If you were in the Holy Grail War...
What Heroic Spirit would you summon?
What class would the Heroic Spirit be?
What Nobel Phantasms does the Heroic Spirit have?
Dont wanna sound like a nerd but you cant chooselie that what Heroes you will summon :p :p :p
It depends on your magical energy and the catalyst you will use :/
Well aside from that it depends. Since i am not magus if i had to join the war i would want a female servant for sure ( for obvious reasons) :P .
Class should be one of the 3 strongest either Saber, Archer or Lancer.
If I were in the Holy Grail War I would revoke my right as a Master.:)
But well, if I really want to join such a deathmatch then:
I mean it doesn't really matter which spirit, but it must be a Caster. I need proper planning.(And hope I didn't summon someone like Bluebeard:p...well I am not so crazy to get a cathalyst for somoöne like that and our personalities are really differ)
Assuming I can choose anyone and come up with things that aren't overpoweringly cheap, 2 mythic heroes that come to my mind are the Greek Goddess Athena, and the Norse God Thor.
I obviously have too much time on my hands, so I think I will go through this in detail >_>
I figure Athena would be a Saber class.
Her Noble Phantasm would probably be the Aegis breastplate, which I'd assume would raise her defense and make her impervious to certain attacks that aren't strong enough. Upon full activation, she'd probably be invulnerable for a short period of time as well.
Although, if this were the case, I'd probably be in more danger. Logically, you would try to take out the Master even more if the servant temporarily becomes invincible. So I figure, the Aegis should also be able to form protective barriers as well. In terms of power, I think the Aegis should be a high ranking ability.
As for offense, I figure another of her Noble Phantasms could be related to Lightning. In the myth, she was able to borrow Zeus powers and use lightning, so being able to hurl projectile lightning, or imbue her weapons with that element would come in handy. But since it's a borrowed ability, I'd imagine it wouldn't be too strong in terms of power.
I figure Thor could be a Berserker class.
Since Thor owns 3 main possessions, I'd imagine he should have 3 Noble Phantasms.
His primary Noble Phantasm would have to be his iconic war hammer, Mjöllnir. Whenever it's thrown, it returns to the owner. It also allows him to wield lightning, which comes to no surprise since he's the God of Thunder.
His second noble Phantasm would be Megingjörð. It's suppose to be a belt that doubles his godly strength. I figure this should allow him to either rival Hercules in terms of strength, or put him to shame entirely.
As for his third Noble Phantasm, it would be Járngreipr. They are a pair of Iron gloves that allow Thor to wield his hammer. Other than that, it really doesn't do anything else. Considering Thor is already a monster in terms of strength, who kills giants with a hammer that allows him to wield lightning, I figure it's alright for him to have a Noble Phantasm that's kind of a dud. I can't say this is useless since it allows him to wield his hammer properly.
My Primary Choice
If I could choose a servant, Athena would probably be my first choice. In a war where Masters are considered a primary target for elimination, her Aegis ability is a great benefit to the safety of her Master.
If she were to have any drawbacks, I'd say her offensive capabilities are nowhere near her defensive ones. But I wouldn't say this is due to her lack of ability in offense. This would probably be the result of her having such high defense. Being the goddess of war, strategy, wisdom, reason, etc, she's probably one of the more versatile choices out there.
As for Thor, he'd be my secondary choice. Although he would probably be stronger than Hercules in terms of strength, and possess greater powers in wielding lightning than Athena, he seems too reliant on items.
If you were to take away his hammer, his belt, and his gloves, he's probably a weaker version of Hercules. Even if he still outranked Hercules in terms of strength, he doesn't possess the God Hand ability Hercules does. Which means, he won't be impervious to certain attacks, as well as not being able to revive after 11 deaths.
I imagine you wouldn't even have to take away all of his items. Just by getting rid of his gloves somehow and he wouldn't be able to wield his hammer properly. But doing so is probably easier said than done.
Anyways, even if Thor seems too reliant on his items, he's still a solid choice I think. Even without the items, he's still a powerhouse. Although, if he were a Berserker class, I'd imagine he'd have nothing else to fall back on other than his might. I imagine heroes sacrifice a lot in other departments for strength once they fall under the Berserker category.
Well, that's all I have to say about this matter. Don't take what I say too seriously, since all of these ramblings are from an overly active, as well as bad imagination on my part.
For those of you who took the time to read all of that senseless rambling, I am sorry. I cannot give back those precious moments you just lost...
AtomicNerdSep 23, 2009 12:59 PM
"The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...
Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope." -Nyx Avatar
I would like Houyi to be my servant.
Class would be archer.
Since I can't find the name of his bow that would be found out when he uses it.
The funny thing is that when I was searching for the bow's name I came across a RP character of Houyi that was supposed to be used as a example for those who wanted to make a character in the sites Holy Grail War RP. The site was Animea for those of you that know it...yeah so now I feel like I am copying.
Servant: Achilles
Class: Berserker
Noble Phantasm: 99% Invulnerability (Takes no damage from any attack unless it hits his heel, but even a weak attack there is lethal to him. The only attacks that will not affect his heel are those that hit his entire body.)
I figure this way, he's effectively immortal. They likely won't hurt him at all unless they figure out his identity (and therefore his weakness), but they won't figure out his identity without seeing his Noble Phantasm, and since he's a Berserker and has a passive NP, he's safe.
Humorously, him being a Berserker is historically accurate, as he was known to fly into furious rages.
1) Jesus Christ...oh yeah!
