Information [center]
[size=125]1. Everyone has a character limit of 1 Battle student, 2 non-battle students, and 1 Staff Member. This helps with not having one person's two characters interacting with themselves if the person has 10 characters or so. (I'm guilty of this in other clubs,so I know that this would happen.) 2. Your characters can be any race they want, but they get no benefits from being Half cat, or half wolf. Example: Cat people don’t get better agility. Battle Characters must use the species listed in the creation thread of the sake of the Stats. Thank you. 3. No angel or demon races. This should be self-explanatory, but since some people won't understand, this is to not have people who are above everyone else. The only people who is above anyone is the headmaster. 4. No OP characters. Self-explanatory. Your character will be approved by the Admins in charge of that section. 5. Don't have your characters change the school setting WITHOUT PERMISSION! This is a school RP. Not a horror, Investigation, murder RP. 6. ALL PLOTS MUST BE APPROVED! IT IF INVOLVES ANOTHER'S CHARACTERS, IT MUST BE APPROVED. IF you want to keep it secret, pm the admin in charge of plots. 7. Don't interfere in other peoples' plots! If you want to join their plot, request to join them in the plot thread. 6. No NSFW content ANYWHERE in this club. We have a separate club where you can transition your Steamy RPing. It is located here. 7. Respect everyone. NO excessive use of Foul Language. No subjects that may be deemed as offensive. (Example: Religion, Politics, etc) 8. No godmodding. Self-explanatory. Jack High Combat League General Information Thread Battle Records Thread Stat Points Store Combat League Character Creation Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Faculty Character Creation Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Student Character Creation Plot Approvals Battle Character Sheet For those that wish to participate in the Combat league, their is a separate character sheet for battling. Your character must be submitted on that sheet to be accepted into the league. Your character can also partake in normal school Rping as well, they just participate in the special battle portion. [Combat League Character Creation The League will be a double round robin. Meaning, every fighter will fight ALL the other fighters at least twice. After all of the fights are finished, the top 2-4 fighters will be placed in a single elimination, fight-off. The loser of the semifinals goes to the 3rd place fight. The winners, fight in the championship. During the regular season, a fighter will receive 3 league points for a win. 1 league point for a draw. 0 league points for a loss. Their will be at least 2 fights every week on the fight card. Fighters will be ranked by their league position. Each fight is not technically timed, but all the fights of 1 week must be finished before the start of the fights in the next week, begin. Otherwise, it will be considered a draw. A coin will be flipped to decided which fighter is allowed to go first. A post order will then be established. It will go by cycles. 1 cycle = Both fighters posting once, Judge posting once. The Judge will look at the posts each cycle, and decide how both characters were effected. The judge will use creativity, realistic effectiveness, current stats of both characters, how detailed the posts are to determine the result of each cycle. The judge will post both characters updated stats after each cycle as well. You posts need to be detailed. The judge should be able to read your post, and be able to imagine in his head, exactly how your character performed their actions. For dialogue purposes, a chat thread for each specific battle will be created by the judge. This thread is for only the participants and the judge to engage in conversation about the battle. So the participants can explain and have a dialogue with each other, as well as the judge. Fights will take place in a Virtual Reality Arena. Meaning, whatever damage your character sustains in a fight, is not permanent. If your character dies in the fight, the battle will be over. Then your character can get up and walk out because no physical damage is actually applied to them. The arena may change for a fight. Both participants will be briefed on the particular setting for their battle, beforehand so they can prepare. A fight is won by a character: - Killing the opponent - One of the fighters becomes incapacitated (All stats reach zero) - One of the participants “tapping out” or giving in A fight is drawn by: - Both characters being killed - Both characters being incapacitated (All stats reach zero) - The fight is not decided in 1 week when the next card of fights, starts. The stat system categories are as follows: - Strength: How physically strong and how physically powerful your character is. More strength means harder punches. Things of that sort. - Constitution: Stamina and Endurance. This is basically how in shape your character is and how well they can absorb damage. Using your ability reduces your constitution. Getting hit, reduces your constitution. A higher constitution, results in your character being able to take more hits with less damage. Your character can and very may lose 1 constitution point in almost every cycle, depending on the amount of physical stress that is involved in the actions of the character. Once this reaches 0, any hits absorbed will cause significant damage. Your character will be physically exhausted and unable to cause as much damage, and their ability to block or dig will be greatly hindered. - Speed: This is how quick your character can move. Agility is also included in this as well. A very high speed means your character is very mobile and can dodge attacks very well. - Reflexes: Reflexes are basically your characters defense against speed. If your character has high reflexes, speed attacks are more likely to be dodged or blocked. - Power Control: This is how well your character can control his/her power. If this number reaches zero, using your characters ability is very risky. They could over power their ability and cause themselves to become incapacitated, or their ability could be so weak, no damage is done. Character Levels Each character with start with a Weapon Mastery Level: 0. An upgrade can be purchased with stat points. The higher this level, the better your character is with their weapon. Each character will also have an Overall level. They will start at 0. More info on this can be found in the stat points store thread. The stats layout is as follows: Strength:8 Construction: 8 Speed: 8 Reflexes: 8 Power Control: 8 Weapon Mastery Level: 0 Overall Level: 0 You can spend 1 stat point to upgrade any of your stats up to level 20. Once your stats reach level 20, it will require 2 stat points to upgrade a specific stat 1 level higher. Once you reach level 40, it will require 3 stats points to upgrade a state 1 level higher. The amount of stat points required to level up will continue to rise, but won’t be added to this until that time comes. We are now also offering ability upgrades to be purchased as well. 10 stat points will allow you to upgrade your characters current ability, making it stronger. To do this, please contact an admin and notify them that you have 10 stat points and would like to upgrade your ability. They will work with you on the ability upgrade so it is approved but still not to over powered. 20 stat points will allow you to purchase a secondary ability. This will allow you to create another ability that can be just as strong as your original ability. That is before any upgrades were applied. To do this, please contact an admin and notify them that you are purchasing a secondary ability. They will work with you as you develop the ability so it is approved and not over powered. We are also announcing weapon mastery. Weapon Mastery will be able to be purchased through stat points. Every character automatically starts at weapon mastery level 0 5 stat points will allow you to purchase weapon mastery level 1. This will obviously increase your characters overall level of battling as they will become better with their weapon. 10 stat points will allow you to purchase weapon mastery level 2. 15 stat points will allow you to purchase weapon mastery level 3. 20 stat points will allow you to purchase weapon master level 4. 25 stat points will allow you to purchase weapon mastery level 5. Level 5 is the ultimate level of weapon mastery Each level works like a pyramid. To unlock level 2 for purchase, you must first purchase the level prior. In this case, level 1. That continues all the way up the pyramid. Characters are now given overall levels. Each student character starts at level 0. Level 1 is acquired at 20 stat point levels for all categories. Level 2 is 30. Level 3 is 40. Level 4 is 60. Level 5 is 70. More levels will be added as characters get that high. Level 1 reward = A secondary weapon. This weapon will begin at weapon mastery level 1 instead of 0. Level 2 reward = Duo. Once a character reaches level 2, they will be able to pick a partner. The partner must be at least level 1. Then they will work together to create a combo ability. This ability can only be used when both characters are present and when both characters are actively attempting this ability. To acquire this ability, you must notify and admin. The admin will work with you and your partner to develop the ability so that it is approved and not overpowered. Level 3 reward = 20 stat points to be used for anything. Level 4 reward = Another Character Creation slot. Though this character can now be an SC member, or a villain. This will also allow you to create an event. As well as 30 stat points to be used for anything. If you purchase this, please notify and admin, and they will work with you on the event and character creation. Level 5 reward = A third ability will be granted to you. This ability will be as powerful as your characters original ability before any boosts. If you purchase this. Please contact an admin and they will work with you to develop this power so that it is approved and not over powered. Finally, extra character slots, weapon changes, ability changes, and stat point redistribution will be able to be purchases as well. These will cost 5 stat points a piece. They must come from 1 specific character. In other words, if you have 2 character, and one has 2 stat points, and the other has 3 stat points, you can’t combine those to purchase anything. All purchases for any of the upgrades, levels, etc must be purchased from one character and they are applied to that specific character. For winning the Championship, 15 stat points will be awarded. For finished 2nd, 10. 