Are You Ready 7th-TYPES??
Welcome to our group for players and fans of Tokyo 7th シスターズ (Tokyo 7th Sisters)! If you’re looking for a place to discuss or ask questions, here may be a good place to start!
Info and News (updated December 7, 2019)
Latest CD releases:
On October 31, 2019:
- The ED for EPISODE 0.7 -Melt in the Snow-, "Hikari" by Nanasaki Nicole, has been released as a digital-only single
On December 4, 2019:
- t7s Original Soundtrack 2.0 -The Things She Left- has been released
- A split single featuring 2 new songs -- "Scarlet" from Casquette's and "My Gradation" from Nanabana Otome has also been released
Upcoming CD releases:
No announcements yet!
Latest live performances:
On June 9 and 14, the QUEEN of PURPLE 1st live "I'M THE QUEEN, AND YOU?" took place!
On July 13-14, the 5th Anniversary Live -SEASON OF LOVE- in Makuhari Messe also occured!
Voice actor updates:
- Yoshii Ayami, voice actor of Uesugi U. Kyoko, has retired from t7s due to health issues. She is now voiced by Inoue Honoka as of April 2019
- Fujita Akane, voice actor of Araki Rena, has also retired from t7s. Rena is now voiced by Mayu Iizuka as of April 2019
Other updates:
- EPISODE 4.0 AXIS has been completed in-game
- EPISODE 0.7 -Melt in the Snow- has been released in-game, focusing on Seventh Sisters
App Store (EN/US)
App Store (JP)
Google Play
Game Resources
Event cutoff bot
Gamerch wiki
t7s_border website (card and event stats, information, etc.)
- wiki (some sections outdated, but provides useful guides and character info)
@tokyo7s on tumblr (FAQs, resources, cards, etc.)
@amyure on Tumblr (translated songs, story summaries, misc. translations and info)
@T7S_english on twitter (translated news, updates)
Tokyo 7th Subs (story and misc. translations)
r/Tokyo7thSisters (not very popular, but has some discussions, news, and can help with questions)
T7S Wikia (fairly new and a work in progress, but has more up-to-date information)
Official Website
Official Twitter Account