Spider-Man Animated Series

Spider-Man: The Animated Series is an animated television series featuring the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, which ran for five seasons (65 episodes) starting November 19, 1994 and finishing January 31, 1998. The producer/story editor was John Semper, Jr. and production company was the Marvel Productions.
While Marvel's X-Men series was being produced by Saban, Spider-Man was produced by newly formed Marvel Films Animation; it was the only series that in-house studio produced, but was animated by Tokyo Movie Shinsha with Korean studios. This show is the second longest-running Marvel show created—after X-Men which lasted for six years—lasting five seasons and 65 episodes.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man_(1994_TV_series)

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Club Discussion
Spider-Man TAS Music
uncivilized_one - Dec 30, 2011
0 repliesby uncivilized_one »»
Dec 30, 2011 9:57 AM
Venom - The Alien Cosplay :D
Sam201 - Dec 23, 2011
1 repliesby uncivilized_one »»
Dec 23, 2011 4:33 PM

Club Comments
uncivilized_one | Aug 2, 2013 1:02 PM
Awesome! Listen to Spider-Man voice actors: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/voice-compare/Spider-Man/Spider-Man/

Sam201 | Dec 23, 2011 3:29 PM
Thanks, I thought I would post a picture of it in the forums, I hope you don't mind. I love the club by the way ^_^b

uncivilized_one | Dec 23, 2011 3:09 PM
Your Venom cosplay rules

Sam201 | Dec 23, 2011 2:42 PM
I have to say this was my favorite cartoon when i was growing up, every Saturday morning I would wake up and run to the living room to watch it on the old morning cartoon block "Fox Kids." (I feel kinda old typing this lol -.-') I still consider this to be the best Spider-man cartoon made, especially compared to the newer ones, (not that i have anything against the newer Spider-man cartoons they were pretty good ^_^) .

I hope to have fun in the club :)

uncivilized_one | Dec 12, 2011 8:04 AM

OminousWrex | Dec 11, 2011 4:27 AM
After all these years, the voice of Christopher Daniel Barnes remains as most suitable for use when reading the comics. :-]

uncivilized_one | Jan 5, 2011 1:58 PM
In the UK and Germany, Clear Vision Ltd. has released the all five seasons on DVD as of October 19, 2009.

EzioAuditore | Feb 24, 2010 8:46 PM

Club Stats
Members: 20
Pictures: 25
Category: Other
Created: Jan 28, 2009

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