2) Probably Berserker, because if you ever go back in time and meet him you will find out that he is craaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyy : )
3) Noble Fantasm would be "Claim on the Holy Grail." It belonged to him, so he would just take it back : )
Heroic Spirit: Satsujinki ( Counter Guardian :D)
Class: Assasin/Berserker
Noble Phantasms:
-Weapons-- Nanatsu Yoru, Existance Knife(?) [created from the hermit Araya's arm bone]
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (evolved)
Pure Eyes, Demon Hunter Instinct, Magic lvl D, Presence Concealment, Guardian's Berserk( like Nanayamode remake :D)[master must be endangered].
worked up... If Satsujinki harms an enemy, that damage/wound cant be healed by no means... not even Holy Grial O_O ( being existance farther than the Akasha since it need's Gaia's interpretation)
P.S. Catalyst would be any of my visual novels or games :D...?
My attempts at being original XD ironically they're all women :P
Heroic Spirit: Bellona (Roman Mythology - War goddess)
Class: Lancer
Noble Phantasm: She has the power to control fire due to her association with Ares which I associate with fire.
Heroic Spirit: Tomoe ("Gozen" is a Japanese honorific)
Class: Saber / Lancer (Naginata & Sword)
Noble Phantasm: tough...I guess I'd go with a passive one that boosts her skills as well as a small explosive ability, since the first thing I read about her was about how she excelled at everything she did :P so I guess it's natural for her to have insane capabilities.
Just so it's fair and she's not ridiculously overpowered her noble phantasm turns off after she's attacked with another noble phantasm of equal power (say excailbur or something) but she can use it again assuming her master can supply the sufficient energy.
Although if she were to use it against a servant who refuses to or can't use their own noble phantasm then she it guaranteed the win because the general ability increases her strength, speed, and defence, and she'd also get the ability to make small explosions with the mana from her noble phantasm (Think Kenpachi from Bleach but on a much smaller scale :P).
Heroic Spirit: Isis (Egyptian goddess of magic)
Class: Caster
Noble Phantasm: "The true name of the sun god Ra" since she learnt all of her magic by "copying" the sun god her noble phantasm would be probably something related to light or fire. (typically I'm thinking large red explosions :D)
As for my final decision I'm at a toss up for Isis or Tomoe.
I'd probably go with Tomoe because I like physically fighting versus magic battles. And I'd probably make her a Lancer over a Saber, just because the image in my head is better fit with a lance than a sword :P
Heroic Spirit: Beowulf
Class: Saber
Noble Phantasms:
Hrunting, Hound of the Red Plains (B) -> a sword that never fails its wielder.. this sword always hits the target.. but any monster within the line of Grendel's or with a very high amount of magic resistance is immune to this weapon..
????, The Unnamed Giant Sword of the Ancients (A+) -> a powerful sword that slayed Grendel's mother.. this is a huge weapon that can physically cut anything.. but with its enormous size, Beowulf is the only one that can wield it.. this sword can only be destroyed if it was drenched with the blood of Grendel himself..
Wiglaf, Brave Soldier of the King (B+) -> This passive NP activates when Beowulf is about to be killed by his opponent.. The spirit of the brave young soldier who helped Beowulf slay the dragon will be temporarily summoned to help him defeat the opponent by his sword and Beowulf ends it with a stab of his knife.. however, Beowulf's defeat cannot be avoided..
Superhuman Strength (A) -> Beowulf has the strength of ten men.. Strength is A
Bare-handed Fighting (A+) -> Beowulf's strength increases another rank if he chose to fight without any weapons
Swimming (B) -> Beowulf is very good at swimming even at high depths for long hours.. that said, water attacks don't work effectively at him..
Magic Resistance (C) -> As a knight class, he has some magic resistance.. however, he is not immune to poison..
how the hell would i summon him? i don't know.. maybe i'll just find the sword hilt of the original giant sword, the original Hrunting that he threw, or the remains of Naegling which he also threw coz it snapped.. or perhaps even the blood of a Grendel type monster..
I would have to look up the history/legends once more I haven't read anything on him in years but off of legend alone he would probably be an A ranked spellcaster
It'd be kinda hard to find a catalyst to summon her because she was burnt to ashes, which were later scattered in a river, to make sure there was nothing left of her to bring to France. :< So I don't know how I'd manage...
Her noble phantasms would consist of her sword and her banner. She'd have a decent charisma stat, because she was an amazing leader. I'm thinking the banner would have something to do with reversal of the tide of battle, etc. Like, if she's really close to losing, using that noble phantasm would allow her to carry the battle on further, like a great burst of energy. But, it would leave her more weakened afterwards. (This would refer to the fact that she managed to turn the tide of battle at Orleans in less than two weeks, which the French had been losing for years.) Maybe her shield would grant her a little bit of divine protection, since she claimed she was divinely inspired in her mission.
Dragonslayer Sword, Berserker Armour, Hellfire Strike, Cannon Hand, Arrows of Doom, all blood from those hit by his blade transferred into healing, armor uses his mana/power to enhance his combat abilities, full berserker mode = Noble Phantasm (Dire Wolf)
I don't think you can summon gods since I doubt they count as Heroic Spirits. If we're gonna go nuts then I choose Goku, though the Holy Grail may not have enough magic to summon him at full power.
My friend and i discuss this all the time and i would probably go with fate/apocraphia's Jack the ripper (i really wish they followed through with that) or archer Heracles, however, if i had to make an original one id go with Don Quixote de la Mancha as a rider. His noble phantasm would probably be a reality marble in which everything truly is as he perceives it to be or something like that.