Oct 3, 2014 9:31 AM
Okay so I'm just gonna quote what 4kicks said and put the true ending (from what I understood) below the quote.... Thank you 4kicks for the timeline...It made me have a better understanding of everything :) 4kicks said: [/quote]So here's my understanding of what happened, from the true beginning, one giant recap (may have names misspelled, but won't be corrected because this show is pretty forgettable): [spoiler] -Hina bumped into Aoba in college, where they met for the very first time. -They get acquainted, become get very close. -Aoba and Hina visit a festival where he wins a cat hair-clip for her, which is where the clip comes from in the first place. - They grow up to become scientists, and conduct experiments - The experiment started with the two of them synchronizing their brain-waves, which is the basis and start of the coupling system...making the two of them the very first couplers. -Hina was the first to undergo another experiment, which sends her just around 60-70 years into the future, where she woke up in Luxion, and met Dio, and essentially had Aoba's position as the confused time-traveller from the past, drafted into the Confederation as a civilian-turned soldier. -Hina fought Bizen, as enemies, which resulted in the wormhole opening in the sky for the first time. -Hina, still with the hair-clip, Luxion, and memories, gets sent back further into the past, to where she is high school-aged, and met a teen Aoba there. -Bizon was sent back into the past in the same wormhole, and wrecked havoc. - Mech fight ensues, and a wormhole opens again: for the second time chronicology, but the first time in technical history. -Hina is then sent into the future again, this time with the teen Aoba, giving him the instructions to meet Dio (whom she met after her first time-jump). -When she wakes up, this time she's without her memories, and as a de-aged child version of herself, still wearing her tattered school-uniform. -Hina is found by her foster father on the enemy Zogilion side, and raised as a soldier. - From there, Past Hina (with memories) becomes Future Hina (without memories), she fights Aoba, who traveled into the future but at a differnt time-plane, and as a teen; he takes up in Hina's original place as the civilian piloting the Luxion. This is the reason why Dio didn't believe in Aoba's claims, since this Dio has never met Hina yet. - In the 70 year-future fights, wormholes open up, sending Hina, Bizon, and Aoba back into the past, where the cycle starts all over again, where Hina ends up with the enemy. Past Hina is now caught in a seemingly infinite time-loop, still retaining her memories of meeting Dio. - Now back to the present story, where instead of repeating the infinite time loop, Hina and Aoba stay in the future, while only Bizon is sent into the past where he stays to grow up to be a saggy sack of shit, and the head of Zogilion. - Mech fight ensues, with a defected (almost wrote defecated), Future Hina trusting Aoba. - Aoba gets a software update in his mech to couple with himself, then in a threesome (selfcest/orgy doujinshi seems inevitable). - Aoba and Dio do a Superman, and fly so fast together that they skip back into the past by a nanosecond repeatedly until to the point before the giant doomsday device fires a second time, and slices it up, saving the world. - Another wormhole opens up after Saggy sack of shit Bizon dies in explosion, and the doomsday device is minced meat. - Aoba and Hina are the only ones to go back into their original past, not before thanking the future friends. Dio cracks a tear. And now this is what I think the true ending is, when Hina and Aoba went back to the past, they both returned to where they are originally from which is - For Aoba, he went back to when he was a high school student - And for Hina, she went back to her original timeline with adult Aoba (the scene with her appearing in the lab) And I also think that Aoba kept his memories because...(I also think Hina kept her memories but I dont have any proof) 1) When Aoba first bumped into Hina (the very first time before all the time-loop stuff happened) he was seen talking with his friends, but this time Aoba was just standing there. 2) When Hina said "Have we met somewhere before?" to Aoba you could clearly tell that Aoba was lying (his facial expression and tone) Well technically he didn't lie since he hasn't met THIS Hina (he met the other Hina who went back to her original timeline) So, I'm pretty sure they won't repeat the time-loop But then again this is just my understanding of the ending, so don't bash me if you think otherwise. |
AyacchiiOct 3, 2014 9:53 AM
Oct 3, 2014 11:38 AM
Wow, after reading this I can tell you, that if susrise had decided to make this a full 2nd season, this would have been a great series. I just can't dislike this because i loved 1st season. 8/10 |
Oct 3, 2014 5:18 PM
