Sep 19, 2010 9:38 AM
Cassiel was startled by Ki's over reacting. He backed against the chair, his eyes wide and he quickly noted the people leaving dining room. If it wasn't for him being already dead, he was sure his heart would be racing in his chest. This was no way for Ki to address Prospero and he could only guess how Prospero was going to react. Eager to somewhat soften the argument, maybe even stop the breakage before it would go out of his control but Prospero made it obvious there was nothing he could do anymore. The demon got up, his eyes watching Ki coldly and there was a shadow of a smirk on his lips. "Misbehaving? That's rich coming for you. " he repeated with clear amusement and then glanced over at Cassiel, "Shame that you should insist on keeping the likes of them with you, kitten." he said and leaned over for a short moment, "You could have had so much" he added and without another word, he headed for the exit from the dining room, leaving the room peacefully, slowly for the sake of annoying Ki to the very end. Cassiel couldn't quite believe it. A fragment of the Chronicles was leaving out of the door and so was someone whom he was only just growing fond of. He got up and then sat back down. He started to massage his temples and closed his eyes. "Well played." he summed up. He would not be chasing after anyone. He had promised himself that a long time ago and this wasn't going to be an exception. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dorian accepted the silence with ease and instead his eyes just took in the surroundings. As they were nearing the inn there was a strange commotion, people standing outside and talking excitedly between themselves. With vampric hearing it wasn't difficult to pick out what they were saying and Dorian furrowed his eyebrows with confusion. "Something happened in there" he said in a matter of fact voice, looking up at the extremely grey, heavy sky before taking a deep sigh in and entering the inn after Fio. |
Sep 19, 2010 11:42 AM
Ki's anger cooled a bit as Prospero walked off, the room was empty except for the three of them. It was a chaos, but due all the commotion they didn't notice the sniper had disappeared too. "Fuck, the sniper is gone." He hissed. *I hope he didn't get far* His initial reaction was searching for the man's energy. His relief was big as he noticed the man was sitting near them in a high spot. "The sniper is just east of us, He's sitting up high, probably ready to take someone down." he informed the others. All possible ways to keep the conversation off Prospero were welcome. "Ari, you should tell your Sire it's best to avoid the east of the inn for now. Ok, I'm still hungry, might go upstairs for a bit to take a bite out off that brat." He before walking upstairs to his room, he needed some rest yet didn't want to look weak. --- Horatio felt safe in his new shelter, but that feeling of security quickly diminished as he saw the demon emerge from the inn. *What happened? He's alone? Is he after me? No, impossible, how could he have noticed me? Or did he leave the rest?* All these daunting questions were tormenting him as he saw the demon walk off in a different direction. *Pfew, I'm safe. But when is it safe to get my stuff?* He sighed. "Ahh damn, I'm going in, like they would even notice me." And thus he walked back. |
Sep 21, 2010 8:58 AM
Ari nodded in understanding and looked at Cassiel quietly after Ki and Pro had walked away. He knew Cas been mates with Pro and it could be hard to lose one's mate like this. Still if Pro was really going to throw such a hissy fit, he was fine with the lose of him and extremely happy with the fact Nino was gone. He would give the man a few moments. He stroked Eagle who made a happy noise and settled relax on his arm. As he did so, he sent the messages to Fio warning of the danger. Fio nodded his agreement and was worried that Ari might have caused trouble, the man didnt deal with humans well. He got Ari's message, but was already inside heading towards the room that had Ari and his companions.He was expecting more distruction than what he saw, merely a smashed plate and some over turned chairs, humans were such jumpy creatures. He smiled when he saw the back of his fledgling and the eagle on his arm. "Ari." Ari turned around and smiled at his Sire. "Hello Fio! How are you?" He said getting up and giving Fio a handshake. He looked at the other man standing with Fio and cocked his head, "And who is this?" "I'm fine and this is Dorian." He said with a slight sigh, annoyed the man was still with him, a reminder of his recent mistake. "Dorian, this is one of my fledglings, Ari." |
Snow-ladySep 21, 2010 10:27 AM
Oct 11, 2010 7:59 AM
