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Sep 29, 2014 6:58 PM

Feb 2013

Training area for Fighters.

This cliff-hanging arena stands besides the only river that flows in the isle. Here is where fighters practice their styles and train new skills as well as aprimorating and repairing armor and weapons with the smith.

[b]You can train and test items here as a Fighter!
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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Sep 29, 2014 7:11 PM

Jul 2012
4,997...4,998...4,999...5,000... Dump and then sleep for the rest of the day...Hatsue silently thought to himself as he finished today's practice swings. Normally he does a thousand but since today was new recruit day he does ten thousand instead in two reps and skips out on the introductions.

Stripping himself except for his hand bandages he jumped into the ocean from the broken half of the arena washing away his today's work...finished he dresses himself up and heads back to his dorm room which is also Morpheus's room.
Oct 7, 2014 3:55 PM

Apr 2011
Not long after the Announcement at the hall had finished, Baraxus arrived at the Arena. He loved how it looked and especially loved the free, unrestricted space it gave him. He could stand tall without fear of bumping his head on a doorpost, an that was quite alright, he thought to himself.

He meandered over to the edge of the stadium and stared off into the water below. How peaceful, he thought to himself. It's almost like home. After a couple breathes of clean, fresh air, he decided to begin training while he waited. And how else better, than rock climbing?

With that thought, Baraxus jumped off the edge, grinding all the way down the rock wall to where the water and the rocks met. From there, he twisted his body so his chest was pressed up against the rock face. He then climbed up, slowly and steadily testing his grip and arm strength. When he had finally reached the top, he began the whole process again..
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 7, 2014 7:42 PM

Jul 2012
Hatsue reaching the arena took a look around to see no one training yet or so he thought as he then sees the titan reaching the top of the cliff and going back down again. Curious, Hatsue peered over the cliff and then realized what training the titan was doing... Rock climbing huh... he thought to himself as he stared at the bandages wrapped around his hands. At one point Hatsue trained like that but that was back in the day when he was very naive and stupid not knowing the extent of his body, of course his hands recovered otherwise why would he still be fighting...The bandages are just there to remind him to not overextend his body's limits even though he still does outrageous exercises. Seeing the titan train, he decided to join the titan in the rock climbing but kept his distance in case the cliff wore off due to their weight which is unlikely but still possible.
Oct 7, 2014 9:30 PM

Apr 2011
Noticing Hatsue join in the little rock climbing escapade, Baraxus smiled to himself and continued climbing up and down the cliff face. After a couple times of climbing down the cliff head first, he decided it was enough of a warm up. He clambered back up to the Arena floor and sat down cross legged, waiting for the class to start. His body felt loose and limber, and he exhaled forcefully through his nose, anxiously waiting for the class to begin..
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 7, 2014 10:17 PM

Nov 2010
With the announcement being done for back at the hall Rois decided to make her way to the Arena, the designated training location for Monks and Warriors such as herself. She had already done a basic warming up session back in her dorm room so she decided to get going with some sword training as soon as she picked herself a spot.

While practicing kendo-styled horizontal and vertical swings she began recalling the words of the three councilors from the announcement of before, specially the reminder of why they all came here for in the first place. She's glad to know that they are taking the matter seriously but what truly worried her is that one other thing she happened to realize; team work won't exactly be a piece of cake around here. It was already clear to her from the impressions she got from some of her supposed comrades so far.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Oct 8, 2014 5:11 PM

Feb 2013
The noise of the students training was already loud enough, but it felt so light when metal plate boots colided with the ground, making loud metalical sounds with each step of the teacher.

As soon as everyone heard it, it was natural for them to stop. It didn't took much for Morpheus to arrive not too late, still with Lynda clinging on him. The teacher looked towards Morpheus and Morpheus whispered to Lynda before she could say anything else. "Sorry, we can continue this conversation later." As he walked let go of her and walked towards the teacher.

