Alucard (アーカード Ākādo?) is a fictional character in the Hellsing anime and manga series created by Kohta Hirano. He is the main protagonist of the Hellsing franchise.
It is implied Alucard is the most powerful vampire currently in existence. He usually dresses in a Victorian fashion, including a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a red bowtie, covered by a long red overcoat. He also wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, wire-framed sunglasses. He does wear other outfits. He has a vast range of supernatural techniques. His enhanced strength allows him to wield pistols too heavy for humans to handle. He fights with ferocity and often extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been disabled and humiliated. He frequently gives enemies more than one chance to kill him before retaliating, if only to demonstrate his powers. He admits he is a "monster". He is devoted to his master, Integra Hellsing, and seems to have a friendship with her butler, Walter C. Dornez. He harbors feelings of affection towards his fledgling, Seras Victoria.
In the anime (both TV series and OVA) Alucard is voiced by Nakata Jouji (中田譲治). In the English dub of both series, he is voiced by Crispin Freeman.
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Category: Characters
Created: Jan 22, 2009
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