The Okath also have very strong shields. It could be said, if the shield got enough energy they can repell anything shot at them. But the amount of power it drains is proportional to the stress being exerted on it. More to the power systems later on in the text.
Ground forces:
Since the ships are extremly powerful the Okath had very few ground battles to fight. For those battles they designed some small combat robots, which have a simple plasma weapon. These robots have some resistance against laser, comming from the material which is used to produce them. But they can be stoped with nearly every weapon system. The most efficent here are physical bullets the least efficent are laser weapons. They normally get support from drone attacks and are dropped directly on the planet surface where they are needed. The robots are complety destroyed once their base ship is destroyed, leaving no trace behind, nothing which could be used against the Okath.
There are no tanks in special, because up to now in every battle the Okath could use their ships to support their ground forces. Enemy tanks and fighter/bomber could be destroyed with drones from the ships. Also as plasma can simply melt through armour the gound forces have a weapon against infantery and tanks. But maybe in the future the Okath will develop tanks.
They also got generators which generate enough power to supply all systems with energy. But especially for the shields those are sometimes not enough.
The Okath leave many physical labor to machines. Most of them are like their ground forces but without weapon. Their production speed is not depending on their population, but mostly on energy and resources.
As the Okath let most of their work to machines, they are relatively few in numbers. (I will add a specific number if I know more about the other species, to balance this race a little more. It would be strange if I create a planet with like 1 million people and a hive race would create the exact same values. With the specs above I would say at max there should have 1/10 of the population where as many are simple civilians.)
Their size and equipment can change but those are some designs.
additional Information:
The Okath build all their cities, as shown in the second ship link, as starships. The Okath ships travel through hyperspace to get from one location to the next. While in hyperspace they can't use their weapon as this would destroy their whole ship, but they can't be attacked while in hyperspace. (They can be attack the moment they arrive and leav hyperspace. Sensors can detect ships traveling in hyperspace and it is also possible for travelling ships to scan the position they will exit the hyperspace, but those scans are not very acurate (due to the speed they are traveling with). And the sensors need to scan the space around the ship on arrival. The ships can still move, but they need some seconds to detect ships which try to hide themselfs.
Most ships can be operated with only one or two Okath, but to get the most efficent use, at least one Okath is needed for the control of the ground forces and at least one more for the ship systems. It can be handled by one person but that would drop their battlepower.
The cityship class has very powerful shields to protect the city, it also has drone weapons to shoot down enemys which attack the city. Since it wasn't build with fighting in mind, the number of drones that can be controlled are limited, never the less it shields are as powerful as the most advanced Okath battleships.
The cityship habitates a large number of Okath and robots. They also have large factorys and research labs, as well as docks for spaceships. They can also ascend from the surface to fly across the stars, for these purpose a large quantity of energy is needed. These ships usually use Zero Point Modules (ZPM) to power the whole city, since without a ZPM it is impossible to start the engine or put up the shields.
Due to this points these ships are usually heavy guarded outside of Okath territory.
Crew needed: 500 Okath (not ideal, but at least needed to operate)
Hydrogen - frigate/scout
The Hydrogen class is the smallest fighting vessel of the Okath. It is protected by a shield. While the shield is indeed powerful enough to withstand the fire from a battleship, it is not advised to fight anything with a greater firepower, as the generators can't keep up and continous fire can fast deplet this ship of it's energy reserves leaving it unprotected.
It has 2 small laser and 1 medium plasma weapon. The Hydrogen class is also equipted with very high class sensors, which make them very good to scout large spaces.
Crew needed: 1 Okath
Helium - frigate
The Helium class is not as good as the Hydrogen class at scouting, but has more shielding power and 5 small laser, 3 medium laser and 1 heavy plasma weapon. Which make this class a hit and run ship, it power output can't match larger ships, still it's firepower is very high. It can heavily cripple enemy ships and run before it shields are completly depleted.
Crew needed: 1 Okath
Lithium - light cruiser
The Lithium class is concepted as a support/command vessel for a squad of frigates. It engines make the Lithium class as fast as frigates. The shields are stronger than that of other cruiser class ships, since the only weapon system used are drone weapons. While drone weapons don't take as much energy to use as laser or plasma weapons, the not used energy can be used to strenghen the shields.
This ship class is concepted to only have one person on board, leaving much space for drones.
Crew needed: 1 Okath
Beryllium - light cruiser
The Beryllium class is an direct fire ship, meaning it has still strong shields, but no drone system. Leaving it offensiv potential to the 25 small laser, 12 medium laser, 4 heavy laser, 50 small plasma, 20 medium plasma and 12 heavy plasma weapons. It is also a little slower as the Lithium class but in a direct fire fight it is more than equal.
Crew needed: 3 Okath
Francium - Battleship
The Francium class has many drones, 24 small laser, 10 medium laser, 24 small plasma and 10 medium plasma weapons. It also has mighty shields, a large sensor area, some research and development facilitys, making it possible to build new drones outside of a battle. The building of new drones requires resources, if those are not available at the location (through harvesting) it is impossible to build new drones, also it might be faster to simply fly home to restock.
Crew needed: 5 Okath (without research and development, simply as fighting ship only 3 are needed)
more to come
Planet Eleth and system
This is the homeworld of the Okath, the planet has many satellites in the orbit. Some are Okath defence satellites some are destroyed ships from enemy species which tried to attack the Okath.
Currently there are some Okath cruisers near the planet scanning the system on the search for some pirates. Those pirates are survivors of a war long ago. Even the name of the species was lost in the time, but those pirates like to show themself from time to time.
The major cities are:
(there are also others, but those are not as much populated)