Information Long ago, the order of the five sages ruled, maintaining the balance of the world. However, always opposing that fragile balance was the Dark Lord seeking only to gain more power and establish his own order of chaos and darkness, to remake the world in his vision. Thus began The Great Imbalance! The battle lasted many generations, and many of the sages grew weak, old, and fragile. With their powers waning, the sages resorted to one final act of desperation, a forbidden spell so powerful it would alter time and seal the Dark Lord away. Unfortunately two sages had their lives taken by the spell. Their life force was consumed by it to ensure it would eliminate the evil, and they left only their young apprentices to carry on the teachings. The remaining sages and apprentices, to ensure the seal would never be broken, established a school. The Dark Lord’s palace was transformed into a Magical Academy, so that the dormant evil could be kept in check. There was however also another purpose for the construction of an academy. Each year, a chosen student with enough power to survive a secret ritual gets named as a Great Sage, and must renew the seal to ensure another year of protection for the academy and the world. Unfortunately, out of the last year’s candidates, no student was chosen. None proved worthy, the new sages have become increasingly worried that this may be a sign of evil rising once more. That is the tale of our world. The tale of the Dark Lord who wishes to destroy it, and the sages that gave their lives to protect it. The Magical Academy lies fortified, shielded from danger and separated from the outside world. The only way for students to locate and pass through the protective barriers is with the guidance of a Graduate token. Upon graduating, the sages reward the students with a Graduate Token that they may pass onto a new user of magic they believe is worthy of admission. So now a question to you. With token in hand, do you believe you are the chosen one that will prove strong enough to become a great sage and defeat evil? Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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Members: 18
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Category: Other
Created: May 15, 2015
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SalvatoreDoni (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |