Brooklyn (NYC) Anime & Manga Fans United
As the name states, Fans of Anime & Manga who reside in Brooklyn, NYC. I was once a skeptic and even criticized Anime/Manga. After months of my friends begging me to watch My Hero Academia (popped my cherry with MHA) I can now confess....IM ADDICTED & HOOKED all things Anime/Manga. I'm fairly new here on MAL and have entered the world of Anime & Manga (going on a year now). Joined MAL to keep track of what I've been reading and watching as well as to connect and discuss with other fans. Searched the clubs but it seems a Brooklyn club was missing and the NYC clubs haven't had much activity and discussion. So I'm hoping and looking forward to see if we can get some activity with this club....WELCOME TO Brooklyn (NYC) Anime & Manga Fans United!!
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Category: Cities & Neighborhoods
Created: Jan 28, 2021
This is a private club. Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.