The spoiler that you quoted isn't right. If Bizon was sent to the past with Hina when they were fighting (the first time she went to the future), he wouldn't know be after Aoba yelling his name in the first episode. So the Bizon that was sent to the past was the Bizon from when Aoba was in the future. If I recall correctly, Bizon from Aoba's time got into the wormhole, so that Bizon is the one that is chasing after Aoba. Hina was already in Aoba's present going to school with him when Bizon arrived, so that was the Hina from the first time and the Bizon from the 2nd time. When they got into the wormhole again, Aoba was sent 70 years in the future and Hina was sent a few years earlier and she turned into a child (?) |
Oct 3, 2014 11:54 PM
DemonCR7 said: The spoiler that you quoted isn't right. If Bizon was sent to the past with Hina when they were fighting (the first time she went to the future), he wouldn't know be after Aoba yelling his name in the first episode. So the Bizon that was sent to the past was the Bizon from when Aoba was in the future. If I recall correctly, Bizon from Aoba's time got into the wormhole, so that Bizon is the one that is chasing after Aoba. Hina was already in Aoba's present going to school with him when Bizon arrived, so that was the Hina from the first time and the Bizon from the 2nd time. When they got into the wormhole again, Aoba was sent 70 years in the future and Hina was sent a few years earlier and she turned into a child (?) Oh yes sorry my bad forgot to edit that part....thanks for pointing that out. What I understood from that part is that - Hina and Bizon were sucked into that wormhole together and we're sent to when Aoba was in high school. - During the mech fight between Hina and Bizon, some debris of the school were about to crush Aoba but Hina ended up saving him and she also ended up brining him into luxion. - He ended up going to the future too but this time, it was Aoba who stayed in luxion while Hina lost her memories and was adopted by that zogilian person. - And after that, Aoba became the pilot of luxion and fought the zogilian army and Bizon while searching for Hina. - During the mech fight at Alaska, the wormhole opened and Bizon got sucked in with Hina following after him so that she could prevent Bizon from killing Aoba. And after that the events of the first episode of Buddy Complex takes place. |
Oct 5, 2014 3:30 AM
Still doesn't explain Hina's age changing constantly from time travel. |
Oct 8, 2014 1:42 AM
Rannta said: What a mess. Hina's amnesia doesn't have sense. I believe when Hina was time travelling somehow she had her memories distorted and in the process lost her memories because when entering the dimention it somehow strained their brainwaves, I was going to say she had her memories when she was only 7 years old but that doesn't explain about why she forgot her name and parents |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Oct 8, 2014 1:43 AM
Oct 8, 2014 2:49 AM
Well I just found this: Anyone who doesn't understand the time line, Please click on the link. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Oct 12, 2014 11:26 PM
this show is a cluster fuck of poorly explained time travel and paradoxes and such. i did a rant after the first season ended(cant find post atm) trying to figure out evreything that happened up to that point. it did not go over well because i spent a good hour typing and retyping the post to make it make sense. Great show with great mechs and battle, but shitty writing on importants parts like time travel |
Just an anime fan, doing what an anime fan does |
Oct 15, 2014 2:53 AM
Ayacchii, thanks for posting the list of events in the timelines order. I just don't understand Hina's age drop in the future. That part just feels forced in order for her to have some connection with that war veteran from Zogilla and the antagonist of the sequel. How do you wind up in a timezone younger than when you first encountered it as a time traveler? I don't know much about time travel so excuse me if I'm missing something here. |
Oct 19, 2014 8:21 PM
This whole time travelling thing is giving me a headache. Not because it's confusing but the fact I think this show shouldn't use the time travelling crap for the story in the first place |
May 24, 2015 11:43 AM