As Ki was walking towards his room, he felt the sniper was on the move again, towards the inn. The man was faster than anticipated and therefore Ki was still out in the open of the corridor when the sniper climbed in through the window just a few meters ahead of him. *Snap, a possible threat and nowhere to go.* Ki got in defensive stance. "Is using a door that hard? Why the sneaking around?" He asked in a rude tone. Horatio figured that if he went for speed and stealth he might be able to grab his stuff and be gone before the vampires even went upstairs. He took a leap out of the tree and ran towards the building, slightly messing with time so things would be over faster. By means of a window and an adjacent tree, he managed to get into the hallway upstairs. Last he'd expected was one of the vampires standing at a mere 4 meter away, apparently waiting for him. "Well well, those are pretty intense questions, how come you sound so suspicious of me? And if you have to know, I was conducting a little experiment and had to get some bark-samples from that tree, and the shortest way from the tree back to my room was through this window." His gaze went over the vampire. "And I must say that you are being far from hospitable in that defensive stance, hand resting on the charter of your blade." Ki slightly lost his cool, being unable to respond properly to that question. "Scientists should lock themselves up in a lab so move it." He said while stepping forth, slightly hesitant because he knew the other person was older and without a doubt highly dangerous. Horatio walked past Ki towards the door of his room. *One of them can't be that dangerous.* As Horatio walked by Ki unsheathed Mortem and grabbed the vampire by the head, while pressing the sharp edge of the sword to his throat. *Pfew, it worked* "Who was that Guardian you shot? Who do you work for and how come you took him down with that ease?" He hissed in the vampire’s ear as he led him down the stairs towards the dining room. As soon as he noticed movement, Horatio pulled out his gun and hid hit under his mantle, aimed at the demon that now held him in quite an awkward position. "Well well, you sure are well informed." He noticed he was taken into the dining room. *This might get ugly.* |
Oct 12, 2010 12:44 PM
Ari nodded his greeting and then turned his attention back to Fio. "It is wonderful to see you again." They walked back to the table and sat down, "So tell me, what have you been doing these years?" Fios gaze glance at the vampire sitting at the table and was surprise to find he recognized him, but decided not to comment on it yet. "Oh, I have been busy, wandering from city to city, checking up on the other fledglings. They are doing well, though your younger sister has recently started to show some weakness, drinking fake blood and talking about how evil the normal vampiric practices are." Ari gasped, "That is terrible! What are you going to do about her or did you get rid of her already?" "I gave her the warning that I expect more proper vampiric practices from my fledglings." Fio shook his head, "But I dont think she is going to listen. I have asked James to watch her and if he sees any rebelling to let me know immediately." Ari nodded; James was one of Fio's oldest fledglings and one of the most loyal to him. "It is a shame to see one from the family go weak." "Aye, our blood clan must remain strong in these times as vampires turn into human pets and eat fake blood. If there is one family that will it is the O'Shea Clan." Fio's accent grew stronger as he grew more passionate about the issue and thought about the issue. He was determined to stand strong through this. Ari nodded and smiled, "And your fledglings stand beside you as always." His numerous fledglings were not stupid. They knew that they had to remain loyal to Fio or faced death at the hands of Fio or a fellow fledgling. The only thing that made Ari accept such a Sire is that, except for killing off dangerous children, Fio was a good Sire who actually did check up on his fledglings and made them feel like they were part of a real family, with fellow vampires they could depend on. Ari had never actually met any other family member beside Fio and he had a feeling most did not actually know each other since vampires didnt tend to be the most social creatures, but he knew they were out there and it was his choice as to if he would ever meet a fellow one or not. Fio nodded, "Yes, though I fear for the younger ones, not you of course, these new opinions may make those who have been turned more recently may decide to revert like your younger sister." Ari nodded, "Of course, how many younger than me are there now?" "Two." Fio wasnt a fledgling making machine. It was true that he had one of the largest blood clans, if not