Information if you're interested in Rockman EXE. might as well join the fun, this club let's members add post and other topics that they would like to discuss about, any certain topics for rockman series is gladly welcomed here!
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it all started with Lan Hikari known as Netto Hikari in Japan is a fifth-grade student with a strong bond between his netnavi MegaMan which allows them to achieve what others may deem impossible. In the anime and manga, Lan is the only child of Yuichiro Hikari and Haruka Hikari, while in the games, he had a twin brother, Hub known as Saito Hikari who died as a child from a heart condition and was reincarnated in the form of MegaMan.
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Antagonists: WWW (World Three)
Formed by Dr. Wily to take over the real world and cyberworld, the WWW is an organization that makes recurring appearances throughout the series, constantly met with defiance from Lan Hikari and MegaMan. Initially trying to conquer the internet by constructing the Life Virus, Wily was forced to disband WWW's members and go into hiding after Lan and MegaMan foiled his plans. A former WWW member, the Professor, would resurrect the Life Virus as Life Virus R, while his servants spread the Zero Virus. Wily and WWW eventually resurfaced, aiming to steal the Tetra Codes, which would allow them to gain access to the SciLab network and claim the Alpha network program, which had gone haywire years prior, causing devices connected to it to malfunction. Attempting to synchronize with Alpha once it was finally obtained, Wily was absorbed into its body along with Bass, though his consciousness was retrieved following the incident. The WWW was revived one final time at the series' end, with Wily's goal being destruction of both worlds with the aid of giant Copybot versions of the Cybeasts ,Gregar and Falzar. In the anime, WWW serves a similar purpose to its game counterpart, breeding terror and chaos throughout society via the net whilst searching for the "Ultimate NetNavi," later revealed to be PharaohMan. Unlike the events of the game, the original WWW members, and even Wily himself, align themselves with the protagonists instead of starting anew in the end. In Stream, however, WWW is revived by Tesla Gauss as Neo www. The original and newer groups often come into conflict with one another due to tensions over which is more powerful. Dark MegaMan and his Darkloid servants would take over after Neo WWW's last scheme, with the memories of its lower-ranking members erased.
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Members: 30
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Category: Anime
Created: Feb 20, 2009
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