Aug 4, 2009 4:25 PM
In total each user may only have up to 3 playable characters. Using the character template bellow. Each race might have different templates Wizard/Witch, Human, Demon Template Character Info Name: Age: Alias: Gender: Race: Class: Rank: Magic/Power Color: Character Description: Personality: Family: History: Money: Stats Level: HP: -------------------------------- Magic: Skill: Strength: Speed: Items Custom Items Weapon(s) Weapon Name: Physical Description: Weapon Modification: Attacks: Your Abilities Original Elements: Known Elements: Attacks/Spells: Abilities: Passive Abilities: Darvanian Template [Darvanian] [Human] [Vampire] [Werewolves] [Demon] [Wizard/Witch] [Dead] * Right now there isnt really that many races. If you like a new race to be added to the list please |
-Madara-Aug 6, 2009 7:48 PM
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