the largest, but he still rarely made more than three per millennium and this one had been a particularly fascinating one. Ari nodded, "So the newest one is a male then?" "Aye." He was a fascinating one, Ludwig. He was extremely skilled with computers, something Fio didnt quite understand, and had the most unusual quirks. Ludwig kept him entertained for a long while. Of course, something interesting had happened here and he was dying to know what had happened, "Though I really must ask, why are you out of the forest?" Ari smiled, "Oh, I just left last night. I had been hunting when I ran into this group of people, Cassiel here being one of them. After talking to them for awhile, I became curious about their quest and decided to journey with them into the town and perhaps beyond that. I had forgotten how nice it is to have a pack." Cassiel, Fio thought to himself, recognizing the name perfectly and now really curious about what the spirit whisperer was doing with Ari, "And what is this quest for?" "Ummm...the blood lust chronicles, though I actually dont know much about it." Ari admitted a bit sheepishly. Fio stared at Ari quietly, shocked by what he said, "the Blood Lust Chronicles? ...Now why are you looking for those books?" Ari looked confused, "What is it Fio?" |
Oct 20, 2010 1:42 PM
Horatio knew that whatever he would do, it would be too late. If he were to shoot the vampire holding him, the sound of the gunshot would alert his mates in the dining room, if he were to enter, he'd be caught never the less. *Perhaps I can talk my way out of this now, and that chance would be zero if I were to shoot him on the spot*. With Horatio not minding anything but his pondering, it was easy for Ki to reach the dining room. As they were standing before a closed door, Ki slightly adjusted his position and kicked the door, with little effort but a lot of noise, the door swung open. "Guys, look what came sneaking through the window upstairs like a little rat!" The demon lead the vampire into the room, where, to his utter surprise, there was an other guy, with an overwhelming energy. *Damn, how come I didn't even notice him coming? Was I that focussed on this flee?* "Ohh, I see we have a visitor, Fio I assume?" Ki straightened his back and pulled Horatio's head back a bit so his throat would be even easier to reach. "I am sorry we had to meet under such circumstances, if I had known you were coming I would have finished him off earlier." He said with a smirk. |
Oct 20, 2010 5:55 PM
I realise this is entirely out of turn for me but... just treat it as an apologise for the late reply and the unfilled promises and shizzle. Either way, Smart is back and will try her best to stay on top of things. As for the order... Chris, feel free to reply after me and... then Mortem and Chris again and then we can go back to the old order if that suits everyone? Cassiel did not intend to intrude into Ari's conversation with his maker. Really, these were way too personal to intrude on and while they were waiting for Ki anyway, the senior vampire didn't feel the rush or the need to hurry Ari up. Things didn't click immediately. He knew he had seen the vampire's face somewhere but that was way too vague. After all, Fio was supposed to be old and Cassiel's been around for long enough to have seen the few very old vampires but he had a feeling that he knew Fio better than just a brief meeting. When Fio looked in his direction for the shortest glance it was obvious and Cassiel's eyes widened ever so slightly. And so we meet again he thought with somewhat pleasant surprise and then, as Ari started to talk about the Chronicles, Cassiel sent a vary look to the stranger, standing off to the side still not seeming overly interested in them. The older vampire didn't fancy just anyone overhearing them. Dorian however was not very interested in the conversation itself. He switched off, his eyes rather feeding off the space around him, examining the two new vampires at the table, trying to guess their age and soon realising what a stupid and pointless task that was. As soon as he heard Fio mention fake blood he rolled his eyes and instead began to listen to the noises in the inn and could hear small chaos taking place upstairs. Dorian lazily headed for the door to the hall but he was beat by the tall man dragging in another into the now rather deserted dining room. This Fio guy surely knows some troublesome people. Dorian has never seen vampires -or demons- who stand out quite so much. "I see you didn't give up on him after all" Cassiel said in a wonderfully calm, composed voice. Seeing Ki with all his energy and hearing his loud voice seemed to just become a simple part of every day life that Cassiel came to accept. |
Smart-chanOct 20, 2010 6:01 PM
Oct 20, 2010 8:07 PM
(*glomps* I am soooo happy you are back and posted!!!!!! XD It is a good day today and I cant wait to really get to talk to you!) Fio and Ari looked over when Ki suddenly burst in the room holding another man. Fio chuckled quietly at the words, "Aye, I am Fio, though please, dont let my presence stop you from having fun with your...surprise guest. It is a pleasure to meet you...?" "That is Ki another one of my pack mates." Ari supplied, before his eyes focused on the man Ki was holding, "though I dont know who he is dragging in with him." His eyes harden when he remembered something that Ki had mentioned earlier, the sniper being nearby, that would be the only creature Ki would care enough about to drag in to where they were. Ki might have been crazy, but he wouldnt be dragging just anyone to them, especially with his concern for safety. "Oh wait, is that the sniper killing guardians?" He asked addressing Ki. Fio immediately stiffened at that, but knew that without the element of surprise, the man would really be no threat to him at this point. Without his gun out and ready and the elemant of surprise, he was really no match for a guardian. He relaxed again. "What an odd past time; killing guardians." |
Oct 21, 2010 1:28 AM
As the door flew open and Dorian was out of the way, Horatio could take in his surroundings. He knew he were to expect a small blond vampire but he didn't expect two others would have joined him. The look of those new men was enough, a Guardian who brought along his pet. "Well good afternoon to you too Fio." He said with an air of confidence and a belittling tone as he looked back and forth from Fio to Dorian. "I see you got quite the hobby yourself, taking your pet out for a walk." Ki was surprised that Ari didn't immediately understand the situation. "If my hands weren't bound I would applaud for you Ari, what a marvellous discovery." He rolled his eyes. "I suggest that we skip the part where you start asking me questions and start figuring out who or what this man here is, what he knows and how much of a threat he is." |
Oct 21, 2010 8:33 AM
Fio blinked at that and then looked at Dorian, before laughing. "Oh, that is a good one. It appears I am not the only one who thinks you are more human than vampire Dorian." He said smirking at Dorian, pleased that a guardian killer was also fooled by the vampires humanistic qualities. It helped heal his wounded pride. Ari snorted and rolled his eyes as well, "Well thank you Ki, but I like asking you inane questions that waste time. Though really, all you have to do is ask nicely, very nicely now, and I will just read his mind and will be able to tell you his name, what he is, etc." He wouldnt be able to find everything. It took a while to comb through a mind and get all the details needed. There were so many memories to shift through and other pointless facts that it drained Ari's energy and focus extremely quickly. Ari rather be able to just listen to whatever they are thinking at the current moment and gather information that way, usually when a person asked the right question, they would just think exactly what Ari wanted to know and even if they were lying, their thoughts almost always gave that away too. |
Oct 23, 2010 5:32 PM
Dorian gave Fio a short glance which could've been mistaken for a glare but soon, his eyes went back to looking bored again. With his face back to being expresionless Dorian looked back over at Horatio , wrinkling his nose ever so sligthly. "You may say whatever you please to patch up your hurt man pride but this man here is no better than I am. He reeks of fake blood" he said in a matter of fact voice, leaning back against the wall and keeping his distance from the rest of the occupants of this room. Dorian wasn't quite certain whether he was still doing something necessary or wasting his time. Either way he couldn't bring himself to leave the room just yet. Cassiel sighed quietly. It would be too much to ask for to have his team mates cooperate without a shitload of useless questions and nasty remarks. Really though, who was he to scold anyone for the use of them? "I think this guardian shooter has too much air in his lungs. I propose you do something about that Ki and Ari please be alert. I should think he's less likely to control his thoughts then" Cassiel stated, crossing one leg over the other not even looking at any of the action now and focusing his eyes on Fio for the time being. |
Oct 24, 2010 3:33 PM