Ayacchii said: Okay so I'm just gonna quote what 4kicks said and put the true ending (from what I understood) below the quote.... Thank you 4kicks for the timeline...It made me have a better understanding of everything :) 4kicks said: So here's my understanding of what happened, from the true beginning, one giant recap (may have names misspelled, but won't be corrected because this show is pretty forgettable): [spoiler] -Hina bumped into Aoba in college, where they met for the very first time. -They get acquainted, become get very close. -Aoba and Hina visit a festival where he wins a cat hair-clip for her, which is where the clip comes from in the first place. - They grow up to become scientists, and conduct experiments - The experiment started with the two of them synchronizing their brain-waves, which is the basis and start of the coupling system...making the two of them the very first couplers. -Hina was the first to undergo another experiment, which sends her just around 60-70 years into the future, where she woke up in Luxion, and met Dio, and essentially had Aoba's position as the confused time-traveller from the past, drafted into the Confederation as a civilian-turned soldier. -Hina fought Bizen, as enemies, which resulted in the wormhole opening in the sky for the first time. -Hina, still with the hair-clip, Luxion, and memories, gets sent back further into the past, to where she is high school-aged, and met a teen Aoba there. -Bizon was sent back into the past in the same wormhole, and wrecked havoc. - Mech fight ensues, and a wormhole opens again: for the second time chronicology, but the first time in technical history. -Hina is then sent into the future again, this time with the teen Aoba, giving him the instructions to meet Dio (whom she met after her first time-jump). -When she wakes up, this time she's without her memories, and as a de-aged child version of herself, still wearing her tattered school-uniform. -Hina is found by her foster father on the enemy Zogilion side, and raised as a soldier. - From there, Past Hina (with memories) becomes Future Hina (without memories), she fights Aoba, who traveled into the future but at a differnt time-plane, and as a teen; he takes up in Hina's original place as the civilian piloting the Luxion. This is the reason why Dio didn't believe in Aoba's claims, since this Dio has never met Hina yet. - In the 70 year-future fights, wormholes open up, sending Hina, Bizon, and Aoba back into the past, where the cycle starts all over again, where Hina ends up with the enemy. Past Hina is now caught in a seemingly infinite time-loop, still retaining her memories of meeting Dio. - Now back to the present story, where instead of repeating the infinite time loop, Hina and Aoba stay in the future, while only Bizon is sent into the past where he stays to grow up to be a saggy sack of shit, and the head of Zogilion. - Mech fight ensues, with a defected (almost wrote defecated), Future Hina trusting Aoba. - Aoba gets a software update in his mech to couple with himself, then in a threesome (selfcest/orgy doujinshi seems inevitable). - Aoba and Dio do a Superman, and fly so fast together that they skip back into the past by a nanosecond repeatedly until to the point before the giant doomsday device fires a second time, and slices it up, saving the world. - Another wormhole opens up after Saggy sack of shit Bizon dies in explosion, and the doomsday device is minced meat. - Aoba and Hina are the only ones to go back into their original past, not before thanking the future friends. Dio cracks a tear. And now this is what I think the true ending is, when Hina and Aoba went back to the past, they both returned to where they are originally from which is - For Aoba, he went back to when he was a high school student - And for Hina, she went back to her original timeline with adult Aoba (the scene with her appearing in the lab) And I also think that Aoba kept his memories because...(I also think Hina kept her memories but I dont have any proof) 1) When Aoba first bumped into Hina (the very first time before all the time-loop stuff happened) he was seen talking with his friends, but this time Aoba was just standing there. 2) When Hina said "Have we met somewhere before?" to Aoba you could clearly tell that Aoba was lying (his facial expression and tone) Well technically he didn't lie since he hasn't met THIS Hina (he met the other Hina who went back to her original timeline) So, I'm pretty sure they won't repeat the time-loop But then again this is just my understanding of the ending, so don't bash me if you think otherwise.[/quote] Basically both of you are correct about the timeline. |
May 24, 2015 11:52 AM
This link actually explains the timelines more clearly if your still confused. |
Aug 21, 2015 9:15 PM
I still don't get why Hina loses her memory... And for the ending scene, what happens there? I'm reading the timeline that people are posting and i'm guessing that Aoba keeps his memory so hes #3 and is send back to his own timeline or something? Or is he sent back to a new timeline where he meets Hina #4/5(a new Hina), but that Hina doesn't have any memories and that she only seem like she knew Aoba cause of some deja vu crap (like in some time traveling movie where they remember stuff even through it was in a different timeline?) |
Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.- Tifa lockhart Which is it? A memory or us? -Tifa lockhart |
Feb 23, 2016 6:39 AM
wow, Hina's past is just messed up... literally... I thought they kept their memories in time travel, or does that not work the same backwards in time. And what was that part about Hina and Aoba in the lab all about? she came back in the Zigilla outfit, just confused lol. But I still loved it, shame it was only a OVA and not a full season, it just felt so rushed...There is just something about Hina, I really liked her. |
SympathyRSFeb 23, 2016 6:45 AM
Jan 5, 2017 11:05 PM
Thanks . Most doubts cleared . But one thing , Who was the Guy/person who was controlling Luxion in the first place before Hina and Aoba got there ? |
"You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny. " -Brihdaranyak Upanishad |
Apr 22, 2017 4:29 AM
the anime&ova is primary time-line and those dejavu on the coupling are the mixture of the memories from the past in the primary time-line and those branch time-line (coming from those who have time leaped). All those branch time-lines completely merged after the final time tunnel on the last ova. Aoba probably gained all the memories when he was in high school because that is the time when he first time leaped while Hina regained all the memories when she returned in the lab because that is her first time she time leaped. Hina's lost memories is probably the result of information overload since it is possible that she time leaped hundreds or millions of time already before a deviation where Aoba was able to stop her happened. Significant deviation was evident when we saw some sort of shadowing between Dio stopping Aoba and not. Time loops are branch that goes in spiral like a an infinite spring but if an event stops the loop it collapses back the primary time-line. Aoba noted that it seems like the memories of the infinite loop disappeared. The merge results are: First loop happened and the second loop was stopped when he prevented Hina from entering the time tunnel and the kid hina remains to exist. In theory, hina's memories should have returned at least the memories of the first loop but it seems they did not probably because her physical form changed from adult to a child (as to why she ended up to be a child - no logical reason at all). Bizon did not accumulate memories because he always dies halfway time tunnel due to explosion. Alessandro Fermi who is most likely a very close friend of Aoba&Hina and knows it all. He kept his silent to prevent diviation from the preferred time-line and is already aware of his inevitable death. It can be said that Elvira Hill is the grand-daughter of Aoba&Hina and a valid reason why she does not know that is Aoba&Hina changed their identities due to the secrecy of the coupling system. It is also hinted that Gengo Kuramitsu also knows some of it as well which explains his behavior with regards to Aoba&Hina. He also act indifferent with things relating to time leaping because he knows the truth the same with Alessandro Fermi. At the primary time-line during the final war, Aoba&Hina most likely lived a full life and already dead but their legacy, the coupling system, still remained. The reason why the old Bizon Gerafil appeared late is because he has to wait after his past self enters the time tunnel or he will not exist (unlike Aoba&Hina who exist due to the first loop, Bizon old exist due to the last loop where Hina did not follow him). This is the last Bizon whose mecha was destroyed and is mostly likely burned hence the mask. He was not able to track Aoba&Hina because of lack of information on top of their possible changed identities. Him being furious in getting his revenge to the extent of destroying the word is understandable even Aoba said it but still they have to stop him. The theories of time leaping in this series are awesome but the coincidences are too good to be true (Mark of a Fiction). Like how Aoba(everytime in the time loop)&Hina(once) always end up inside the mecha Luxon and Kid Hina always ends up being found by Viktor Ryazan. |
-> It does not matter if everything else is BAD as long as the PLOT/STORY is GOOD! -> TRAGEDIES are for MASOCHIST so count me OUT! -> TRUTH sometimes HURTS! -> | Reddit | FanFiction | |
Nov 30, 2017 10:23 AM
I'm actually less confused(actually gave me more ideas to refine my own fic) and more sad that this series isn't longer. Oh man, they could have fleshed this out more. Oh man, they should've released this earlier(or later). Buddy Complex was a good series that was just released in the wrong time. |
Apr 3, 2018 6:31 AM
Ayacchii said: And I also think that Aoba kept his memories because...(I also think Hina kept her memories but I dont have any proof) 1) When Aoba first bumped into Hina (the very first time before all the time-loop stuff happened) he was seen talking with his friends, but this time Aoba was just standing there. 2) When Hina said "Have we met somewhere before?" to Aoba you could clearly tell that Aoba was lying (his facial expression and tone) Well technically he didn't lie since he hasn't met THIS Hina (he met the other Hina who went back to her original timeline) So, I'm pretty sure they won't repeat the time-loop But then again this is just my understanding of the ending, so don't bash me if you think otherwise. I think I can sort of confirm that he retained his memories (or at least partially). Following your timeline and the one from the wiki, you can understand that everyone gets sent back to their original timeline, however, the anime story is about the time loop (TL#2) which is the paradox in the larger time loop (TL#1). So the original story/TL#1 is that Hina and Aoba are working on the first ever coupling machine. When it malfunctions it is the start of TL#2. Within TL#2 we have multiple paradoxes/alternate time loops. Which is your Timeline and the Wiki come into play. This entire anime is about TL#2 and it's paradoxes to begin with. At the end of TL#2 time should go back to moving forward from that point, however, TL#2 is within TL#1. SO if TL#1 isn't fixed then TL#2 won't be fixed. Hina gets sent back to when she malfunctioned in the machine and Aoba gets sent back to High School. TL#1 is still in play if they don't retain their memories because if they can't prevent themselves from malfunctioning they will start TL#1 which leads to TL#2. So my belief and this where I can confirm that they kept their memories (or at least high school Aoba did). As long as he doesn't let the machine malfunction again there will be no TL#1 which also results in no TL#2. This theory is all dependent on the fact that Aoba doesn't let the machine malfunction (meaning he knows how to prevent it or doesn't do it to begin with via prior knowledge) and if the Authors would "want" to end the time loop. Otherwise if he does let the machine malfunction again, it begins.... again. Making this a story about the time loop within a time Loop. Which is never ending. Sidenotes: - TL#2 of Hina going into the future and into the past could have happened multiple times until the right strand actually took hold, making multiple instances of Hina's and Aoba's. So that's why I didn't name them with numbers and just tackled the larger time loop. - No answer for why Hina is younger, not a single clue. - I think we should all recognized he fact that when Hina came back to her original time it was probably like seconds or something like that. |
xRynerApr 3, 2018 6:47 AM
Sep 22, 2018 1:35 AM
Ayacchii said: So, I'm pretty sure they won't repeat the time-loop But then again this is just my understanding of the ending, so don't bash me if you think otherwise. Well that' what i too seemed to understand at first. But those two going to their original timelines is new to me. I thought they both went back to the same timeline (which could be referred to as the original one) without the memories of all the timetravel stuff they underwent. Anyway this series couldn't explain it completely but atleast it ended in a decent way. Kudos to the action sequences. Those were the only things that changed my 7 or 8 rating to a 9/10. Plus it remained true to its major genre - a mecha anime. Over all it was a satisfying watch. Please do consider my opinion :) |
Oct 8, 2020 7:20 AM
[quote=Ayacchii message=34870189]Okay so I'm just gonna quote what 4kicks said and put the true ending (from what I understood) below the quote.... Thank you 4kicks for the timeline...It made me have a better understanding of everything :) [quote=4kicks]So here's my understanding of what happened, from the true beginning, one giant recap (may have names misspelled, but won't be corrected because this show is pretty forgettable): [spoiler] -Hina bumped into Aoba in college, where they met for the very first time. -They get acquainted, become get very close. -Aoba and Hina visit a festival where he wins a cat hair-clip for her, which is where the clip comes from in the first place. - They grow up to become scientists, and conduct experiments - The experiment started with the two of them synchronizing their brain-waves, which is the basis and start of the coupling system...making the two of them the very first couplers. -Hina was the first to undergo another experiment, which sends her just around 60-70 years into the future, where she woke up in Luxion, and met Dio, and essentially had Aoba's position as the confused time-traveller from the past, drafted into the Confederation as a civilian-turned soldier. -Hina fought Bizen, as enemies, which resulted in the wormhole opening in the sky for the first time. -Hina, still with the hair-clip, Luxion, and memories, gets sent back further into the past, to where she is high school-aged, and met a teen Aoba there. -Bizon was sent back into the past in the same wormhole, and wrecked havoc. - Mech fight ensues, and a wormhole opens again: for the second time chronicology, but the first time in technical history. -Hina is then sent into the future again, this time with the teen Aoba, giving him the instructions to meet Dio (whom she met after her first time-jump). -When she wakes up, this time she's without her memories, and as a de-aged child version of herself, still wearing her tattered school-uniform. -Hina is found by her foster father on the enemy Zogilion side, and raised as a soldier. - From there, Past Hina (with memories) becomes Future Hina (without memories), she fights Aoba, who |
