Information It happened after the Fifth Holy Grail War. The Servants, weapons and tools for their Masters, had dissolved, returning to their own plane of existence. However, it was during this last war that something changed. The Holy Grail, their benefactor and master, had been tainted, dividing into two distinct versions of itself. The Fallen Grail, which represented the selfish desires and wishes of both the Masters and the Servants themselves, descended into the arms of a certain Servant. This Servant and their closest allies, from that moment forward, lost much of what had made them heroes, including their Nobel Phantasms, becoming nothing more than humans, albeit exceptionally gifted ones. As the Fallen Grail whispered in their ear the truth of the world and of the Grail itself, the nameless servant used their new free will to give themselves the title 'Lord of the Servants'. Thus, they mobilized a faction of like-minded Servants, using the Grail's power to challenge the human race, the source of their pain and oppression. Meanwhile, the Ascended Grail, representing the need for order and balance in both life and death, came down in the middle of the Vatican, speaking to the leaders of The Church and warning them of the incoming threat. Seeing the situation as an opportunity for growth and perhaps global change, The Church quickly responded, gathering an elite group of humans from across the world to summon Servants of their own, since not all cared to ally with the 'Servant Lord'. The leader of the Church's task force, nicknamed 'the Bulwark of Faith', then met with the 'Servant Lord', both forces ready to attack. Just then, the Fallen and Ascended Grails came into contact, creating a whole new plane of existence called 'Purgatory' while dragging the competitors in. In this world, mana was in an almost infinite supply, allowing for Servants of all kinds to be summoned. Multiples of the same class could exist side by side and the world itself was a large, beautiful city, complete with varied vistas. Faceless creatures inhabited the plane in certain areas, while other areas were under the direct dominion of the factions themselves. With the pieces in place, the war could begin. However, still another force looms. The Ruler, 'official judge' of the Holy Grail, has awoken. They may have the body of human, but their power is that of an extremely powerful Servant. While they exist to keep the fight 'fair' and uphold the 'rules', this shadowy figure has an agenda of its own. Perhaps it knows something that the fighters do not. And thus, the epic begins. 1. Have fun! 2. Be nice! 3. Read all the sticky's to get all the essential info 4. Ask questions if you're not sure 5. No godmodding 6. Try to stay away from one liners 7. If your character dies, don't panic. Go to the Second-Try thread for more info! 8. Keep it SFW! It's not like the original VN. Also, no Frenching! 9. You're allowed 2 Servants, one in each faction, and admins are allowed 1 Master 10. When posting, please be at least somewhat detailed, especially during battles! If you ignore the fact that a spear is heading for your gut and you charge up your Noble Phantasm, it's your fault you got stabbed and you must RP the result. 11. Although its kind of implied, please don't retcon unless it's absolutely necessary, especially during battle. You can further explain stuff in a previous post and settle it in OCC, but don't completely change an action that your character did. It messes everyone up. Soldiers of the Servant Lord Masters - Kuro, Lord of Servants Yato, The master Marksmen Servants - Soldier Rider 1 Soldier Archer 1 Soldier Berserker 1 Soldier Caster 1 Soldier Saber 1 Soldier Rider 2 Soldier Berserker 2 Soldier Lancer 1 Soldier Caster 3 Soldier Saber 2 Soldier Saber 3 Agents of the Church Masters - Rosline, the Bulwark of Faith Nesu Zumi, The Kindhearted Spirit Servants - Agent Archer 1 Agent Rider 1 Agent Berserker 1 Agent Assassin 1 Agent Saber 1 Agent Assassin 2 Agent Lancer 1 Agent Lancer 2 Agent Assassin 3 Soldier Assassin 1 (Defected) The Holy Grail Ruler Faction-less Soldier Caster 2 The War has begun! Defect, fight, spy, whatever! Go wild! Recruitment Special: If you invite someone to join the club and they accept the invite and make a character sheet, you get +1 Servant to create, giving you a total of three slots! PM the creator if you fulfill this requirement for approval. This can only activate once! People who are about to redeem said bonus: LoveandHate91 LoliNinjaa Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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Category: Other
Created: Aug 16, 2015
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LilGreasyKid (President) Leafz_Soul (Secretary) RazorDestiny (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations |