Anime is a medium filled with beautiful lessons and life stories. People mistake it as childish and unrealistic just because it has animation, but in many ways it surpasses many live action series in terms of realism and heart. People like to assume that anime isn’t deep or lacks emotional connection, but it does. It has lots of it. And it can be quite profound. I’m not ashamed to say that I’m an Otaku, and that I love anime. It has so many great things going for it. Powerful themes, well developed and realistic characters, an absolutely stunning aesthetic and visuals, great music, cohesive plots, and a vast variety of different topics to capitalize on. There are cliches yes but overall anime is a very original and impactful medium that tells many stories which aren’t as basic as many like to believe.
But the one ultimate reason that I hold anime close to me, despite all the various great things too it beyond this, is the messages it tells in its stories, in its characters, in its episodes and chapters. Some are simple and straight forward and cliche, and some are complex and nuanced and thematically deep. There’s Fairy Tail, which preaches the power of friendship. People claim its boring and filled with plot armor, but refuse to accept how important the power of friendship is in our everyday life. People are held by strong bonds that help them get through times and Fairy Tail explores this. So what if its ‘basic and lacking in mind warping depth’, why does that matter. The power of friendship is relevant in our everyday lives and so just because Fairy Tail is fictional doesn’t mean its any less powerful.
But either ways, anime has some of the greatest life lessons I have ever experience and more then any, and I mean any other medium, they have realistically connected and developed me in many ways. And that is the main reason I love anime.
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Category: Anime
Created: Oct 2, 2021
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