Information ok so here are the basic rules there will be an order of people that can pick anime. Whose ever turn it is picks an anime and we watch it. You must watch the anime even if you have seen it. You may pick an anime you have seen but you must rewatch that anime. You may not pick an anime that the whole group has watch or that someone else has previously picked for the group to watch. If the anime is above 50 episodes you must tell me in advance and I will let everyone know but if the anime is above 50 and we watch it then your turn will be skipped next time around depending on how many episodes it is. EX: 51 episodes is one skip 100 is about 3 or 4 skips. The max episodes is 200 no more. We will watch a certain number of episodes daily (depending on peoples time/how many episodes are in the show) EX: 4 episodes a day. After a show is finished the next person will have a day or 2 to give the group the next anime. I would suggest looking for an anime to watch at the same time your watching the anime before you. If you do not want to pick an anime your don't have to but you DO have to watch the animes that people pick and you may request to pick an anime but you must wait till everyone else's turn is up.
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Club Stats
Members: 5
Pictures: 1
Category: Anime
Created: Jun 13, 2015
Club Staff
Observersofanime (President) darkcheesepuff (Officer) TriggerFist6 (Officer) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |