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> Picture Comp - This month there will be no specific theme, so you can send whatever you like. Take and create a portfolio of your own pictures. Gather up to 10 pictures. We will gather and vote on who's the best photographer out there! Show us your spirit!
>Art Comp - There will be no theme for the art comp this month either. All art work must be your own. We will gather and vote to see who submitted the best piece of art!
- The only requirement is to prove that it's yours. If your submission is going to be a shitpost at the very least please put some effort into it to be a high quality shitpost.
> Cooking Comp - This month we will do a food theme. We will decide on an ingredient that must be used in a recipe and then share what we made.
- There will not be rewards, this is purely for fun.
> Game Night - We'll gather and play any free game together.
- As some of you may be aware, there are some paid games that not everyone has to buy for everyone to play, so we can play those as well.
- We will throw in some drunk nights as well as events for different timezones.
> Movie Night - Gather and watch any movie together. Can be anime or not.
> Anime Nightt - Weekly Discussion of Seasonal Anime. This season will be both My Hero Academia Season 4 and Dr. Stone.
> Karaoke Night - Everyone gets together and has a little karaoke party. We will do it during a drunk game night so everyone has a bit more confidence. If you show up you won't be forced to sing. Lets have some fun!
> Boy/Girl Night - We'll get together into our gender groups and just have a fun relaxing time. The place for any spicy chats or hentai viewings with the boys.
> Family Night - A night where we all get together and just relax having a chat. Anything can really happen here...