Information A forum to discuss and post those thing related to the Final Fantasy RPG series. We ask that those whom join follow a few simple requests.
1. That all things post have something to do with Final Fantasy.
2 Please keep all comments and discussions as positive as possible. There might be minors here that should not be exposed to vulgarity.
3. All pictures uploaded should be related to Final Fantasy.
Thank you and enjoy.
This is just for kicks you all have heard the you might be a redneck well this is you might be a final fantasy VII fan if:
1.You dress up as your favorite FF7 character for Halloween -- 5 years in a row.
2.[You dress up as your favorite FF7 character everyday.]
3.You and your friends refer to each other as FF7 characters.
4.[You dress in black for a month in respect for Aeris.].
5.[Everytime you walk into an office building, you ask to see President Shinra]
6.You hack off one of you arms so you can get a gun grafted in.
7.[You keep your mother's head in your coat pocket.]
8.You ransack the kitchen and tape all the knives together so you can have a sword like Seph's.
9.[You refer to your friend as a "Mindless Puppet" when he/she pisses you off]
10.When someone pisses you off, you turn into a were-beast and attack them.
11.[Your version of a threat is, "Don't make me make you One with the Planet!]
12.You don't fight back when getting beat up because you're waiting for you limit gauge to build.
13.[You're constantly looking in the classifieds to see if Shinra Inc. is hiring.]
14.Your dream job is to become one of the Turks.
15.[You fantasize about you, your favorite character, and a bedroom. ('nuff said!!! ^_- )]
16.When someone sneezes you say, "Seph bless you."
17.[When you're in a bind you ask yourself, "What would Seph do?" (BURN IT ALL!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!)]
18.After beating the game, you perform strange rituals intented to resurrect Sephiroth from the dead.
19.[You name your pets andor children after FFVII characters.]
20.You spend hours debating with other Sephaholics on the theory of Vincent being Sephiroth's father.
21.[You have a Cloud voodoo doll stashed in your closet.]
22.You join the army and ask to be stationed under General Sephiroth.
23.[You're convinced that your bag of marbles is actually materia.]
24.When someone asks you about your parents, you say your mother is Jenova.
25.[You rush to a plastic surgeon to get DDD breasts so you can be like Tifa.]
26.You know the last names of all the main characters in FFVII
27.You consider "Your hair looks like a chocobo!" to be a suitable way of saying that someone needs a hairbrush
28.You've ever thought or hummed the Final Fantasy victory theme when you've just acheived something
29.[After playing through Cloud's Flashback you develop an unexplained urge to burn things.]
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Members: 35
Pictures: 17
Category: Games
Created: Dec 19, 2008
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SassyMarmot (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Character Relations