"Is this them all?" He asked. Morpheus simply nodded to his question, and the man stood in attention, looking towards the students with hawk eyes. He was an extremely tall, old-looking man with a giant sword on his back and a large scar across his left eye all the way down to his chin. His gaze was a stone one, able to pierce through any rookie. "Welcome to the Gladiator's Arena, rookies. This is your training area, your sanctuary, your home away from home from now foward. You will not leave your sanctuary dirty, you will not leave it unorganized.." The man stated as he took a step foward. "My name is Maximus Decimus Titanius. I am a Gladiator." Maximus presented himself. "From today foward, I am your teacher and instructor. You will pay attention and hear me when I say or you will end up leaving this place. I like to run my students the same way I learned how to fight... Military-like. So never go limp on me unless you want to get a punch in the gut." The man stated his desires, seemingly uncaring about the students' reactions. He knew very well how the drill was and, from looks, he seemed to be doing this for quite a long time.

"Tomorrow is the Battle Royale. The Tech Users have won them for over the last 10 years. Now it's time for us to get our win. That's why, today, we shall by training in duels. Choose your dueling partner and prepare for battle. I want the rookies to just watch today, so why don't you start against Hatsue, Morpheus?" The teacher asked, looking towards Morpheus and awaiting for the light bow he knew he would receive. Morpheus bowed his head slightly and then walked towards the central area of the arena.

Walking to the side-lines of the arena, the Instructor aligned the students as a crowd, all around the arena and then threw his blade towards Morpheus. The blade didn't flew much as it seemed extremely heavy. When Morpheus catched it, it collided against the ground, making a loud thump and raising some dust. Morpheus raised the Zweihander and used his shoulder to support the blade. "So, should we give them a good show, Hatsue?" Morpheus asked, a small smirk appearing on his face. The instructor always chose these two for the exemplary combats and most of the time they duled against each other as well, so it wasn't that much of a surprise for either of them.

Morpheus couldn't use the DeathClaw normally, so he would always wield the Instructor's Zweihander during training. The blade rested against Morpheus' shoulder as he awaited for Hatsue to make the first move.

(OOC: Image of the Zweihander:)
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 8, 2014 6:30 PM

Apr 2011
Baraxus got up, walking over and joining the line. He then folded his arms and watched. This would be an interesting show, he thought to himself. Standing in the back of the crowd, his height allowed him to have an unobstructed view of the duel that was about to take place. His eyes wandered from student to student, studying them carefully. The teacher had also piqued his interest. He carried himself with an aura that commanded respect, and Baraxus found himself pleased to have an instructor of such standing.

With all these thoughts in his mind, he turned his attention back to the duel that was taking place...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 8, 2014 6:46 PM

Jul 2012
Hearing the instructor's metal boots mid-climb Hatsue jumped to an inhumane height and instantly landed back on regular ground surface joining in with the other warriors as the instructor introduced his teaching methods and expectations. Called out, Hatsue made a tiny grin, As expected...the usual... Walking up to the center he refastened his bandages and his hair, and in response to Morpheus's comment said,"As always..."Although in a sense Morpheus was handicapped without his death claw, Hatsue also fights just as fair handicapping himself without using the power of his eyes, this was in a sense another form of training to the two to rely less on their special abilities. Steadily increasing his pace Hatsue unsheathed his sword as he got closer to the center and already made the first move, with the speed gained from Ceaseless Charge he swung his katana from above that Morpheus easily blocks with the Zweihander. Hatsue himself was not in the least surprised though and used the momentum of his katana to bring himself above Morpheus with a somersault and attempted to impale him from behind with Deathly Stab despite the fact that as its Morpheus being blocked again would not be surprising.
Oct 8, 2014 7:37 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami made his way to the arena, having arrived a bit later than he'd hoped. They already had begun training... or giving a demonstration, rather. He found putting on this show to be rather pointless. Sure someone experienced like him could watch and learn from their specific techniques and fighting styles, but to a rookie this was probably the equivalent to a noble watching the arena fights from the stands as a form of entertainment. Not only that, but The Shinigami himself doesn't exactly do 'studying', basically meaning that he learns best by doing and adapting, rather than sitting and watching. Spectating simply doesn't help him in the slightest, besides trying to scout out a weakness, that is. Nonetheless, he took up his place towards the back of the crowd of warriors and stood there silently.
Oct 8, 2014 8:09 PM

Feb 2013
HP: 120(does not regenerate)
SP: 60(+2 per post for warriors. +4 per post for thieves.)

As usual, Hatsue wouldn't hold back when called to a fight. However, such a head-on attack was pretty much a stupid charge from Hatsue, it was predictable. The Ceaseless Charge was the skill Hatsue chose to start off the duel. Obviously enough, Morpheus predicted the attack and blocked it with slight difficulty. The attack was powerful and strong and even Morpheus couldn't defend it unscathed.

Seeing how Hatsue had run a few meters, Ceaseless Charge could cause quite some damage, good thing Morpheus blocked it quickly. However, he was given no time to react much as Hatsue went above him. To prevent the damage taken from another attack, Morpheus turned around quickly and stomped the ground, causing a quick shook on the ground before swinging the Zweihander. Due to the fact that Hatsue was still stunned from the Stomp executed by Morpheus, he had almost no time for response, but his katana still held the blade from fully connecting and blocked some of the damage.

The large Zweihander connected with the ground, causing a weak tremor and raising some dust. The sword was clearly heavier than it looked, since the crash area of the blade was actually a small crater at the tip of the blade.

Wielding a Zweihander was a hard task, it's sheer size already scared off some sword-users, but it's weight was both it's strength and weakness. The slow swings allowed too much time for response, but their sheer power was enough to break any defense with ease. The impact was light on Hatsue, he was still intact, even though a clear hit from the Zweihander was immediate knockout. He flew a few meters from the area of impact, showing once more that the swing from Morpheus didn't connect fully. Removing the Zweihander from the ground, which it had impaled just now, Morpheus rested the Zweihander once more on his right shoulder.

HP: 120 - (85% of 20 = 17) = 103( assuming he ran two meters with Ceaseless Charge )( Blocking grants 15% less damage when using a two-handed weapon )
SP: 60 - 20 = 40

(OOC: The Zweihander causes 40 damage. I'll consider that a one-handed weapon block so it's a 10% damage reduction. 10% of 40 = 4 so the attack caused 36 damage.)
(OOC²: I will put information about the combat system on the Stats System Thread.)
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 9, 2014 2:49 AM

Jul 2012
HP: 103 (150-36+(10-15;11)=103)
SP: 6 (-15 and now 3 posts]

Hatsue already knew his moves were stupid and sloppy but he got the results he wanted as his HP instantly dropped to the same amount as Morpheus. Stunned and then blown back the skill force wave would've been nice but right now he doesn't have that agility to attack at the same time or rather he should've done force wave, ceaseless charge, stomp, and then deathly stab. Though its not like he has the stamina to do such combos yet. For Hatsue the amount of moves he can make are very limited. He could avoid the stomp part of the combo and dealt more then 50 damage if he had done so, but now deathly stab was wasted for a good while. Hatsue now can only rely on good sword handling despite the katana being a two-handed weapon it won't block much due to its size. Now on Hatsue has to rely on parrying as much as possible and an upfront sword fight. Hoping that his agility was good enough Hatsue made a horizontal swing from the left as he tried to use the weight of the Zweihander to his advantage as it rested on Morpheus's right shoulder. Hmmph... already Morpheus's win...(if this goes through a critical, I decided to make Katana basic damage 25 so 1.7 of it is 42.5 if Morpheus blocks it 36.125 damage...)

(Regular two-handed weapons 30 or 35, one handed 15 or 20 I'm guessing?)
AsreaOct 9, 2014 3:05 AM
Oct 9, 2014 8:34 AM

Feb 2013
(OOC: Actually, you're with 2 SP. Before that post it doesn't count because you were already at your max SP[15] ammount and SP gain obviously won't go above your max. Also, about your stats: Stomp and Force Wave have a 20 Stamina cost. With only 15 points on Willpower you can't cast either of them... lol)
(OOC²: The Zweihander deals 40 damage with each strike. Right now, we're not working with scaling because that would turn to 70 with Morpheus' strength, which means I would've drained more than half of your life on that last attack. One-handed weapons will scale worse and will not do as much damage, but they will receive some bonusses to speed. A Heavy Weapon drains some of your Agi while a small weapon can even increase your Agi.)
(OOC³: I'll explain why later on, but Critical Hits only happen after you go over a certain threshold. Since you have 10 Crit Chance, I can't approximate it to 20 because it is the same distance for 20 as it is for 0. In other words, you still haven't gone over the first threshold so you can't deal Crit Hits yet. This'll also be explained in the modification and edition I'll make on the Stat Sytem to explain this stuff.)

An horizontal swing was on the of the worst to apply in combats like these. Not only was it easily blockable, when it was blocked, all your power returned and backfired. Morpheus did exactly what Hatsue wouldn't expect, he swung his blade down at his dueling partner. The Zweihander used gravity for it's advantage and came down at a thunderous speed, crashing down against Hatsue before he even had the time to finish his last slash. Going in like this against Morpheus certainly would get Hatsue a victory. Though the attack was very quick, Morpheus knew that Hatsue would either try to avoid it or block it. In case of blocking however, this would be a very hard attack to block. A rolling to the side would be more advisable and that was exactly what Hatsue had done.

However, Morpheus left no time for response for Hatsue, even if he had evaded that last attack. He timed himself well and used Ceaseless Charge towards the man. However, unlike Hatsue, he used Ceaseless Charge to grab ahold of Hatsue. His speedy run with heightened Agillity allowed him to close the gap so quickly that Hatsue couldn't do much in the meantime. He grabbed onto Hatsue's throat before throwing the man behind him and swinging the Zweihander once more. This time, however, the atttack connected against Hatsue with all force. It threw Hatsue a good 4 meters away and made him grind against the ground as he flew.

Because of the shields that were being presented right here, Morpheus and Hatsue wouldn't take any real damage. All damage done to the shields was reported to it's user, with a small bar above their head.

"That's enough." The Instructor shouted from behind the crowd before he made his way towards the dueling area.

Turning towards the students, he smirked slightly before speaking. "I bet some of you are thinking that this was solely for show, huh... Well, this is an Academy. In other words, all you see and do are for the only purpose of gaining knowloadge and strategical sense. You there." On his last line, the Instructor pointed towards Baraxus and spoke again. "What have you learned from this duel?" He asked the Titan. He knew that some people here were quite stupid and wouldn't notice that this was actually a chance to know more than they already knew. Before Baraxus could even respond, the Instructor made another question. "If you were to bet at one of the two, who would you bet at?" He added before folding his arms and staring at Baraxus, awaiting a formal and military-like response.
YzmaelOct 9, 2014 8:38 AM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 9, 2014 11:44 AM

Mar 2014
Lynda had been carefully watching the fight. Both Hatsue and Morpheus were strong, but she was obviously hoping for Morpheus to win
"Fight! Morpheus! Fight! Morpheus!" were the words she was constantely shouting during the duel. She got some weird looks, but she didn't really care because she was focusing solely on Morpheus
After a while the Instructor ended the battle and a large crowd started forming itself around the fighters.
she tried her best to somehow get herself to the center of the arena where Morpheus and Hatsue were standing. After some time she managed to get herself where she wanted to be, tripping on her own foot again and falling in front of Morpheus. She gave him a thumbs up with a small, gentle smile as she looked up at him
"You did great!"

Oct 9, 2014 4:40 PM

Apr 2011
Baraxus opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, the Instructor had already asked a second question. He shut his mouth for a second, and thought to himself. Didn't humans say something to show respect? He rummaged through his mind looking for the right words...Sir! That's what it was! He turned back and replied,

"Uh..Sir..Uhm..well..Hatsue..much speed. Very good. Much potential."

He turned and looked at Morpheus.

"But Morpheus. He..He have speed. But Power too. In fight where both have good speed, other...uhm." He searched for the right word.."Other..things...need to be accounted for."

Baraxus scratched his head, trying to figure out how to best explain what he meant. "Battle..Battle like chess." Although Baraxus didn't actually know how to play chess, he had overheard it was some sort of human past time that required a lot of thinking.