Oct 8, 2020 7:29 AM
I think Aouba and Hina are the grandparents Elvira Hill and Dr Fermis Sensei (the ones at the ending of the show when they return to the original times) it makes a lot of sense as they were working on the technology that will become coupler technology |
Oct 8, 2020 7:59 AM
I think Aouba and Hina are the grandparents of Elvira Hill and Dr Fermis Sensei the versions in the ending of the show that return to their original times Aouba returns to his high school time and Hina returns after the second experiment that sends her in this time loop, Aouba will meet Hina at the college as seen in the ending scene and he still has his memories he was lying about not knowing Hina as seen by his expression and tone, the Hina that returns from the second experiment will have her memories and Aouba will probably tell her that he knew her from the beginning and that he returned back to his high school time. They are the grandparents because they are scientists working on technology that will later become coupler tech and they are also the first couplers. Dr Fermis said that his Sensei aka Elviras grandfather taught him as he taught her and he never denied that Aouba came from the past and from his expressions we know that he knew that Aouba was saying the truth plus at the end of episode 9 we see their photo together in which the image of his Sensei was purposely not clearly shown, the show gives so many hints for this being the case. Both Aouba and Hina would have lived the rest oftheir lives happily. |
Mar 16, 2021 9:52 PM
Woah that was one hell of a roller coaster ride ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT WOW, 9/10 But maybe what would have been nice is if in the 70 years in the future realm they should have recognize Aoba as the savior of the world and in the 70 years in the past it should have left off with Hina and Aoba coming back because now, The whole loop will most likely repeat again because now they are back at ROUTE 1. There were many routes that happen, for example first was when Aoba met Hina at college and they then did some experiments and HINA alone was sent 70 years over where she then fights Bizon and goes back the past where she protects Aoba. ROUTE 2: then Aoba gets sent to the future and for Hina this is how it went, She was sent to the future earlier to the future as a little girl with no memory then years later Aoba would arrive. For Aoba it was not more than a minute. Then everything happens until the fight at alaska where Hina ALONE went to save Aoba in the past. ROUTE 3-19293747: This repeated for god knows what, but it was a lot. However after many repeats, Aoba then breaks the time loop and here we are in the space fight. Then after the space fight Aoba and Hina then get sent back the the past where they meet in college AGAIN without any prior knoledge of eachother or the future THEREFORE WE ARE BACK AT ROUTE NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S Ok maybe the loop may have been broken because AS YOU CAN SEE INSTEAD IF HINA BUMPING INTO AOBA SHE RAMMED INTO HIM, lol this is just a minor detail I noticed while I rewatched and I doubt that would change anything but hey you know what they say, if you throw a rock into the water and then go to the future, a tsunami will happen. Also I forgot there was a part where hina returned back to the original timeline in the pod looking thing, This MINOR detail CHANGES EVERYTHING so everything I said up there ^^^ is just a theory but this will probably make more sense. So Hina may have went back to the original timeline and Aoba went to the college timelime which seems more formidable because if you didnt realize already Aoba didnt even know about Hina or cared about her until the war plus Aoba wasn't even supposed to meet Hina until college, she was only at the highschool because she came to save him but now everything is done. For Hina only knew the Aoba from the original timeline so it would make sense that they go back to their respective parts. Anyways please this is just my assumption dont hunt me down if you think otherwise but yeah. |
Sep 7, 2023 6:54 PM
I understood the gist of it while watching. But not all of it makes sense. Because there are holes in logic/plot. Oh well. Interesting show with predictably meh ending. |
Mar 30, 2024 1:01 PM
Reply to RebelDrake
I think Aouba and Hina are the grandparents Elvira Hill and Dr Fermis Sensei (the ones at the ending of the show when they return to the original times) it makes a lot of sense as they were working on the technology that will become coupler technology
@RebelDrake I kept expecting the show to reveal the exact same thing. Glad someone else thought so too! |
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