3rd, 5. Your character is not limited to just the Combat league. You can RP your battle character just as you would any other character in the RP. The only difference being, your stats are only valid and used when participating in official battles. Only Battle characters can achieve stat points. Battle characters cannot receive credits on the reverse side. Battle characters CAN be involved in any plot or events that are happening in the Non-battle side of the RP. The fight cards and official fights take place on a sport timeline. Meaning, your character can be in 2 places at once. Only while an official fight is happening, that your character is participating in. Battle characters will not be enrolled in classes. As classes are also a separate timeline. Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Character Creation If your character is not participating in the Combat League, then they will be submitted through the Non-Battle Character Sheet. Your character can still battle, it just won’t be official, count for stat points, or be recorded. You can battle in any form you want. You are not required to use the system that the League uses. These characters have no stats. [Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Student Character Creation Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Faculty Character Creation How Classes Work It's pretty understandable that you can't do classes based on real time as people would probably skip to do funner stuff in the rp, but I have seen an rp that has done it in a way that makes sense. Now, I'll make my own little spin to it and incorporate it into Ace High Academy! -Introduction to classes Classes. It's mandatory in schools. But, how do you incorporate it into rp? Simple! You have your character be in and out of class at the exact same time! This is called the 'class world' system. Classes exist in a completely different world than the rest of the rp. Thus, you can be listening to the teacher as he/she gives the lesson while also rping at the movies or beach. -How info gets from both versions of your character So, your character learns something while in class (for example, information from a friend about how he likes pizza), but the other version outside of class doesn't know about it. The answer to this problem is 'breaks.' Between classes, while the teachers are changing up, this is time to talk to friends, but it's also the only time where info you learned in-class is transported to your out-of-class version and vise versa. This happens automatically. You can therefore transfer knowledge from both characters on breaks. -How long are classes? 2 days real time. I, or an admin, will say if it's been 2 days. Their will be a timer that updates overtime you refresh the page, under the class timer heading. Breaks are 1 day real time. Before classes start, there is a 1 day (real time) period where you have to appear in the class or you'll be tardy. There are 4 classes in an rp day, so an rp day of classes is 8 days real time. -Teachers Teachers will be assigned to different classes apon approval. Teachers are required to be in class before they're tardy. If they don't, a substitute will be placed in position for them. [b]History[/b]
Decades ago, in the 1800s, while supernaturals hid in the shadows from the world, a man by the name of Karl Marx secretly started up a secret organization that welcomed only Supernaturals. The purpose was to, someday, make a world where he's ideals of communism would, in his mind, 'remake the world'. Even after his eventual death, his ideals led to the rise of communism a few decades later, including in the early 1900s during the great depression. The underground organization, at that point, found someone who upheld their ideals and made sure to get him in power: Adolph Hitler. With him as the dictator of Germany and with the organization, now calling themselves Wicked, secretly lurking in the shadows, no one could stop Germany as WW2 happened. However, when it looked like Germany had lost and Hitler was about to surrender, Wicked left Germany and ended up in Russia, where they stayed for decades, trying to push them to nuke the United States to no prevail. In the 2020s, when Ace High Academy was announced to the world of supernaturals, Wicked saw the opportunity to grow their forces to possibly attempt a world takeover of their own, so they kidnapped Soujiro Yamashita and brainwashed him into a Wicked member. Soon enough, Ace High opened and Wicked sent a test group, called Aces and Eights, to see how the students of Ace High would react, but they didn't account for Alius and A8 was tasked with taking him out. Unfortunately, Soujiro was caught and A8 was destroyed to Wicked's displeasure. Due to this, Wicked went to Del Marlos. Soon enough, they were able to get a big enough force from rouge Ace High students and a few people from Del Marlos, putting Wicked in the perfect position to take over the world...but, they had to set a trap first. They went to China to try and get launch codes to start a conflict between the US and China, but Ace students were there to combat them. It was only due to the betrayal of Akimoto and his defect into the Wicked which got them the launch codes and starting the conflict, leading to WW3. In the end, Wicked finally became on top, with Akimoto Yamashita as their leader, while Ace High was destroyed. Marx has finally succeeded in his quest to remake the world, even from the grave. [b]Background[/b]
Decimated by world war 3, the secret organizations and societies of the world were thrown into instability as their nations and suppliers fell one by one. The corrupt heads of these organizations were torn apart by their own greed and treachery. Pegged between fighting other agencies, meta-humans and Wicked, they were torn to shreds and quickly dismatled. However, out of the ashes rose a select few- the few elite agents who had the purest of intensions. Hailing from organizations as broad as the CIA and MI6 to the Assassins and Templars, they were the exceptions-bright lights in a world of shadows. They joined hand in hand with Meta-human societies sharing their interests-most prominent of which being the mysterious Atlanteans and the Secret Council of Dai Gorudo Valley. Together, they formed the Coalition Lobbying Against Wicked- C.L.A.W. C.L.A.W. or the Coalition Lobbying Against Wicked, is an international coalition created to counter Wicked through espionage and underground missions. Based in the hidden city of Atlantis with secret bases under Dai Gorudo Valley, most large cities in the world, as well as a compromised one in Del Marlos, they're manned by normal humans and send out special squads made up of Meta-humans to missions around the world. They are not directly affiliated to Jack High, however a character can be involved in both. Dorm Building Entrance Commons Area Hallway with Even Numbered Rooms Hallway with Odd Numbered Rooms Dorm Rooms Dorm Room 1 Dorm Room 2 Dorm Room 3 Dorm Room 4 Movie Theater 5 Star Restaurant Cafe Five Guys Burgers Josh's Sno Shack WaterPark Six Flags Over Dai Gorudo Beach Hotel Mall Wicked Entrance Gate in Paris Wicked Rally Building in Paris Akimoto's Mansion Meeting Rooms in Paris Asian Base U.K Base Southern Chinese Base German Base South East Asian and Australian Base Secret Base North American Base South American Base African Base Middle Eastern and South Asian Base East Asian Base East European Base West European Base C.L.A.W. HQ Armory C.L.A.W. HQ Control Room C.L.A.W. HQ Main Hall C.L.A.W. HQ Entrance Portals - Plot Approval, Combat League Character Approval, Combat League Judge, Combat League General Information Advisor. - Story Creator, Wicked Leader, Wicked Character Approval, Plot Approval, Graphics designer. - Combat League Judge, Stat Points Store Advisor, Combat League General Information Advisor, C.L.A.W. Character Approval, Wicked Character Approval - Underground Agency (C.L.A.W.) Leader, Non-Battle Driven Faculty Character Approval, Non-Battle Driven Students Character Approval, C.L.A.W. Character Approval - Non-Combat League Event Coordinator, Dorm Advisor - Combat League Judge, Classes Advisor, C.L.A.W. Character Approval, Wicked Character Approval - Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Faculty Character Creation, Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Student Character Creation, Credits Bank Supervisor - Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Faculty Character Approval, Non-Combat League/Non-Battle Driven Student Character Approval [size=120]1. What is the difference between Combat League Characters and Non-Combat League Characters? The difference, is the Combat League Characters compete in the Combat League. The others, do not. Combat League Characters can’t participate in Class or earn credits. Combat League Characters do earn stat points for competing. Non Combat League Characters do not earn stat points. 2. What can my Combat League character do? Everything that a Non-Combat League character can do, except go to classes and earn credits. 3. What can my Non-Combat League character do? Everything that a Combat League character can do, except compete in the Combat League and earn stat points. 4. Can Non-Combat League Characters Battle? Of course. The battles will not be official, they will not be recorded or judged, they won’t take place in the combat league, and stats won’t be used. You decide how you want to duel or battle. It is up to you. 5. What will credits be used for? Credits will be used to purchase items in the credit store. We are currently working with a cardsharp to have special cards made that will be available for purchase. As well as some banners and hopefully some lists. For a larger amount of credits, you will be able to order a custom card, banner, or list. This is still int he negotiation phase and we will inform everyone via the Notifications tab, when it is available. 6. Where do I begin after creating my character? You will begin at the Entrance Gates of the school. Your school life shall begin at that point. Club Members Club Pictures
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Members: 21
Pictures: 2
Category: Schools
Created: Aug 18, 2015
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LeCrowe (President) LightSpark090 (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |