The Holoist Society

WELCOME TO THE HOLOIST SOCIETY A place to let your love and obsession for our beloved WiseWolf run freely without judgement. Let's uphold the Ways Of The WiseWolf to unite the world under the One True Waifu, so that we may usher in a new era of global peace and prosperity United Holoist Society Republics Dere Girls Alliance Ecchi Federation Holo Interviews Holo's Card Club Holo's Music Club Holo's Pack Holo's Spa Big, Fat, Voluptous, Round, Anime Tiddies Bibliophiles and Manga: Cute Girls Club Elaina & Bill Belichick Share The Same Facial Expressions NFL Club Spice and Wolf Super Cute Girls FanClub Trash Taste Fan Club Waifu Feet Federation MAL Communist/Socialist Party Russian Hentai Club Soviet Russia The Holoist Society are defenders of The Romanticism Movement and are proud to be allied with The Romanticist Rebellion The Holoist Society has expanded to Discord Click here to access The Holoist Society Discord. Please wait for one of us to verify you as a member The Holoist Society has expanded to YouTube
  1. NEVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HOLO - Result will be banned and sent to The Holo Mountains
  2. NEVER CRITICIZE HOLO - Result will be banned and sent to the Holo Center
  3. Any images that contains uncensored nudity are not allowed to be posted (according to site rules)
  4. Be nice and respectful to one another
  5. Do Not post Eris from Cat Planet Cuties here - Result will be sent to The Holo Mountains
  6. Anybody who says Me and Holo aren't together, will be sent to The Holo Mountains
  7. Anybody who says we are a cult, is threatening the territorial integrity of The Holoist Society
Currently in the Holo Mountains: asuramaru1 (Has decided to live there)

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Club Comments
HoloisHolo | 4 hours ago

The new Holo Anime has new arc with Elsa. Holo saves the village of Tereo. And there is going to new season of Holo Anime

HoloisHolo | 4 hours ago

Or I mean not putting a disc drive in laptop. I mean yeah if you were building a PC you would put one. But I meant for laptop using an external disc drive. Have you tried that?
LOL that face. Where is it from?

That often times is the main motivation for work lol. Unless you are doing something you actually love or work for The Holo Government :D

What are you crying for. You should be happy to support Holo and The Holoist Society. Holo taxes help pay for all the great things in The Holoist Society. And Holo looks so cute holding the coins lol

Haha he looks so cute. Just looking at you like ok I will humour you just this once for your amusement. But after I demand some treats XD
Named him Yami after an anime character?

Maybe to mess with you, or maybe he forgot about it lol

When you played were you controlling a character you made or building a city. In Sims there is building too if you want to like customizing your house or making your own city by adding your own households and other places

The games that were there back then like Bush Royal Rampage are not there now because since flash is no longer supported there are no flash games

Yeah not all of us have the expertise to be programmers or cybersecurity experts but we know how to do basic technical and problem solving on a computer that seems like todays younger people are not learning until they reach an older age.

LOL so you ran into window as well?
That does sound scary yeah, but you were only 5, so it is not like you could know that would happen

Dos games are games made for DOS OS and any other OS that could run them at the time. And Flash games are internet games using Adobe flash to make. You can still find flash games preserved on and play them, but there's none there that I played.

Haha yeah I feel people would criticize our website, but we can just say. No this is the 2000's nostalgia look we are going for :D

Thats cool. Must be nice to have store to make you feel like it is back then

Ok I will check it out. Didnt know there was figure skating anime

Holo's birthday is whenever she wants it to be

Klefki_of_Awsome | Today, 8:17 AM
@HoloisHolo I saw it and now I get what you meant, lol, it sure feels like that these days, hahaha~x'D>
Wait, you can put a disk drive in your laptop?? How??

Exactly..^^'3 That said recently, I've felt a motivation to work, even if it is purely for the money atm..

No problem, snif.. *cries in blood* TvT

Not really a hat, but my black kitty loves getting dressed up, lol! I got a recent one with a "hat" which is really just the net thing they put around fuji apples that I ended up putting over his ears, and he just posed for the picture, haha! I feel black cats are some of the most photogenic, like they know when you're taking pictures of them and stuff, or maybe that's just me!x'D>

My brother has the game in his custody. For some reason he won't let me play it though, hmm, I wonder why..?^^'3

Ahh OK, and yes, it was City but I didn't remember it being about building things, since what I remember seeing looked more like regular Sims stuff to me..

Ahh, I see.. What do you mean its not the same now?

But yeah, I agree, we had to learn everything ourselves, like using typing games to get good at typing because back then chances were you didn't know how to type on a computer efficiently or use it correctly unless, like you said, you had parents that were in the field. Thankfully, my dad is a computer professional (he doesn't make a living of it but took classes for it in University back in the 80s and does a bit of tech support and computer repair for family and friends) so we knew how to use them better then others but at the same time, our dad didn't want us to start using the computer too early, which is why I only got started with it at school and gradually learned stuff over the course of the years. Even nowadays if I have a big tech issue idk how to solve, I'll ask my dad first as a reflex, since he DOES know a lot about it. That said, I did learn a good amount of things myself to the point where I think I have a decent net and computer literacy. That said, do not ask me too technical stuff or programming or metadata as that is not my forte, haha..^^'>3

I just am VERY unlucky sometimes, and lets just say I was often at the wrong place at the wrong time...^^'3 Honestly, its a miracle I didn't break anything or had any major injuries in my 25 some years of life..0-0'3
Ahh, I've been there, done that, got the T-shirt..:/ LOL, but seriously, why do they make these hanging lights on ceilings so low? Its bound to break if you're not careful, smh..=v='3
The worst I've did, and I still feel terrible for it, is I dislocated my mom's shoulder one evening when I was playing with her. I was like 5-6 and a little impulsive at times, and I just charged her and her arm went in the other direction.. Traumatized me badly as a kid, I'll tell you that much..0_0'33

They probably did for some of the construction, yeah.. That construction started when I was there, so already 7-8+ years ago now, and they finished it this year or late last year, I think. But the dome is still getting worked on.

Ahhh, then yeah, I know of it, since my brothers played Doom on their computers. What's the difference between flash games and DOS?

I did mine too, with a LOT of help, lol..^^'3 My teacher let me pass with only the scores of my CSS and HTML though so I guess I'd gotten decent enough at it by the end. Can I make a webpage? Yes. But can I make an interactive and functional one? Functional, maybe, but interactive is a bit much..=v='3

Yes! I've bought quite a few DS and Gameboy games from there, a lot of the time for my siblings, but also some for me.

I see. I think you should check Medalist btw if you want to see a series about passionate people pursuing their sports goals!
I think its fine to have multiple goals as well. What I like to do personally is to make multiple small goals and organize some schedules around them to be able to accomplish them all one by one!>:P>

Ahh OK, thanks for looking it up!

HOLO! HOLO! HOLO!XD9 Do we know when Holo's birthday is btw?

Merunyaa | Yesterday, 2:45 PM
@HoloisHolo i've seen d old 1 but nt d new 1 gna watch it!

HoloisHolo | Yesterday, 11:35 AM

HOLO! HOLO! Let our dear Holo please help guide us. And lead us forever and ever

Have you watch the new Holo Anime?

Merunyaa | Mar 15, 8:26 AM
@HoloisHolo cult no, holoist yas!

TheBigGuy | Mar 14, 3:01 PM

HoloisHolo | Mar 14, 10:44 AM
Cherry Blossom Holo has won the vote and will be the new front page photo for our club. As the other photos of Holo are also equally great as she is our beautiful queen. They will also be front page photos as the seasons change.

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Club Stats
Members: 250
Pictures: 11
Category: Characters
Created: Mar 28, 2021

Club Staff
HoloisHolo (President)
a105 (Officer)
Adimus_prime (Officer)
TheBigGuy (Officer)

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