Information The story of A chill guy who lowkey doesn't give a f##k. And an unchill gal who highkey gives a fuck.
Today I will tell the tragic tale of two doomed lovers who slowly made their way into each other's heart, just for all of it to be for nothing. While my old character often makes her way out of people's hearts because of how she is on the outside, she has really worked her way into my heart, even as much as my new character has, in fact. I believe she is misunderstood, and lowkey does not deserve the hate. Her character and the complexity of her emotions, the way she really does give a f##k though she appears to just be an unchill gal, the way no one ever understands her and what she has been through except for my new character, can be seen as a great representation of the struggles of BPD, and can even be interpereted as representation for other people who can relate to her in different ways. She hates herself just as everyone else does, but she has really worked her way into my heart, just as she has for my new character, as well. She has a very tragic past, and she blames herself for it just like everyone else, even though it never really was her fault. My new character is someone who, before meeting my old character, lowkey didn't give a f##k about anything, felt very unsatisfied with life, and while people thought he was just a chill guy who doesn't gaf, he was really going through some things himself as well. His developed apathy and indifference toward everything caused him to be very depressed and even consider suicide due to the lack of fulfillment in life. He has always felt that there is nothing harder than connecting with another human being, and therefore he did not communicate his thoughts or feelings with anyone, instead he bottled them all up, put on a fake smile, and pretended that he didn't give a f##k. He pretended that everything was okay. One day, he couldn't take it anymore, and the same day he began to plan his suicide, he exchanged words with her for the first time. My old character. My new character was sitting on a bench in his home town watching as cars passed by and people conversed, contemplating the meaning of it all. That's when my old character came and sat on the bench too, appearing to be in a deep state of distress. My new character had seen her before. He had heard some really bad things about her too, but as he listened to all that bad talk about her he viewed it a bit different. It sounded like people were just misunderstaning her words and actions, so since they were so hurt by them their perception of her was very twisted and biased, and so were the bad things they spread about her. My new character is an intellectual; rather than speaking and feeling, he is more inclined to further look into everything that happens and understand it all on a deeper level, setting aside emotions to come to more objective and unbiased conclusions. My old character didn't even notice that there was someone next to her, and when she did, she got really anxious and quickly apologized, but as she got up to leave, my new character stopped her and said: "Nah, its aight. You see, my whole deal is I'm a chill guy who lowkey doesn't give a f##k." For once in her life, someone told her they didn't mind her being around. It was strange. Abnormal. She didn't like it. Annoyed by his indifference, she said: "You don't know me. If you knew about all the things I have done, you really would give a f##k about me sitting here. I'm leaving now. Goodbye." Without thinking, my new character quickly grabbed her hand. "Wait! It is true that I dl not kniw you well as of now, but how are you going to assume I will have the same view of you as everyone else does? In fact... Just by looking in your eyes I could tell you're not really a bad person. You have been through some things, and I know because I have too. I see it in your eyes. I see that you have been wronged, and that you blame yourself for retaliating, because everyone else blames you too. I barely know you, but I see you. I see you struggling. And we have probably been through far different things, but I can still recognize the look on the face of someone who is suffering. I have seen you give me dirty looks because you hate how I seem to not gaf about anything, but I know whatever lies behind those hateful eyes is something much more beautiful. I want to get to know you. I want to let you make your way into my heart." My new character was then taken aback by his sudden pouring out of words. He barely even spoke at all. Yet just by seeing her, she who he had never spoken to and had only given him mean looks, he felt strangely drawn to her anyway. Was this sudden monologue a result of him previously concealing all his thoughts and feelings? It just happened without him realizing it... but he had always been so reserved... This is the first time in his life he had ever felt so shocked like this. Shocked by himself. My old character was as baffled as he was. That's when my old character said something he would never forget. "My new character... You really do give a f##k, don't you?" That exchange was the start of the creation of a beautiful and unstable and disastraous bond between the two, and the imminent tragedy became more prominent as they worked their way into each other's hearts. Along the way, through each other, they both became more and more aware of who they are as a character, and began to understand themselves and each other much better. My new character helped her look through her flaws and tragic past to understsand that she's not a bad person and nothing really was her fault. My old character, without even knowing it, made him feel again. She made him appreciate the beauty of life. Something about her... it made him see everything so differently, it gave him hope, it made him feel something he couldn't understand. He began to wonder if, maybe, that feeling was love? My old character felt the same way about him as well, but neither of them knew. They needed each other. Because my new character kept my old character from losing herself, and showed her how to look past those intense feelings and calm down so she could see things how they really were. And my old character awakened something in my new character he didn't know he still had, the ability to feel. It didn't matter whether those feelings were good or bad, because he finally... felt something again. Unfortunately, my old character could not see the good she had caused. She could only see all the bad she had caused for him and everyone else because of those outbursts of fervent emotion. And the actions of those who have wronged her will forever continue to bring that back in her, and she will forever hate herself for it, and so will everyone else. My new character lowkey didn't give a f##k. He loved her no matter what. He only saw the good in her. He was the only one who understood her. But that didn't matter. My old character would never see what he saw in her, and she felt undeserving of his love, she felt underserving of anything. One day, my new character got a text from her. It was a strange text, a vague one. But he looked it over again, and he understood what it meant. It was very similar to the now-trashed letter he wrote for his mother a week before the day he had planned to take his life(which was, the day after the day he happened to first exchange words with my old character.) Never in his life, had he given this much of a f##k. Panicking, he rushed out the door while spam calling my old character to no avail. He ran over as fast as he could to my old character's house. The door was unlocked. He burst into her room and there she was, loading the gun. "STOP!" Said my new character. My old character only stared at him through her dead, hopeless eyes. Terrified, my new character began to pour his heart out. "My old character. Listen to me. You are making a mistake. I don't care if I'm the only one who doesn't hate you, I will stand by that forever. You aren't a bad person, my old character. Please. Don't do this to me." ........ "My new character... here you go with this stupid talk about how I didn't deserve anything I went through, how none of it is my fault. It doesn't matter, my new character. EVEN IF IT'S NOT MY FAULT, I AM STILL RESPONSIBLE!! ALL THOSE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN HURT BECAUSE OF ME!!! BECAUSE I AM SO SELFISH! BECAUSE I TAKE OUT ALL MY ANGER ON MYSELF AND OTHERS, AND I CANT CONTROL IT! I NEVER WILL!!!!! I'VE HURT YOU AS WELL! SO MANY TIMES, YET YOU FORGIVE ME. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. LIKE IT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU I HATE YOU!! DO YOU NOT HAVE ANY SENSE OF SELF-PRESERVATION?! WHY? WHY DO YOU KEEP PRETENDING THAT EVERYTHING I DO IS JUSTIFIED. WHY DO YOU BURDEN US BOTH BY PRETENDING YOU GAF?!?! ... "Because I do give a f##k, my old character. I give a f##k. About you. Only about you. You are the only thing that has made me give a f##k. All my life, I've just been known as the guy who's whole deal is that he's a chill guy who lowkey doesn't gaf about anything. Do you know why that is? It's because I had lost hope. I was planning on doing this too, because I believed life no longer had any meaning. That was, until, you restored hope in me, my old character. You opened my eyes. There is so much good inside you, that you refuse to see. My old character..... I love you. Please put the gun down." " new character....... For once, I have to be the one to look at things logically. You know nothing will ever end well between us. All I do is make myself and everyone else around me suffer, and that includes you as well. I love you too, my new character. I don't want to keep hurting you. And if it's true that you love me back, then you wouldn't want me to stay here and keep suffering myself, either. This is what's best. For both of us. Goodbye, my new character. I love you... And I'm sorry." As she finished preparing the gun and began to turn it towards herself, my new character rushed to stop her. He gripped the gun and tried to pull it away, but she was too strong. As they fought for control over it, the gun fired three times. All as it was pointing towards my new character. POW!💥POW!💥POW!💥 His last words were: "I'm sorry too, my old character. I should have been here for you when you needed me most. And I forgive you for this... I lowkey don't give a f##k. I will love you no matter what, my old character. I'm so sorry I failed. ᵍᵒᵒᵈᵇʸᵉ" My old character was too stunned to speak. What had she done?!?! How could she do this to the one person she ever loved... she must have been right. Something like this was bound to happen. All she had ever done was create suffering and pain, all she did was hurt people. Even when she had tried to prevent hurting anyone else by taking her own life... she took the life of another person instead. She was cursed. They were both cursed. My old character was cursed to die without ever forgiving herself. And my new character was cursed to die without ever being able to feel truly happy. They would never be the person they used to be. Neither of them. My new character fell to the floor, and took his final breath thinking about how he had failed to truly live, and how he had failed to save her. How she is surely about to follow him because there is no way she could forgive herself for this. The last thing my old character saw as she pointed the gun back towards herself and pulled the trigger... was the three gunshot wounds on my new character's lifeless body. Three more irreversable wounds that she had caused. She died knowing that all she had ever done was hurt people. She died knowing that she killed the one person she had ever loved. She died feeling nothing but self-hatred. 💥POW!💥 Some children truly are born with tragedy in their blood.
r/mynewcharacter - A chill guy who lowkey doesn't give a f##k. And an unchill gal who highkey gives a fuck.
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u/Henry_Jovanovic avatar
1mo ago
Bro wrote all that for thirteen upvotes 💀😭
1mo ago
I’m sorry but I’m not reading all that
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