As soon as Horatio heard that Ari could read minds he started to sum up useless things such as the best way to pour tea, the first 10 decimals of pi, the table of 7/254th, the difference between two accents, the anatomically correct names of every muscle that moved in Ari's body as he stood there talking, a few Latin conjugations, counting from 71 to 97 in Greek, summing up the ingredients for lasagne, the most efficient ways of purifying water, the physics behind generating electricity from a waterwheel, nuclear physics and the synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid. This all to try give Ari a headache due information-overload. At this point however Horatio himself also started to get a migraine from all the thinking. "No worries Dorian, I knew you were a vampire, but that doesn't change you are the guardian's pet." He said in a patronising tone. "Oh, and Ki it was right? Could you at least lower your volume a bit? That vampire is across the room, not across the woods you know." Yet before he was done talking he felt a fist strike his torso, preventing him from inhaling deeply, Ki had bruised a few of Horatio's ribs. "You should have gone for the pneumothorax boy" He whispered with a grin on his face, He didn't want to surrender or look weak. "I have quite some questions myself too, who should I wound to get answers?" Ki was pretty annoyed with the attitude of the vampire. "Not so cocky, you are a hostage so act like one." He replied before hitting the man in the chest-area again. This time the victim made a slight moaning sound, but he was still standing. *That blow should have rendered him unable to stand, what is wrong?* This time Horatio knew what was about to happen, he saw the blow coming thus he speeded his time up, creating the feeling the fist was travelling at a lower speed, thus having less momentum on impact. Horatio had spend quite some years fiddling with the concept of time and what manipulations of time did with natural phenomenons. Science was his life, and had saved him really often. |
Oct 25, 2010 8:37 PM
Ari sighed and turned his attention to the man. He opened his mind and gasped at the sudden onslaught of random facts that flooded his mind. He tried to shift through those, hoping to gain some insight on who the man was and what he was doing, but all he got was science facts, math, and foreign words. He felt a pain in his head develop as he realized that he would have to go deeper into the man's mind and start combing through the information. It was tough, trying to focus on the thousands of years of information buried in his brain as new information bombarded him. The man knew what he was doing, he has dealt with mind readers before. His energy drained quickly and a headache soon developed from the mental strain. It got easier when Ki punched the man, the mind responding to it was something out of anyone's control. Ari went for the basic information, learning that his name was Horatio and he was an Elder in the vampire community. He also learned that he was the one who created fake blood. He didnt need to be a psychic to know Fio was going to hate him. He pulled out with a groan and clutched his head. Fio looked annoyed, but did not allow it to bother him too much, especially since the man had called Dorian his pet. He had to agree with Dorians sentement though, the man did smell of fake blood. He ignored the man's comments. He was already not fond of him, knowing he could be a future target for the man. "Yes, it sure does add insult to injury, knowing proper vampires who have been able to survive so much was killed by a human pet." He felt a stare on him and glanced at Cassiel. These were the times that he was jealous of Ari's mind reading ability. He wondered why the vampire was here and if the spirits had told him anything else. He knew he would have to ask him after the sniper was taken care of. He heard Ari's groan and looked at him with concern, "Are you alright?" |
Oct 27, 2010 2:07 AM
Cassiel observed the scene with a doubtful expression. Without emotion he watched Horatio receive the blow from Ki seeing it as only the right punishment for the bloody vampire killing others of his own kind. Not that Cassiel didn't have a few immortal lives on his conscience -did he even still have a conscience?- but that was a different matter all together. He turned to look at Ari's concentrated face and he could see how painful it was becoming for him. Not that Cassiel was too bothered about that. He waited, patiently while the guardian swooned over his fledgling. It might have been the deep seated jealousy for good contact with one's maker that left Cassiel so cold and compassionless to the aching Ari. "Did you find out anything?" he asked after a few silent moments, giving Ari the chance to revover. Dorian hissed quietly at the pet comment and soon felt deeply satisfied as Horatio was silenced. Sure, there was a different reason for it but he just found an almost eratic joy boiling in his veins to hear the muffled moan. "It doesn't seem like you've put in enough effort into that blow" he commented shortly, his fingers outlinging the cigarette packet in his pocket. |
Oct 27, 2010 2:07 AM
Cassiel observed the scene with a doubtful expression. Without emotion he watched Horatio receive the blow from Ki seeing it as only the right punishment for the bloody vampire killing others of his own kind. Not that Cassiel didn't have a few immortal lives on his conscience -did he even still have a conscience?- but that was a different matter all together. He turned to look at Ari's concentrated face and he could see how painful it was becoming for him. Not that Cassiel was too bothered about that. He waited, patiently while the guardian swooned over his fledgling. It might have been the deep seated jealousy for good contact with one's maker that left Cassiel so cold and compassionless to the aching Ari. "Did you find out anything?" he asked after a few silent moments, giving Ari the chance to revover. Dorian hissed quietly at the pet comment and soon felt deeply satisfied as Horatio was silenced. Sure, there was a different reason for it but he just found an almost eratic joy boiling in his veins to hear the muffled moan. "It doesn't seem like you've put in enough effort into that blow" he commented shortly, his fingers outlinging the cigarette packet in his pocket. |
Oct 28, 2010 10:50 AM
If his ribs weren't crushed by Ki's attacks, Horatio would have laughed at the sight that he had caused Ari pain with his seemingly endless current of thoughts. However as to be suspected his injury prevented him from making a sound, but even in this tortured state his eyes brightened and his mood was lifted. He decided to be cheeky and send Ari a little mental message, hoping the vampire would pick it up. *Well, well, answer my question, who do I have to wound to get me some info on your group of lunatics?* As the others were talking and distracted, Horatio found time to use his other ability, healing. He focussed his energy on pressing his ribs back to their proper place so they could heal naturally as he used some other energy as a painkiller. He stood up straight again. "My question isn't answered, who will provide me with information on your group?" He blew some hair out of his eye. "We all know that a gathering of this many vampires is pretty suspicious, hence you must have some sort of aspiration, a goal." He thought it might be fun to bombard Ari with more info. "To be precise, the chance that a group this large with such different characters and ages come together without a reason is aproximately .... 0" He figured it would be nice to send Ari notice of how he had deducted this, together with the proper answer, expressed in 23 decimals. Ki's levels of astonishment rose every second as Horatio got a grip of himself and first stood up straight. *Howcome he can stand up straight while he shouldn't be able to stay concious after such a blow?* and even began to talk. *I shurely must have broken some ribs, that would normally lead to decreased breathing capabilities, possibly followed by death. *Just when I thought I might have overdone it, nothing seems to happen.* The Demon was also pretty infuriated by the remarks he got from the others. "Hey you, pet, got some issues with my approach? If so, speak up and I will make you suffer way more than I did with this unlucky fellow." *I used too much energy with my little timechanging and healing actions today. I hope I can get some fresh blood shortly* Horatio knew his energy would be depleted shortly if he weren't to decrease the painkilling effect. This however would once again render him unable to breathe, but he knew that it was better to keep a low profile now anyway. It seemed like the men had enough to fight about between themselves so perhaps they would give him some valuable minutes to rest. During this all, Ki did not even mind his surroundings anymore, his sixth sense was clearly turned off for he didn't even notice the vampire was using all that energy. If he had known, who knows how things may have worked out? |
Nov 1, 2010 4:05 PM
