think as if it is a dagger.” This man loves to smile a lot, maybe he wants to see me fail or he wants to see what I can make. I am so ready for this. Dagger… Dagger… Dagger… “No luck. I was attacked last time and it appeared maybe there is something that triggered it, attack me.” I held my hands up with the sword hilted on my left hip at the ready. Aster took about twenty steps back and drew a red hilted machete out of thin air. He was already half that distance in a second and half that a second more. Damn, he is quick and I felt the murderous intent radiating from him. He can go from grinning like an idiot at everything to serious in a second and I felt it. My hand was on the hilt of the sword and my other on the handle. He was within twenty feet of me when I clicked the button on the hilt and the hatch released. The sword was way shorter than I had thought it was, almost half of the original length. I swung forward with all my force and my blade struck his with a force enough to cause a small shockwave around us. The dust settled quickly, both of us panting. Aster was still standing but about ten feet backwards and with a deep cut on his cheek. “Well… that went well. Now look at the sword.” I looked down to see that the blade was no longer a sword but a round bladed dagger. “The ways reinforcing works is that if you take a bigger weapon and change it into a smaller type; all of the length condenses into magical damage and the shape of the original weapon changes. We need to work on materialization next. Are you ready?” I couldn’t speak; I was too invested in staring at the slowly fading dagger as it changed back to its original shape. I looked up at him once it was done. “Amused, I see? Well, let’s go to the next exercise. I think it should go well like this did.” He reached up to his face and felt the cut. He didn’t even flinch, this guy is good. We walked towards the end of the lake where a rock the length and height of an average size SUV was sitting, unmoving. The surface of the rock was almost perfectly smooth except for a few gashes and indents from previous training sessions. “Visualize that you are holding a weapon while holding your arms in a position like holding a fully strung bow. You need to focus completely and entirely on the moment you put your hand into the final moment.” I knew what I needed to do, so I had to start from the beginning. I stepped forward and blocked out my surroundings except for the birds chirping, even Asters voice was out of reach of my thoughts. I held my left hand to my side clutching like something was there. I let out a deep breath as my eyes then shot open. I reached above my shoulders behind my back, grabbing the air while going through the motions. As my hands started to grasp the air in front of me, I started to feel actual sting. Matter on mind, as if nothing else was viewable, the bow appeared. The silence started to build as I counted out loud, “One… Two… Three…” I released my right hand and a blast of blue light flew from my hand. And with a thump, the rock fell in half down the middle horizontally. I felt a tap on my back and turned to see Aster smiling, “You didn’t hear anything I said did you?” “No… no, I just locked onto the rock. I visualized the rock as not being there but also keeping aware that it was. I let go and here you have it.” I was proud at my achievement but also spent. “I think I need a rest after that.” I was about to drop to the ground. “Agreed, you did well today. Let’s go see how the girls are doing and I will whip you up a mean protein drink. Let’s go.” We marched back to the shop to see the girls laughing between themselves like it was normal. But I felt it was forced. What happened here? “Hey guys, Denny how was training?” She said with reddened eyes and a sad smile. I walked over to her and held both of her hands and requested her to come with me outside. I closed the door behind me slowly until the click rang out. Still holding her hands, I looked into her eyes calmly as to not upset her. “Okay, I know this was sudden but I could tell something is wrong. You don’t need to fake a smile just to keep me at ease because it only does the opposite. I don’t want to see you sad or cry over anything if I can help it. Please… tell me.” She calmly held back her tears, “she told me that she’s dying because the pills my father gave her that stopped the illness she has from spreading ran out. She proposed that we should sneak in and take them, but that is not something that I want to do.” “I see, so your father has the pills that can save her or at least make her a little bit better. He must be dangerous if you’re being cautious. Who is he, anyway?” I was still holding her hand so I felt all of her nervousness in her twitches. “He is kind of… the… king of the Underworld.” My eyes flew open and I fell down on my butt but not in fear but surprise. This girl in front of me was a princess? |
BluwulooNov 19, 2014 4:22 AM
Nov 26, 2014 12:33 PM
November 1 “Ahem… Wait… Princess? You?” I realized right after that what I said was wrong as she started to pout. “Well… that… kind of hurt, I try to take care of my proper image, you know. Yes, I am a princess. My dad’s name is King Jol Wara Azuraine, and my real name is Kyo Koura Azuraine. That’s why I like to be called either Kyoko formally or like you calling me, Kyo.” She stopped pouting for the second the think about it. “It’s normally the opposite but it doesn’t matter. Why are you in armor and killing people? I thought you were Royal Guard? Does that mean you can kill anyone that threatens anything about you? Also why did you risk everything to save a person like me?” “Just read this part from some pages I tore from your journal and you’ll understand.” She opened my notebook to October 25… point 5. What is this? It took me about twenty-five minutes to read the pages but I understood the gist of it. “Well, first. Good penmanship, very captivating. Second, you felt something for me even before you met me? I’ve never been so touched.” On the outside I was joking around but on the inside I could barely hide my excitement. She heard about me and felt something; I just had to die to see that someone could. Sometimes death is cruel but I don’t believe that it’s against me. “Yes. I felt something but I didn’t know what it was until you fought with me and held your ground. My father wanted you dead because of the Dark Veil but…” I had to stop her. “He knows about this thing, this curse, whatever it is? What’s the purpose of him wanting me killed? It’s all because my ancestors had to mess with something they should not have, why do I have to pay because of it?” “He only said to kill you once he had heard that you were alive but when I asked him why, he was willing to take me away from the Guard. I worked day and night to be one of them, and I wasn’t willing to lose it.” She continued, “My parents were never truly parents to begin with; they just pushed what they thought I should. So, the first second that I was considered an adult, I left. Junlos and Shia raised me as a warrior mainly growing up and that made me want to be in the Royal Guard.” She took a seat next to be on the step as she reflected; even though I didn’t ask about it, I can see her dedication and passion for Shia and her responsibilities. “I’m happy you were raised the way you were, I like your hard to change demeanor and the way you can easily talk about your past. It makes me happy to see you like that. Also, I have a question to ask you.” “You turned me into an Ushia because your feelings? Also, how does one go into the process of becoming one of the living in this world and where do people who weren’t saved go?” I grabbed her over-turned hand and looked her in her eyes, I was serious. She showed shock by jumping a little but smiled at me all the same and responded. “Yep, does that bother you?” She looked at me with puppy eyes and I buried her face in my chest. If I had taken more of that look, I would have had a heart attack. “Only someone from royal lineage or from a person with some form of power can change someone into any form of Underling.” She paused for a second, her voice almost welling with sadness. She continued, “Sounds cruel right? Being stripped of your humanity and being placed in the same category as your savior? The people that I have killed turn into either Owos or Mercentry, depending on how they lived. Being an Owos isn’t that bad because of their effects are needed but they can’t be reasoned with easily. Mercentries are the lowest rung of society; you saw what they looked like in that battle.” “Thinking about it now, I was not much of a person to begin with. I lived for my own benefit by shutting myself out to everyone. The second Nathan jumped off the roof time went a million times slower. I fought back against you because something inside me wanted to live, wanted to keep going even though I felt dead inside. I though life wasn’t really as bad as I thought. Once, I had opened my eyes to the room I was in, I felt wrong and terrified and hurt and confused. Almost like a dear in headlights, I freaked out. I remember one thing you said before I died. “You are mine now.” What did that mean?” I looked up to see a bewildered look come across her face almost shocked that I had remembered. “I said it because I knew I could win you over easily. You’re the one that took the initiative though. But seriously, as a Royal Guard you have to normally say, ‘Its your turn to sleep.’ But only if you are sure the persons worth saving do you say ‘You are mine now.’ Then the person is bound to your soul and you basically own your rights to them.” I pushed her back a bit in surprise, “So I am basically your pet in a way? That’s kind of cruel, but having a good master isn’t that bad.” She gave me a pat on the head and said “Good boy,” as if mocking me. “Only the person I truly love can see this.” She stood up and I slowly saw something swaying behind her. What… is that? She turned to show a wolf tail flailing semi-widely behind her, excited and nervous. It was bushy and looked extremely soft. It was a snow white on its under side and almost blue in its tone of grey on the top. It complimented her porcelain with a little bit of peach skin almost perfectly. “Umm…” I was mystified with it, I had to touch it. “That… ahum… It’s majestic.” I looked up to see her looking away as her tail slows down a bit from flailing. Maybe she’s getting used to it? I think she mentioned something about it before, isn’t it a personal thing? Oh yeah, in the diary entry. It is basically says that they are taken and very happily so. “What do you think of it?” Kyoko says while her eyes pace back and forth as he right index finger lays on her bottom lip. “May I touch it? I really want to. No, I need to.” “You have to hold me really close while you do it so you can’t see my face, it’s either that or none.” I agreed immediately and pulled her really close. I kissed her on the cheek as I told her that I would be gentle. I may sound like a pervert or something but this was the rarest opportunity to feel a tail on a person. I wanted to understand the excitement I have seen in shows. I started to pet her tail slowly. It was softer than it looked and made me feel immediately happy, but I knew it was making her feel uncomfortable so I stopped shortly after. “Sorry.” I said, a little embarrassed myself. “It… its… okay.” She smiled and winked with her emerald green eye shining predominantly from seeing my expression. We heard a loud thump from inside the shop then a loud yell for us to come in. We ran through the door to see Shia collapsed on the floor in Aster’s arms gasping for breath. We gave her water and some herbs to get her breathing steady but it was only a short term treatment we knew. Aster was sitting next to the bed with his left hand in Shia’s and his head in the other. Kyoko and I sat across the room in silence for what felt like an eternity until he started to speak. “I’m coming with you to Hauk. No question. I can’t stand seeing her suffer like this.” |
Jan 17, 2015 8:01 PM
November 2 “Are you sure about this Aster? It will be a tough journey and Shia will have to come along. You do understand this, right?” I hope he understands the danger fully. “I did say no questions, remember? I understand that I may die and I understand that Shia must come as well. But… for her… I would gladly give my life if it means that she can continue on. I know that you would do the same for Kyoko if the chance shall come.” Aster walked to the kitchen to gather some food and then to the bedroom to grab his bow and Shia’s Quart-eye Rapier. “But of course I would. I have always told myself that my life will be forfeit the second that I can save another. And yes, I know she can fight better than me and she will be able to survive longer than me but… If I can give my life, the life she has let me continue, for her to escape or even increase her chances a little by doing so, I would.” I looked to her now on one knee with one arm arched behind my back and the other dagger in hand crossed over my chest. “As long as you’ll let me.” She took her hand, put her index finger under my chin, and lifted my head up. “You are very chivalrous, it’s almost shameful. Of course I accept you; I will also do my best to keep you safe. I am going to go get Julac while you make sure Shia is all right and help Aster with gathering supplies. Thank you.” She ran as quickly as she could in the opposite way of the shop. It makes me almost forget the situation we are in when I think about my past and how far I have gone. “Okay, Aster. How are we going to bring her with us? We don’t have a wagon or anything, not even a horse.” I looked puzzled at him while also keeping my peripheral vision on Shia. “We need to think this out while Kyoko is gone. I would say that we carry her, I can do it.” “I don’t think that’s the best idea” “But why not? She is my wife. I want to be there for her.” “You can be but just think this through. You’re blind and I have more physical up front strength than anyone in the group. Please… let me do it. I promise that I will protect her with my life. Just make sure Kyo is covered by your bow and everything will go well.” “Do you have a plan or will we be running in crazily?” “Julac and Kyo might know the path the best but if we run across a Mercentry, then we should be okay.” I gave him a nervous smile since I didn’t even believe myself. That is mainly because it was Kyo that took that beast down, not me. “I’ll believe in you. I am going to go grab some food and whatever medicine that I can from the pantry. You watch over Shia while I do so.” “Will do.” As the words left my lips, I felt a tug on my torn light tan shirt and turned my head almost immediately. I then heard a soft tone coming from the person lying next to me. “You are a nice person, Denny. I can feel it from your words and the way you hold yourself. I hope you stick to your word for Kyoko. Anyway, I trust that you will do your best carrying me. I am not that heavy, never was so it shouldn’t be a problem. Aster won’t show it but he’s happy that you care so much for the people around you. He fell for me for being the same way.” She had a faint smile full of care as she went back to sleep. “Of course, you have my full trust.” I said knowing she wouldn’t hear me but knowing it is what she wants to hear. “Okay, I have four blankets, some ‘special’ mixtures for medicine, whatever food I was able to grab that is non-perishable, and about ten extra arrows for us, just in case. I have one question; can your body accept In-flow magic?” He said with a stern but helpful face like a teacher would give his student. The sparkle barely hid his excitement about being able to share his wisdom with the rest of even one person, me being that one. “In… flow magic? What is that? It sounds quite scary but can you explain it?” At this point, I felt he was going to use some terms from those fantasy RPG’s that I hear about from classmates whenever I took a break from reading. I also know a few, and I mean a few, from this book I read called “The Underling” by Alice GREY. She never used her real name but had such a giant and beautiful imagination. It captivated me with her word play but sadly she only wrote one fantasy novel. Well at least in the medieval style. “Watch this.” All light in the room was slowly being drawn towards Aster and a sparkling, bright yellow aura started to appear not around him but around the room itself. The yellow light now mixing with the dark grey of the cobblestone bricks covering the ceiling made a reluctant deep golden color. Just as soon as it had appeared it had flew back to Asters hand, where it started crawling up his arms and seemingly absorbed into his skin. “That was cool, no, downright beautiful and all but that doesn’t explain anything.” I couldn’t even stand up afterwards, maybe from shock of the light show that had happened right before me. “That’s because I was showing off. I just drew the energy from the room. Test it, try and stand up.” He had a wide smirk on his face. Now he is challenging me. Wait… What the hell?!? My… My legs… They’re just shaking but not moving. “What the hell is going on, Aster? What did you do?” “Like I said, I drew out the energy from the room. As an Ushia, your body is mostly made up of energy. So, as in effect, you wouldn’t be able to use energy that isn’t yours without In-flow magic. Now using In-flow magic, I can use your power of regeneration and that means you cannot use it until I run too low on blood or I give it back. But sadly, there is a downside to this power. You use your own blood to sustain the power. Yes, it may sound a little ridiculous, and believe me in my past life I would have thought the same thing. For this magic to work, you cannot use life energy or spiritual energy to fuel it. Well, in essence, you can use life energy but at that point you will not be yourself. It’s kind of like you are always borrowing your life energy from yourself but not using it. Using life energy for In-flow magic gives the control of your body back to the lender. Your mind.” So like I said, scary. “So this… power, should I call it so, lets me take anyone’s power but takes it away from them as long as they are not Ushia, because if they are they will be paralyzed. Also, I can only use the power as long as I have enough blood to survive and I cannot use life energy to fuel it as long as I want to be me. So in my skill set, by using my logic that seems to not work 100%, I can use my regeneration powers so I can’t hit stage one of anemia, correct?” “Hmm… As long as you don’t take one of Kyoko’s powers then you should be fine.” “Why would… Oh yeah, Ushia…” I realized quickly that I still don’t know how to even activate these powers. “What do I need to use In-flow magic? Some spell, a magic gesture, or is it easier than that.” Please don’t be hard… Please don’t be hard. “Are you sure you are ready? It isn’t going to be that hard.” Like just like that, all my hopes were gone… “You know what an Ankh is, right? I will need to place a seal in the form of a slight variation of the Ankh but we will need to wait until Kyoko comes back. You need the person you have a contract with to accept the agreement.” “Will it be painful? What I am saying is will it hurt her?” I said, almost panicked. “It shouldn’t hurt her; it might cause some hallucinations though. But we will burn that bridge when it passes. I think you should prioritize finding Kyo first, it’s been quite a while since she went to fetch Julac. I’ll stay here and gather anything else I may have forgotten and make sure Shia is sleeping soundly. Stay safe, anything is a possibility.” He patted me on the shoulder as I made my way out of the door. “Anything is a possibility, huh?” I feel like he’s insisting that something is wrong. Their definitely is something off but doesn’t seem like it is life threatening. I reached down to my belt to find my dagger is hanging loosely inside its normal leather pouch. Additional to that, I have two small sized health pots that I must have unconsciously grabbed before leaving in the other side’s pocket. …… It took about five minutes to reach the manor, which is the fastest time by far. I am so proud of myself. Amidst my happiness, there were no guards in sight. I grabbed the door handle and felt a harsh coldness, almost immediately from the other side. My reflexes kicked in and I reached for my dagger. Not good. I turned the dagger and the atmosphere was dead. “Kyo! Kyo! Are you here?! Is anyone here?!” My brain was in frenzy mode now, my dagger was drawn. I ran to the main chamber and what I saw was… was… Oh god… |
Jan 28, 2015 7:28 AM
November 3 “Eh… I… What… Is…” The words just wouldn't appear as if someone had stuck a steel rod into my windpipe, it hurt to speak. My heart beat was louder than the atmosphere in the chamber and seemed to cut though it like a knife through butter. I can even hear my now nervous sweat bouncing off the marble floor as the silence started to overpower me. The feeling felt all too familiar. Silence and suspense. After truly taking in the sight before me, I managed to place my dagger back by my side in its rightful place. “Denny…” The word kept ringing in my ears if on a record with a scratch, it continued. “Denny…” “Denny…” I wanted to answer but I still couldn’t. I then felt a tug on the right side of my pant, I felt it, weakly but able enough to draw my attention. “Denny… Is… that you?” I looked down to see one of the guards who came to get me before from the inn, lying on the ground with half of his body ripped to shreds. His legs were hanging by two tendons in each. Both of his arms were against the rear wall, drenched in blood. “Denny… Save Elsa. Save… them… from… ourselves.” The blood drained from his body enough to stop his cluttered words. He then proceeded to look directly at a cylindrical object in close proximity to us. It was about the width of a pen, maybe he wants me to get it for him. I went along with it and grabbed the object. It was covered in splatters of already dried dark red pigment. He looked intensely at my movements and suggested that I place it in his now wide open mouth. He started to use the pen-like object to write what seem to be instructions on the ground, or rather, locations? He started to write, “Kyo…ko… Safe. Top… Floor, Second… Room. Elsa… Escaped… Lake. Julac… With… Kyo. Our… Own… Did… This. Save… them.” He stopped writing and two seconds after collapsed, his body was stone cold. I put my fingers on his face and shut his eyelids closed. “Rest in peace, my fellow warrior,” is what I would have liked to say but I was already out the door of the main chamber and headed for the stairs. More horror followed as scattered wounded or dead bodies lined the halls. Who would do such horrible things? “Kyo?!? Kyo?!? Are you all right?” I rounded the nearby doorway to see the number for the room the guard wrote on the wall next to a broken door, barely on its hinges. If it still was. I heard very shallow breathing amidst my own, almost pained groans coming from inside. Oh, please be all right. Please be fine. “Kyo…?” My voice trailed off into the grim distance, almost uncertain of its location. But the groans faded out as I turned the corner into the room Kyoko should be. As instinct took hold, I threw my hand onto my dagger’s handle. “Den… Denny… They… They’re d…” I disregarded the rest of the room and ran towards Kyoko, putting my arms around her as she started to cry, gripping my back, almost drawing blood. “Denny… Denny… He… Julac…” She started to grip even harder. It doesn’t matter how I feel right now, she must be hurting ten times worse. Believe me; I have been shaking ever since I stepped into this death trap of a manor. I took a quick look around the room, just to be sent into a trance as to not show my terror to Kyoko. Have you ever seen a person, mutilated like nothing? Now I can say I have. Just… nothing can prepare you. While Kyoko was crying hysterically on my shoulder, the only words that I could say is, “It will be alright,” “We will get through it,” “He felt you were worth giving his life for?” The next phrase must have hit her enough to bring her back down to reality. “Everyone in this place gave up their life to protect you, Julac, and Elsa. There is a great chance Elsa is still out there. Do you really want to sit here and do nothing?” I grabbed her shuttering shoulders with my hands that were shaking more than she was. I did not intend to say it the way I did but I guess it was the right way to. She shook her head and as quickly as I let go, she shot up and ran out of the door. “Damn, going without me now. I guess you are the leader now. Not like you weren’t to begin with.” I walked over to Julac’s dead body, closed his eyes, and put my hand on his chest. “Rest in peace, my friend. I wish you could have come with us but sadly, life had another plan for you.” My eyes closed to the now dark town as if a field of haze road across the blue expanse of the sky. But sadly, there was no such field, no burden on the sun. Actually… “Wait… where is the sun? It can’t be night; it’s ten in the morning. Today, or tonight should I say, is just getting worse and worse.” I began to stare up at the sky with full intent of finding out why? It didn’t truly matter if I try to find out why now. All that matters is that I have to reach Kyo before anything bad happens to her. With how things have been going, it only makes me worry more. |
Feb 25, 2015 7:34 AM
November 4 “Damn… KYO!! SLOW DOWN!” I yelled into the dark void of trees, shrubs, and many different assortments of greenery that was in front of me hoping to provoke a response. How is she moving so fast? I am normally the fastest between us but… she is running way faster than I normally could even at top speed. Besides the head start she took, she is making me feel almost as if I was barely sprinting. And my panicking is only making it worse. I reached for my back and quickly remembered that I left my bow back at the shop. Okay…. Um… Plan B… Keep running and hope for the best. Maybe my honing ability will help me find which direction Kyoko is heading for. “Imagine… Forest…. Set. Imagine… Lake… Set. Imagine… Kyo Koura Azuraine… Position Set. Set: North East. Set: Location, Unknown. Set: Speed, 0 Miles per Hour. Set: Health Status, Unknown.” Speed, 0 Miles per Hour? Health status, Unknown? Is it broken? How can it? Did I use it wrong? Maybe I can track down Elsa and use this ability kind of like those satellite lasers. GPS, right? Yeah, that’s it. Maybe I can sling shot this ability onto Kyo and get a more accurate data representation. “Imagine… Elsa Sesarie. Position, Set. Set: North East. Set: 25 Meters. Set: Speed, 0 Miles per Hour. Set: Health Status, 100.” Okay, North East seems like it would be worth trying. Well, it is the only option I truly have at this point. I attempted to run towards what sound like an ongoing fight, which sounds like it is completely one sided or at least near a one on none fight. Please tell me that I will not have to join in. “…never know. She can never know. But it’s over now. Hehehe, yes… It is all over now.” In between each statement, I heard a thud and a painful gasp. I can tell I was getting closer because I am about ninety-eight percent sure that the voice was Elsa’s as I pushed my way forward through the almost never ending maze of trees, shrubbery, and vinery. Why do I only hear hers though? “Why did this happen? Why couldn’t I have been stronger? You always saw me as an equal even though we are a lower people. You always viewed me as family even though I was weak, am weak. Why? Just… why do you have to be so kind?” As I started to get closer, the sounds became clearer. I started to hear her crying, not hysterically but strongly. Also, her laughter was blending in less and less. I heard the thud of a tree trunk being punched as it reverberated very strongly throughout the rest of the forest. Almost echoing into the depths of my soul; there was so much anger, so much pain. I am surprised that the tree could stay standing after that. I finally made my way to the mini field, which was widely spread out. This place, by rough estimation, might have been spot used for a small battle in a past war by how flat and spread out the land is. On the side opposite of me, a waterfall flowed peculiar silver colored water that seemed clear enough otherwise to support life. The water gracefully flowed over the hill behind it into a small weather formed crater. I saw Kyoko lying on the ground unconscious with a red spot on her left cheek. Before I could take two steps into the surrounding area, my foot brushed up against some form of branch, to me it sounded almost silent but Elsa instantly noticed my presence. Her eyes were red from tears and her outfit was basically the bare essentials of what would be called clothes besides a bag barely visible bag hanging from her left shoulder. Her resulting body was splattered in what I would hope to be dried blood because if it isn’t, then I have another problem to worry about. “If it isn’t Mister tall, white, and handsome? What are you doing here so… so…” I saw her soul crack even a little bit trying to act as if she was fine. She dropped to the ground and put one of her hands on her stomach and brought it back up in front of her face. Her facial expression didn’t change even though her hand was drenched in blood. “Am I… a monster now? I killed a good portion of the people in the main room but I can’t even react properly.” She started to cry but I understand now that it is from confusion not from regret. I started to walk towards Kyoko slowly but again I had to stop because I was quickly met with an arrow to the right shoulder. “Don’t you dare take one more step. I can’t let anyone take another loved one from me. Take one more step and this next one will go through your pretty face.” I have never heard a more cliché line be spoken until now and unfortunately it had the desired effect that she intended it would. “I just want to see if she…” I didn’t move an inch but I guess speaking counted as violence as another arrow sailed past my head. “She is fine, I heard someone behind me while trying to escape and instinctively swung. But it ended up being the proper thing to do. I can’t have her see me like this. She has only seen me as the happy-go-lucky, hyper, and super cute Elsa. But I am sad you had to see me like this, but I can’t trust you. It has become clear now. Question time, Mister Savior.” She already had the next arrow pulled back and aiming for my other shoulder. “How did you truly get to the Underworld? You don’t need to lie to gain Kyo’s favor.” “Like she has told you, I arrived when she killed me and put me under her ownership, protection, or whatever you call it. I then woke up confused and not human anymore. I have been keeping her company, at first out of confusion but not because I want to, almost have to.” An arrow grazed my left shoulder and cut though the cloak Kyo gave me. “Ah… Damn… Even if you shoot me in the forehead with an arrow, I will stick with my story until that moment. All I know is that I am an Ushia now, almost immortal, and would protect Kyo with my life. Besides that, I will disregard my past life because most of it I want to forget. So judge me from what I am and not from why. I don’t plan to hurt anyone unless they hurt who I care for the most.” She kept her bow raised on me but her expression dropped a little. I can tell she doesn’t completely trust me yet but some of what I said had gotten to her. “I have one question.” “You can attempt to ask.” “Why were there so few guards in the palace today?” Something clicked in my mind but I need some form of conformation. “I always have two guards outside the main room and four guards walking the grounds. That is a normal day. How many dead guards did you see in the main room?” She showed almost no emotion but emanated a saddened aura. “There were easily ten. And all that… was done with you and the two guards? But…” Just by mentioning it, I saw the façade drop again and all her leg muscles just seemed to stop working. “Have you ever killed before, Denny? Have you…? I had to kill eight of those ten men and I still lost my last blood relative. You don’t know what taking a life feels like, do you? Controlling the life of another and stopping their heart? Even if it is to save someone that you love, it is not going to make it any easier. Life just isn’t that settled.” After Elsa finished her sentence, she grabbed into her bag and a knife of reasonable size was now in her left hand. She then proceeded to point the dagger towards herself while in tears. Before I knew it, my legs were already at full speed running to stop her but I stopped almost instantly. A steel dagger with a red clothed handle flew past me and managed to hit the top edge of the knife. The instability led the dagger to fall out of Elsa’s hand. “You claim that you can’t fight. You claim that you can’t handle with all the lives you have taken. Worse of all, you dare pull a knife on yourself without taking into account the people who would miss you the most.” I saw Kyo brush off the hit she took before like nothing as she slowly started to approach Elsa, step by step. “Yes, I understand taking a life for the first time is traumatizing and you feel like the only way to atone for that is by ending yours but… what would that achieve? Also, why wouldn’t you let me help you through it, when I tried to come for you… you hit me.” Kyo started to walk even faster with tears falling from her pained face. All that I could do was stand there and stare in amazement and resentment that I didn’t know what to say. “I was there… when it happened to Julac. I saw the soldiers die that tried their best to protect us. I don’t know why this happened and I want to find out why as much as you do.” Kyo dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Elsa. “You are the only family that I truly care for. You are the only family member that I have. So… please… don’t do this to yourself. Please.” You can see that the every single word had gotten to Elsa because she wrapped her arms around Kyo as well. Her arms were wrapped around her so tight that you could hear the stress on the metal of Kyo’s armor. A pain hit my chest like a shockwave, almost sending me backwards. Why… is this happening? Am I hallucinating? I don’t know but I wasn’t the only one who felt it as Elsa’s head shot up. “Oh shit.” She grabbed Kyo’s arms off of her gently but sternly and took off in the direction that I had come from. “What just happened? Why…?” I didn’t let Kyo finish as I grabbed her arm and dashed with her in the direction Elsa was heading. …. We managed to catch up to her standing on the hill that overlooked the crystal clear river. I normally would have recognized it as a beautiful view in the right light. But the only visage that was echoing before us was a bright light, not of the moon light dancing off the surface of the water but of the dancing orange and red flames that emanated from the village beyond the lake. |
BluwulooMar 16, 2015 11:48 AM
Mar 16, 2015 11:51 AM
November 5 The visage was almost too jarring, blinding in the sways of the many shades of the moon light bouncing off of the hills. The view looked as if the world was hit by a massive meteor and we were sitting nearby barely safe from the impact. There were a mixture of jeers, cheers, screams, verbal promises, and regrets. I can already see the tears on the side of Elsa’s face as she stood, frozen in time, while she only repeated one word, “Why? Why? Why?” Indeed, why? Why here? How did they get in so easily? I felt Kyo’s grip stretch forward and let go of my hand. I looked back and saw that I was quickly fading further and further away from her. Until I felt a sudden rush of energy as I looked before me and saw a Tealwoe almost ten feet in front of me. The only logical conclusion is that Kyo must have sent me out to attack anything that isn’t Alfertain or Ushia. That must mean that she can control my actions because never did I tell myself to run or even attack but in the time I finished that thought the Tealwoe was lying on the ground with his left arm and right leg detached. I didn’t feel pain or sadness as the dagger I held before me blazed with a burning yellow light and extended before planting itself next to the creatures head. Words started to appear out of my mouth that I would never normally say if not for the rage all of us combined forced them to. “I have the ability to envision and resupply you with the limbs that I have taken and I will be just as kind as to cut them off again if you do or say anything that raises suspicion. This can all be avoided by telling me why the Tealwoes did this.” I was roughly a foot from the side of the beings neck as it spoke, barely struggling. “We only do… what we are told. We were told to kill, so we did. We don’t ask questions and we enjoy killing.” I could see in its eyes that it did not fear my blade nor did it show remorse due to what it had done. My vision went dark and my mind went blank as my body moved on instinct and finished him off with a swift stroke of my already laden blade. I fell to my knees as my vision returned and I gained control of my former self. My hands, legs, and arms were shaking with enough power to detach them. My eyes grew wide and I only felt the pressure build in my chest as I realized that the life that is laying a few feet away is gone. I started to laugh as if to calm myself down. It was pressured but soft. It seemed to last only a minute but still worried Kyoko and Elsa. “So this is how it feels, huh? Why is it so easy to do, but so hard to stand it afterwards? I now know how it feels, Elsa. I… I… I just… Yes, I had to. I had to protect them. I…” I felt calm but my heart beat was thumping faster than I thought possible. I felt warmth spread around me as I was snapped back from my episode. Kyoko pulled me in close and placed my head on her chest with her arms wrapped around it as if a mother trying to calm a crying child. It did make me feel a little better as she said the words, “you are strong, you can fight through this,” then silence but she rocked back and forth to comfort me. We sat like that for a minute before she looked me in the eyes and gave me a quick peck on the head. “Are you calmer now? I wondered why you attacked that Tealwoe so quickly. I only alerted you of its presence and you just attacked, faster than I thought possible. It is truly impressive, with that power and hate. It amazed but scared me because you were leaving an evil aura and I don’t want to see you like that. I don’t want to see you like me when I fight.” “Yeah, I feel… better, thank you very much. What is this about you having an ‘evil aura’ when fighting? Is it because of that one time with the After Bringer? It was necessary because it was the best possible choice in a fight against that beast. It is the sword with the evil intent behind it not the wielder. You shouldn’t believe that it was you who was evil when fighting with After Bringer.” She spoke three quiet words as she stood up, pulling me along with her. “You will see.” I didn’t want to ask her about it because I would rather see it for myself later. Elsa stood on the top of the hill overlooking the city with her eyes closed. She was focusing on the sounds of the town as her small pointed ears twitched ever so slightly to even the smallest echo or whistle in the wind. At the drop of a pin, her eyes shot open and she started running again towards the village. Kyoko and I did not need a seconds thought to chase after her. She was intent on getting wherever it was first, even we could barely keep to her sides. “Aster and Shia are in trouble.” Those words were all it took for Kyo to rush ahead of us, way quicker than before. I felt a hard thump to my chest again as I was already in the air falling down holding my dagger hammer fisted aiming downward at another Tealwoe. Elsa saw that I was going to handle it and understood the situation, so she kept on running. I swung down with all my might as I saw Elsa reluctantly run after Kyo. As soon as my blade struck the shielded forearm of the enemy in front of me, I knew that it wasn’t enough. At a seconds notice, I was thrown aside as if hit by a tree trunk to the stomach with his other arm. My vision started to blur as I was thrown back about twenty feet, luckily landing on my left knee and barely holding my balance with my right foot. That did not stop me from coughing to try to get my normal breathing pattern back. I looked down towards the ground to find a small amount of blood sitting in a pool in front of me. “Well played, my friend. You know that you will pay for that, right?” I wiped off the small amount of blood that was left on my chin as I showed challenge and a fierce grin on my face. I held the dagger outright and brought my body together into a straight upright position. I tried my best to narrow my now stable breathing as the energy started to flow from my chest to my hands to the dagger in front of me. The handle of the short dagger started to become elongated as my hand traveled further from its original place. I took what I knew about myself and what Kyo mentioned before about my attack style to choose what I made my blade into. I am not a close range fighter, I am also not meant for strength and outright damage but I am meant for speed and knowing enemy’s weak points. The weapon in front of me is reminiscent of a mix between a lance and a quarterstaff. The front of the lance is frayed outwards a little but only enough to be wide bodied but still joined at a sharp point. The blade has a black rounded symbol for dark on one side and a white rounded symbol for light on the other while two lines from each converged to the main staff edging below it. The staff itself is made of a blend of carbon fiber and steel, which made it light and easy to hold but durable and strong. There also is a button just above where my hands would normally be positioned that can launch the blade on the staff almost two meters away from its base connected by a steel chain. This makes the weapon effective and even deadly if aimed right at nearly four meters. Even with that, I feel it needs color and a symbol to give it an identity, even if it is inanimate. The weapons staff turned black and a symbol of a white face that was hazed over with no features rose above the surface. I decided that the name of this weapon will be named after what I was haunted by for most of my life, The Dark Veil. All of the forming of the staff had taken only a minute but the process was enough to stun the enemy before me. The staff is laying in my open palms waiting to be used in battle. I quickly twirled the staff underneath my right arm and pulled back slightly as I quickly thrust towards my enemy. He was not as stunned as I had thought because he managed to dodge the attack, which resulted in him only being nicked by The Dark Veil. He didn’t even flinch as he lunged towards me with his armored fist in full swing. I used the mid length of my staff to block the attack. I tried to retaliate against him to gain the higher ground with a kick to the gut but it had no effect. Damn. He chose to try the same strike and against my luck, his attack, although slower, connected and threw me back about ten feet onto my back. He took advantage of what he saw as an opening and punched the ground on which I had landed. I had taken advantage of his slower attacking speed to roll myself to the right, barely dodging his attack and hit the release on my staff, aiming at his lowered arm. This time I made sure that I wouldn’t miss to make substantial damage. I connected with his shoulder joint and quickly hit the switch on the staff. The blade shot through the other side of his arm and then returned to its rightful place. I saw him fall to the ground but he still did not show his pain even though his arm went limp, he stood back up growling. “I can see that you are higher up than the other Tealwoe that I had faced. Why attack a village that did nothing but live peacefully? Is murder and violence the Tealwoe’s life goal?” I yelled at it hoping that it will be more submissive now. “We only do what we are told. We were told to kill, so we did. We don’t ask questions and honestly… we enjoy killing.” The monster said through the hate in his voice and the sting to his glare made me feel the emotion behind it. “That’s what the other one said, almost to the letter. I have one question for you before we finish this. Who ordered you to attack this village and why?” He gave a sharper glare this time but I was not intimidated, actually maybe I was unfazed by what is happening. “King Jol Wara Azuraine. He ordered us to attack the village as an effort to draw out his daughter and bring her back to Xerces.” “The king ordered this? Why does he want Kyo back to Xerces?” A wide smile grew across his face. “For her execution.” |
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