Brave... intelligent... kind... a "true gamer..."
These are just some of the words use to describe MarioGamer. After being nominated for the Mario Party leader in 2007, MG worked hard to make sure that the voices of gamers and anime fans alike would be heard. He worked hard to pass the "Galaxy Act" which enabled gamers to freely travel among the galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy. He also did his best to tighten security, placing Link's forces at a key spot in Hyrule to once again defeat Ganondorf.
The sporting industry owes him a great thanks, as he helped to rebuild go-karting after the great Snaking scandal. Not only that, but baseball finally showed itself when MG brought it into the Mushroom Kingdom.
In the medical field, he works day and night to find a cure for deadly virus's, achieving very high scores in Dr. Mario RX daily. He believes that "the health of our nation should be our top priority."
MG is a voice you can trust. MG is a voice that can lead.
<em>This message was paid for the by the MarioGamer for president committee</em>
<strong><u>MG's Presidential Appointments</strong></u>
"Secretary of 'Girly Things' I don't know about"
"Secretary of Fangirl Affairs"
"Chief of White House Anime"
"The Dungeon Master"
"Secretary of making sure my english doesn't phail"
"Chief of White House console security"
"Secretary of 'The Unknown' "
<em>This list is not complete and will grow as the campaign progresses.</em>
Members: 27
Pictures: 1
Category: Other
Created: Jan 22, 2009
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