Information Starlight is a combat club where we strive to do something unique when it comes to character relations and deep story telling. If you're here because you wish to join us, then glad to have you. However, if you don't plan on being active, friendly, and/or cooperative, then you have no place here. Thank you for your time!
Ever since the greek gods defeated the Titans and took over, they've ruled over the earth for thousands of years. Zeus commanded the skies, Poseiden controlled the seas, and Hades ruled over the dead. Also, all of the Olympians ruled over certain parts of the earth, sharing it and standing over humanity as they came from the stone ages to creating civilization, all because of the gods who ruled over them. In return, the humans prayed and worshipped the god above all else, which pleased the Olympians and the gods below them. The relationship between god and man had been rocky over the years, but it was still somewhat stable...until something weird happened.
As humanity evolved, they eventually stopped worshipping them...stopped believing that they even existed in the skies and under their feet. Instead, they turned to other gods that were more or less nonexistant while calling the Greek Gods nothing but myth, pissing them off in the process. Not only that, but humanity started developing quicker and quicker each decade, becoming smarted and much more advanced. Now, in 2016, humanity was full of people of different cultures, religion, and ways of life. They had technology, which made humans truly believe that they can do anything and that they ruled the world.
This was when everything came to ahead. It was first the minor gods that came to Zeus, telling him how humanity should be wiped off the face of the planet. Zeus shrugged off their plea, but it wasn't long before even his brother Poseiden wanted to take out humanity along with a few other Olympians. Of course, there were gods who believed that they should remain pacifists in this situation and let humans believe in their crap, which sparked arguements and fights amongst the gods. Zeus, being the one who ruled over them all, decided that he had enough of this and decided to call a debate on Mount Olympius to decide what they should all do.
It was a stormy evening when the meeting began. The entire pantheon was in an uproar, with gods at each other's throats about the subject. Zeus barely had any control over everything spiraling out of control as the storms grew more fierce. Soon enough, Zeus had enough of it and was about to make his decision that would affect the world...until someone walked into the open with his wife right behind him. This person was, of course, Zeus's other brother, Hades. Knowing full well that he was standing in front of his angry brother and was surrounded by gods who either despised or feared him, Hades spoke of an idea that he belived would make everyone there happy.
His idea was for the gods to leave the Earth and begin a new civilization that they can rule over somewhere else. That way, humans can rule in peace and the gods won't have to worry about humanity ever again. While everyone discussed this idea, the first two people to stand up and criticized this plan was Apollo and Athena. Both of them had the same complaint: With no gods ruling over Earth, how will the planet survive? It was common knowledge that the gods, even though a great deal of them disliked humanity at this point, still did their job and kept the Earth from becoming just another circular rock in the solar system. If they were to leave, then Earth and humanity would be doomed, making Hades plan nonsensical.
Of course, Hades already knew they would say something like that. It was at this point when he told them about the big part of his plan: creating new gods. Everyone went silent when he said this, listening close as he explained his idea. He would allow all the gods that supported or were on the fence about the plan summon 2 souls from the underworld and train them to become the new gods over Earth to replace them when they leave. After saying that, alot of people immediately disliked the plan, including Poseiden himself who was strongly against it. However, it was Zeus who commanded that Hades plan be carried out. This made a great deal of people furious with Zeus and Hades, but a handful of gods volunteered to participate in this plan, including both Apollo and Athena.
This is where our story begins... "According to Greek Mythology, Humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs, and a head with 2 faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."
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Members: 17
Pictures: 2
Category: Cities & Neighborhoods
Created: Apr 30, 2016
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LeCrowe (President) LightSpark090 (Secretary) MadTsunTsun (Secretary) MontyMars (Secretary) MysticalPhoenix (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |