100 years ago, the kingdom of Clarine, was dark and full of evil people, the scariest being the evil queen Morgana. She was a heartless ruler who enjoyed killing and burning people to satisfy her selfish desires. Many feared heard her, others ran away in hopes of a better future, but one man stood up to the queen. This man not only faced her but he also defeated her by casting a spell that would leave her asleep for eternity, although the man died shortly after killing Morgana due to the side effects of the spell. The man did leave an heir to the thrown named Zen. Once he came of age and took the crown as the rightful king, Zen started ruling with a kind and noble heart, taking good care of the kingdom he had inherited. King Zen made sure that this kingdom and it's people would never see the cruelty of senseless deaths as well as never feeling the pain that queen Morgana had inflicted to the people.
Since these events had come to pass 100 years ago, the Kingdom of Clarine has now become the biggest, strongest and richest kingdom in the world. The Kingdom of Clairine is currently ruled by a king named Zheng. The grave news though is that the king is soon about to retire his role and it is only a matter of time before one of his children takes the throne. Who will take the throne? That is still a mystery to the kingdom as the power struggle amongst the kings children to take the throne has become very real.
It would also look like there is a big threat coming to the kingdom, an old threat from the past. Some dark power is waking up…as the truth is revealed, that evil queen was not dead as most people assumed she was after so much time had passed. By some means the spell that had kept her dormant has begun to fade and it's only a matter of time before she awakens.
After 100 year of sleep Morgana’s powers are slowly coming back, so who will wake her up? What will happened to the kingdom? If you are interested, join the cub and become main members of this story… choose who you want for a king/queen and serve them.
* Be active * Be respectful to everyone. * Do not create threads without permission from the creator. * You can start RPing once your character has been approved by an admin. * You are allowed up to 2 characters. If you prove to be active, you can have more * All your characters may only belong to one side due to bias. SO choose carefully which side you want to be on * A character can't be at two locations at once * No God Modding in any shape or form. In case you aren't sure of what god modding is, click the spoiler. Map * Castle Of Clarine -Royal Castle- * Berry Island - Berry island is a beautiful island north to the royal castle. The island is huge with Yui's Castle in the very center of it. The castle is surrounded by a beautiful and clean river. North to the castle is all mountains and its named mount Gem. The mountains is known for it's beautiful gems and beautiful creatures that reside in the mountains. But be very careful, these creatures may be beautiful but they are also dangerous. West to the Castle is Butternut Forest. A huge forest full of fruits and animals, both normal and magical animals. East to the castle is where all the villages and Cities are located. South to the castle are the beaches, resorts and all those other nice places.
Threads in Berry Island
Yui's Castle
* Throne room * Training Place * Library * Garden * Kitchen * Arena * Throne room * Training Place * Punishment Room * Library * Kitchen * Arena * Bar * Brothrl (NSFW) * Shopping center * Casino * Park * Weapon Store * Hospital * Cafe * School * Beach * Forest * Fortune teller Prince/Princess: Have to be atleast active for 2-3 weeks in the club before making a prince and princess. Must ask for permission as well. The king only had 2 children, 1 male and 1 female. The princess position is already taken so only prince is up for grabs. We will not be able to have the prince until this club gets bigger. ruler's right hand man: This person is always with their Queen/king. There the top person in charge of protecting the ruler. Royale knight: The kings/queen direct knights. Royale soldier: In charge of protecting the castle and keeping everything in order Combat maid/butler: There primary task is to cook and clean but, if a war breaks out, these people know how to kill because of the constant training they receive. spy: A spies main task is to spy on the enemy and or any person that the ruler may see as a threat assassin: If your ruler asks you to go kill someone, than do it..pretty simple. Current Prince/Princess and those who serve them
Each player will start of at level 1 and with 0 exp. You gain points by completing missions that are given to you by your ruler. There will be a "mission board" thread for every castle. You can also rank up by going to the training room/fields in your castle. When your character trains they get level points. Apart from training and missions, your Character can also gain points by partaking in events. You might gain points by inviting member or being active.
For every 50 exp, you gain a level, for every 3 levels gained, you can upgrade an ability or you gain a new ability.
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Members: 51
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Category: Other
Created: Jan 24, 2017
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Setsu_Ka (President) Sakura_megami (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |