I don't think No Game No Life is all that bad, but I also wouldn't rate it super highly.
It's definitely over-rated, but I also think you're being a bit harsh on it.
It's got more going for it than just a lame, over-done relationship between a big brother and his little sister. I think the world presented itself nicely early on, and the games have been pretty interesting thus far. However, the characters are pretty stereotypical, which makes them not very interesting to watch. I also think the pacing is pretty slow, and makes some episodes feel like the viewer is just waiting for something to happen in the next episode. Considering it's only a 1-cour series, you'd think it'd have snappier pacing. Also, the art is somewhat middling.
It's currently sitting at a 5/10 on my list, and depending on how good the ending is, might be bumped up to a 6/10.
Anyway, I don't think there's anything wrong with people having an opinion that differs from mine. However, I hate how some users just review things with 10's across the board, without even putting much thought into why they liked something, and just becoming a rabid fan that essentially is like "OMGZ BEST EVARS! WOWZ!".
As for your argument. You should keep in mind... just because a show did something first doesn't necessarily mean it did it the best.
Just take a look at the classic first-person shooter, Doom. Doom is really just a clone of Wolfenstein 3D, right? However, it improved on many aspects of that formula, and created a better game because of that.
I'm kind of sick of hearing the argument get thrown around that innovators should be valued more than people who refine a formula. Both are equally important in the industry, and I'm impressed by both.
The problem I have with No game no life is that the series no pun intended gives life to the segment of the anime community that likes perverted fetishes. Mahouka and Black bullet are other recent examples of show that masquerade as something serious, but in reality are wish fulfillment series for perverts and gamers. Anime itself is on decline, because incest, harems, reverse harem, sexualized lolis etc...are ubiquitous compared to anime over a decade ago. Furthermore, if there was a limited of fetishized anime, then I would take as much issue with it, but the abundance of fetishes and over the top fan service shows makes watching anime intolerable. |