this is club is solely for the discussion of shibahama, inokori, and of the members of the club's opinions on the shinjuu and the end of rakugo.
the motto of this club is to be always seeking prosperity and progressive thinking, whilst realising that those that came before can hold as much value as those that proceed them.
- Alex c, leader and founding member of the bgs anime friends
(prev. "crunchrol bois" - retracted due to issues with the titular company)
A complete timeline of the BGS Animation Friends (prev. crunchrol bois - retracted due to mental conflict over the titular company)
13th of November 2017 - The autism central discord server is created by Aqil along with #crunchrol-bois, a text channel for anime watchers in the server. The founding members being Aqil, Alex, Ore and Rish
Exact date unknown - Kelvin is admitted
Exact date unknown - Ollie stubbs is admitted to the group only to be removed a few days later(First message on the 8th of January 2018)
7th of February 2018 - Seb and Elisa are admitted to the group
19th of February 2018 - Seb makes this statement
23rd of February 2018 - Adrian is admitted to the group
25th of February 2018 - Chihayafuru season 3 is announced
3rd of March 2018 - New rules and guidelines are formed, The beginning of the 1st revolution (pictured below)
18th of March 2018 - The poll for the Election of a new Admin is rigged causing discourse in the chat. The party supporting Seb is found to be guity
26th of April 2018 - The official Crunchroll bois statistic spreadsheet is created (
3rd of May 2018 - Elisa is removed from the group
Exact date unknown - The initiate role is removed, Therefore Adrian is kicked from the group
15th of May 2018 - Tom is admitted to the group, The first golden age begins
21st of May 2018 - the first "Thanks for letting us use your kitchen conductor" is said in reference to Shokugeki no Soma Season 3 by Seb
23rd of June 2018 - Tom Donkin pays for the crunchyroll account, a very generous act
30th of June 2018 - Sid is admitted to the group. The colour of the crunchrol bois role is changed to be more fitting
3rd of July 2018 - Tom Donkin is admitted, Sid posts his first message
7th of July 2018 - Ore adds Jofi and Cerwyd to the chat, causing major discourse and leading to their removal on the same date
8th of July 2018 - Sid is named the "Binge Voyager"
20th of July 2018 - The MAL databases are restored and accounts are freed from their shackles
31st of July 2018 - Seb calls ping pong, katanagatari and tatami galaxy old
15th of August 2018 - The official Crunchrol bois OST quiz is finished (
19th of September 2018 - The official BGS Anime Friends MAL club is created and all current members are invited
24th of September 2018 - The great Oregairu debate is started when Kelvin voices his negative opinions on the show
3rd of October 2018 - The question of whether "running haikyuu" is gay is debated among members of the chat leading to discourse
24th of October 2018 - Ollie stubbs is re-admitted
3rd of November 2018 - Rival Group "Johnathon Griffstar" is created by Alex which included members Kelvin and Ore
11th of November 2018 - Alex is removed from the discord chat temporarily due to the creation of the "Johnathon Griffstar" group
23rd of November 2018 - Sujan is exposed to Your lie in april at elliots house party
29th of November 2018 - Yakinori plays the second ending to Welcome to the NHK in their restaurant
10th of December 2018 - Peter Abel is admitted
13th of December 2018 - The second official group quiz is created this time in the format of openings (
14th of December 2018 - The spreadsheet style and mathematics are updated thanks to Kelvin
1st of January 2019 - Kelvin mysteriously sends a picture of leaning tower of pisa as the first chat message of the year, the meaning of which is still unknown to scholars to this day
Exact date unknown - Kyle is admitted to the group
12th of February 2019 - Cham is admitted
19th of February 2019 - School trip to japan arrives
4th of March 2019 - Sid declares this
12th of March 2019 - The top 5 anime watchers in the chat ranking is released
5th of April 2019 - AMQ is introduced
11th of April 2019 - Sid deletes all social media except discord
21st of April 2019 - Group watch of Bysousoku 5cm
18th of May 2019 - Cham is kicked from the group
5th of July 2019 - Sahaj is admitted to the group, Peter is kicked
Exact date unknown - Tom leaves for asia
7th of July 2019 - Peter is re-admitted
25th of July 2019 - Beej is admitted
13th of August 2019 - Sid compliments my A-grade endings playlist
25th of August 2019 - Rubin is admitted
1st of September 2019 - Cham is re-admitted
2nd of September 2019 - Cham posts his infamous senkuu character analysis
24th of September 2019 - This picture made by Tom is posted
8th of October 2019 - Rumour has it that some gaming occurred in the Dr. Stone grand bout
10th of October 2019 - AMQ try to use the Birthday Paradox as an excuse for their broken algorithm
27th of October 2019 - Seb gets called out by Sid
19th of November 2019 - Kelvin Cheng and Brandon Hill go head to head at the university swimming gala
27th of November 2019 - Tom obtains the next Dr. Stone episode script
2nd of December 2019 - Tom Fox listens to ONE OK ROCK
14th of January 2019 - 2nd Revolution begins, sparked by select members discussion on who the group is actually defined by, leading to Beej being kicked from the group
17th of January 2019 - Sid, Rish and Aqil watch Tenki no ko
20th of February 2019 - Alex stops paying for the CR account, Rish takes over
12th of March 2019 - Sid is removed temporarily due to a scuffed vote, causing discourse and the continuation of the second revolution
13th of March 2019 - Sid is deservedly added back, but something is forever lost in the process
18th of March 2019 - Seb arrives in japan, home of japanese animation among other great things
Exact date unknown - Sid leaves the discord chat
12th of April 2019 - Sids absense is noticed, leading to discussion on the cause
26th of April 2019 - Further discussion on Sid leads to hostile debate
Flash forward to 1st October 2021, Rish becomes the new BGS anime friends historian
14th of May 2020 - Sid rates Ping Pong a 10 subsequently forcing all the haters to get out. The existence of Arabic tea in atacky titan is also revealed around this time.
25th of May 2020 - The Sid opposition is defeated by an overwhelming majority
28th of May 2020 - The crunchyrol bois show solidarity for the BLM movement
2nd of June 2020 - Sidmas Day
8th of June 2020 - He says the line
16th of June 2020 - Rakugo group watch begins
23rd of June 2020 - The integrity of the group watch is compromised due to conflicting schedules
10th of July 2020 - From this date forward, Seb refuses to livestream his lectures
17th of July 2020 - Tom Powell releases the rinse and repeat formula of the chat
This is a private club. Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.
Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.