Information ~~~About the club:~~~
this club is still not really pretty, we know, but thanks to our dearest cofe we have logo(since i was to lazy to make one). so as you can see, so far we are 2 admins. but maby there'll be more.
this club is a colection of all claim clubs in MAL, even thise whi are blacklisted by the ufcc and those who are closed. because of the fact that I, the stupid one, have no life at all, then im almost allways in MAL so i'll keep change things here allways. this club includes a full(?) colection of the claim clubs with my reviwes(cofe may wirt some reviwes also) and important information for claim lovers.
also, when the colection will be more or less full and us(the stupid one and the smart one) won't be just "us"(stupid&smart), maby we'll have some contests and cool stuffs...
***About the colection:***
The colection is actually the most important thing in this club, and also the most complecated thing. the reason why is because i am very very very stupid and i am the one who opened this club. so in addition to what is in the colection, this is the way the colection works:
Club's name-every club must have one. the name is linked to the main page of the club. also after the name you can see if it's acrive or not.
ACTIVE clubs are clubs that are more active than active. wich means, the banner makers are making banners in two days or less, the list is uploading every day. my clubs are ACTIVE since i have no life and im allways watching them, but it's very hard to be in the ACTIVE.
active! clubs are clubs that are active. wich means, the list is uploaded in 9 days or less, and if the banner makers aren't to slow. (for example, if none of the banner makers made any banners for 3 days ore more then it's a problem...) the banner making is important to the activeness of the club only if the noumber of the banner makers is 3 or up and they aren't making banners at all for a long time.
?...clubs are all those clubs that are not closed, they are just not active. if a club was "?..." for a mounth and then suddenly it started moving again it won't change so fast. a club must be active again for 5 days to move from "?..." to "active!".
closed clubs are closed clubs. it'll change to "?..." when the club will open up again.
Creator-the name of the creator will be linked to his/her profile, and i'll also wirt if the creator owns any other clubs and wirt the noumbers.
Info-Information. date ofcreation, if it's aproved by the ufcc, if proofs are needed and maybe other stuffs.
*what is a request club? a request club is a club that you need to request to join the club.*
Claimables-who can and who can't claim in this club.
What do you claim-what is that club about anyway? how much can i claim? how much can admins? what can't i claim? answeres here:3
Banners-if this club makes banners, any rules about banner making and if the claimed list includes banners.
Before claiming-information about what you must do before claiming. usually only joining the club and claimed list link.
Why do i think you shuld join/check the club-I must say that most of the times i culd live this thing empty, but who cares. =3
My score-from 0 to 10. it is very hard to be 10 and i don't really know what are the criterias, so this is just a noumber that i feel. also sometimes i'll explane why.
your scores-your scores. =3
---About the reviwes:---
if you have anything to say about any club in the colection, then pleas post it in this forum. this is your discussion forum about the clubs and you can say whatever you want. however, we can't allow people to wirt 300 pages, so from time to time we'll probably crish this topic away and make up a new one(we won't delete any of the topics in this club).
if you have a REVIWE, post it this topic. those reviwes will be published in a reviwe colection, which will be opened by me after someone will post a reviwe. no dirty words are allowed.
~*~About admins:~*~
as you can se, there's only me and the smart one, and since im lazy and she is busy we are not working on decorating the club(if it wasn't me maby i was asking for help..), but we do have things to say(more or less...).
[color=9400D3]Info:the stupid one, and the idiot creator of this club. she is actually doing everything here. owns a few clubs and the fastest banner maker in the world.[/color]
The baka says:
[color=9400D3]Info:the smart one. she made the logo and now she is doing almost nothing. but the stupid one loves her and she doesn't care.[/color]
The cofe says:
-_-About the banner makers contest-_-
so far there's not any important message. for questions, pleas pm the baka.
Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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Club Comments
Club Stats
Members: 2
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Oct 31, 2008
Club Staff
haruka_nazu (Secretary) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |