Information A horror like story that is also fanticy (and maybe romance) that I started a while ago make a Charater and join in on the fun of the story along with me
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I stood in the living room gasping for air staring at the magled body of my friend Sava. I started crying. I fell on my knees in front of Sava. The door busted open and a man with the police came in. They stared at the blood and body parts all over the room. Then at me.
"Get her out of here" The man said. The manager came in the appartment and took me out. Out side I collapsed and the last immage I saw was the stare of my dead friend Sava.<!--spoiler--></span></div>
Club Affilates (Clubs You Should Join)
<!--link--><a href="">The Day The Kingdom Fell [Roleplay]</a>
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3 years later
"Hey Zane get up we will be late" Rebecca said. I groaned and rolled over to the edge of the bed. With out thinking I fell off the top bunk and landed ont he floor.
"OW THAT HURT!!!" I yeld. Rebecca laughed and helped me up.
"You know ever since you came here you either have been quiet or yelling why not just talking to normal people like me?" she asked. I looked at her.
"I'm sorry, but I can't get close to people since what happened 3 years ago" I said. She looked at me and then she walked out. She knew what happened to Sava and when I got to Saint Carioline school for girls I was sent in threw cop cars and shadows. I kept away from people and avoid any contact with others inculding teachers and counslers. I sat on the floor putting my knees to my chest and rapping my arms around them.
"Sava" I said. A tear came to my eyes and then a strange wind came into the room. <!--spoiler--></span></div>
Chapter 2
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I looked at the window. It was closed.
"Strange" I said. I got up and changed into my uniform. I heard giggling. I looked around and saw nothing.
"Stranger" I said. I walked out of the room and locked the door. I checked my watch.
"Crap I'm going to be late" I said and ran down the hall. When I got to my class I only had a minute to spare.
"That was close" I said to myself. I went to my seat when the overcome came on.
"Good morning girl I have your announcements, but first we need Zalaine Meayo to the front office please" The assistant princaple said. Everyone looked at me. I glared at the overcome.
"Some much for being unnoticed" I said to myself. I walked out of the classroom and to the front. Before I could get to the front there is a open space in the middle of the school that I have to go through and today it was rainning so I wasn't looking forward to it.
"Man why today" I said. When I was about ready to run I saw a light out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see a girl on the roof.
"HEY! YOU SHOULDN'T BE UP THERE" I yeld. She didn't turn when I yeld at her ahe jumped off the roof.
"OH DAMN!" I said then I ran towards her. I didn't think I would get to her, but she landed in my arms. I panted and then she looked at me.
"ARE YOU CRAZY OR WHAT?" I asked in a shouting tone. She looked scared when I yeld at her and she started crying.
"Damn just my luck I need a crying girl when I need to go to the front office" I said. I sat her on the ground and grabbed her wrist.
"Listen just follow me and don't say a word of what happened out here" I said then we entered the other side of the building soping wet. When I did get to the fron office and opened the door a bunch of guys in black suits pointed guns at me. I lifted my hands, along with the girls own hand, and stood still.
"Miss Marica there you are" One of the guys said. The girl hid behind me.
"Please don't let them take me away please Zane" She said. I Turned my head at her.
"How do you know my name?" I asked, but didn't get a responce.
"Listen lower your guns or other wise this will be a big problem" I said. The guys lowered their guns then the girl grabbed my wirst and ran down the hall and out the way we just came.<!--spoiler--></span></div>
Chapter 3
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We got out to the open ground when she stoped. I started panting and landed on the ground.
"Geze girl what is with you and who are those guys?" I asked. She stood still then she started glowing. I got freaked out when she disapeared for a second then she was by my side and she picked me up. I got shocked and strugled, but her grip tightened and then pure white wings shot out of her back and then we went to the air.
"HEY HOLD IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed when she started soaring out to the open sky.
"Tsubasa...Accexber I got her meet me at the ridge" The girl said.
I looked at the ground and I started panicing. I strugled then she lost her grip and I started falling.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"I screamed as I fell. The girl dived after me, but she couldn't keep up to me.
"This is it this is how I'm going to die" I said to myself. I curled up into a ball and closed my eyes then I felt something inside me wake up and started screaming my name then something tore my back open and black wings shot open and I soared up into the air and up to the girl. Her eyes were open and then she smiled.
"So you are the fallen one" She said then grabbed my arm and we flew to a ridge where to guys were waiting.<!--spoiler--></span></div>
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Members: 22
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Category: Other
Created: Dec 13, 2008
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crescent_girl (President) Akira_Renji (Secretary) allhailkira (Secretary) Minori92 (Secretary) ohsnaptheresa (Secretary) Sanada-Sasuka (Secretary) Sharingan_Girl (Secretary) Taki_Nyar (Secretary) TakuTaku (Secretary) Tamoball (Secretary) animeblader (Officer) Faded_Star (Officer) jm65 (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |