Sakuga, Genga, Animation, Seiyuus, Art Director, Color direction, and so much more, anime can be seen at the end of the day as an entertaining product however, there is a world beyond such, a completely different one then the one most of the public tends to see. I know this all too well as a production designer in the film industry itself.
I made this club as a reference to the Donut club is a reference to the 2014 anime Shirobako, this series in combination with my own research i came to appriciate the work and dedication of what all aspects of anime involve.
For anyone who loves the artform of animation itself, and the people it involves, please feel free to join this club.
If you have no real idea of how the anime industry operates, there are a number of resources that could be of help. First of all is the incredible website and Which lists and notates which animators work on which cuts, fill in your favorite anime and see. Another is the incredible book anime architecture, by Stefan Riekeles. You can probably purchase the book at any major retailer like amazon or book store. Another great inspiration is
Dong Chang and
Thomas Romain. both foreigners who were able to enter the anime industry and can and have provided a large amount of info otherwise not known.