Ari hissed at Horatio for sending the thought to him, before he completely blocked his mind. Even though it took energy to read other people's mind, he tended to keep his mind fairly open so if a companion needed to send him a message, he or she could. He nodded at Fio's question, "Yea, I'm fine, I just have a headache. Horatio knows how to block a mind reader, the bastard, though I do know that he is an elder vampire and the one who created the fake blood. He also knows a lot of science, math, and...some language, I think it was latin. He has scar below his right ear and he is a very good sniper." Fio scowled, "Oh really? That is a disappointment." He then looked at the man, wondering if he was really worth the time, he created fake blood, something Fio hated, but he would rather just tell Horatio, convince him, and get him to go away, "Honestly, I doubt you would believe us when I say why we all are here, but it was actually by chance. I just came to visit my fledgling, who always lived here, pet tried to sell me fake blood and is now following me, and while I dont know about the other two...I am sure the reason the Spirit talker is here, it is a better reason then why you are here. Why are you here, hunting Guardians?" Ari nodded, before blinking, "Spirit talker? Who is that?" |
Nov 5, 2010 11:21 AM
Cassiel hissed quietly as he heard Fio's terribly direct form of address. Ari, of course, picked up on it first and now, with the ancient vampire already spilling the beans it would be a rather foolish move to try and pretend it was about someone else- especially that no one else would even think of acting as if they could talk to spirits. Not like anyone would want that ability. Curse, not ability. "Thank you for being so discreet" he said now diverting his attention from Fio. "I'm the Spirit talker" he added in a smooth tone but doubted that with just how much was going on at the moment anyone would attempt to question this issue any further. Talking about the happenings of the moment. "I don't see how you can demand any answers when you're clearly in a much disadvantaged position. I'm surprised this seemingly rude vampire is being so lienient here by actually bothering to answer." Dorian said not even bothering to correct Fio for calling him a pet. He'll get over it. But that wasn't Dorian's main concern at the moment. He could not believe that in front of them was the vampire who had indeed invented fake blood. He was torn between fascination for the creature's genius and contempt of idiocity. |
Nov 6, 2010 1:18 AM
Horatio was rather fed up with having to keep up an act of being relatively unharmed, and was happy attention was diverted to Cassiel, the so called spirit talker. *Well, that's one valuable piece of intell* as for what else he had heard, he was pretty amazed by how the group loved to quibble. The pet was selling fake blood, the blond guy who was holding him hostage was not highly appreciated by the group, thus a weak link, the guardian had already earned some respect and he is the sire of the silent one that lived here, and that spirittalker seemed to have quite some secrets so he probably would be the one with most info. Ki was surprised to hear about Cassiels abilities, although it did explain an awful lot on who could have told him about the chronicles in the first place. He figured that he should check his surroundings for energy again, perhaps the Elder had some reinforcements on his way. As he returned his focus to the energy-scanning first thing he felt was a big amount of energy in Horatio's body, the man was doing something. Secondly he noticed Fio's and Dorian's attention for the first time and he knew that Prospero was far gone by now, out of reach for his radar-like ability. The number of super-human beings was not unusual, spare for the room he was in, so it was safe to assume there was no back-up. With that possibility gone, he could now focus on the energy-usage of this vampire. *How remarkable* |
Nov 8, 2010 12:15 PM
Ari filed the knowledge that Cassiel could speak to spirits away for a later time. It was an interesting power, one he had only heard whispers of existing. He also wondered how Fio and Cassiel knew each other, especially since Fio knew about Cassiels power when none of his companions did. Then again, with Fio's age, he did get to know a good many vampires, maybe it wasnt as surprising that he knew of Cassiel's powers. Ari looked at Horatio, "Though now that Fio has answered your questions, it is time to answer ours. Why are you here and why are you killing guardians?" He got ready to open his mind again, it was the best way to make sure a person does not lie to him. He was going to have to feed again tomorrow, since his first meal this day was not that overly filling and he had been using his powers alot this day. That was annoying. Fio shrugged his shoulders at Cassiel's annoyance of speaking of his powers. He didnt realize that other people didnt know about him being a spirit talker. Oh well, by telling he did even the playinng field a bit and it wasnt like he said both of Cassiel's powers. He was amused by Dorian's word, "I am hardly rude, Pet, I know etiquette." He lived through the time when it was necessary to know etiquette. He also turned his attention back to Horatio, "Aye, do tell us Horatio." |
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