"You rush in. You lose. You out think opponent. Bigger If this..real battle..I think..Morpheus win. Hatsue have chance to win too..But Morpheus..seem to have bigger chance...Sir."
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 11, 2014 4:16 AM

Jul 2012
The attack was unexpected on Morpheus's parts but it's something that Hatsue has considered before in other scenarios. After a few grabs and throws and one final devastating blow Hatsue was blown back several meters away and skidded a good while before he stopped himself from crashing by using his katana. The fox anima girl was completely smitten in love thanks to Morpheus as she cheered for him throughout the duel and then congratulated him. Hearing the titan's response Hatsue internally scolded himself since it was out of norm for him to rush in, in the first place. And Hatsue and Morpheus are equal in terms of strength and agility in their weakest state. Getting back up Hatsue walked up to Morpheus and bowed apologetically,"I apologize for such an unworthy far that has been our worst one yet..." and then took his leave as he jumped onto one of the thin poles(not columns/pillars) and balanced on it in a ninja-like manner. Awaiting for the instructor to disperse the fighters before he gets his possible punishment.

(I had to rewrite this cause the first one got deleted T^T >.> my first version was definitely better DX)
Oct 15, 2014 6:50 AM

Feb 2013
Morpheus was surprised at everything. The way Lynda acted with him and the Intructor's reaction to the battle. Morpheus also took note of the time it took for Hatsue to get up and got a bit worried during the time.

"I just got lucky. That's all." He said as he turned towards Lynda and once more smiled slightly. After those words, Hatsue had finally arrived after the Instructor voice his displeasement with the crowd's reactions towards combat. After all, this was supposed to be a spar so that people would learn from it, not just watch and giggle and then whisper about it later on.

"Indeed. Power needs to be accounted when it comes to battles like these, which are the case when things are equal for both sides." The Instructor smirked at the man's comments. What he said was true too, but there were other things he wanted to hear as well. He thought for a few seconds before continuing to speak. "Another thing that is needed to be accounted is the weapon used. Morpheus was using a Zweihander, a powerful and fast two-handed weapon with weight and power enough to make anyone back off. This is a good weapon for close-combat encounters, for it allows Morpheus to swing in a larger area than Hatsue's katana. The mere fact that the Zweihander reaches for a more distant area than the katana is already an advantage for Morpheus, but wielding a big two-handed weapon isn't just good things." Taking the sword from Morpheus' hands and then letting it crash down on the ground, a cloud of dust moved upwards, showing that the sword as much more weighty than it seemed to be. "A weightful weapon like this allows for bad deffense. Only people who use a Zweihander know the truth in the saying: "Offense is the best deffense". The Zweihander allows no commodity for defense, and because of that, you lose all the balance you would have with a katana, for example, where your defense is good and so is your offense. Because of that, it's a horrible and not-advisable weapon for long-range combats." The instructor advised everyone in the group in a loud tone, explaining to them the advantages of two-handed weapons and also the disadvantages. "However, making good use of the Zweihander's offense in close combat is very useful, as you saw in this combat." The instructor finished as he walked towards the group and then spoke again, this time louder. "Now, anyone else wants to duel?" He asked.

Morpheus smiled and then looked towards Hatsue, with a small smile still there. "Don't worry, you fool. You must've gotten a bit rusty since our last duel, that's all." He said before turning once more to Lynda. "So, would you like to duel with me?" He asked, once more smiling wide.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 15, 2014 7:00 AM

Mar 2014
Lynda payed close attention to what the instructor told everyone. She was taking both mental and written notes, her next goal would be to use all that information in actual combat. She started thinking about which weapon would suit her, but she couldn't think of much.

Before she knew it, Morpheus was already talking to her. His question was a surprise to her. A duel with Morpheus? She knew he was most likely going to go easy on her, but she wasn't sure of how to fight didn't exactly want to embarass herself

"I..I never dueled anyone before...I'm not even sure of what weapon to use..."

her words came out as she was already feeling slightly embarassed.

Oct 16, 2014 7:52 PM

Apr 2011
Baraxus smile and watched, pleased with his answer. He watched as Lynda was challenged, and this piqued his interest, since he was unsure of how she would fight. He searched his thoughts, wondering how long they would be dueling, but determined that fighting ws probably the quickest and most efficient way to learn..
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

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