Information -Be nice in the OCC chat! There's no need for arguments in a peaceful environment. -No Godmodding of any kind! If you don't know what that is, I'll tell you if you're doing it. (Btw, this goes for admins as well.) -Each member can create only up to 3 student characters and 1 teacher. Admins can make an additional character for the SC. -No OP powers! This includes time powers, hypnosis, or any mind powers. -Your character must be approved by an admin or the creator before you can rp. -You can't kill another character without the creator's permission or the club creator's permission. Please inform the club creator BEFORE killing someone's character or killing off your own. -Keep everything SFW! Do the dirty in PM...or ask me about a private club where you can do it. -Character Ages for students is 18-21. Teachers is 22-40. - Fighting on School Grounds is forbidden...except in the cage. -Talk to me about allowing a villain NPC with powers. I will approve or disapprove them behind the scenes. NPCs without powers can be used whenever without my permission. -BE ACTIVE AND HAVE FUN! For being regularly active and not breaking any rules, you get a metal. These are given out every two weeks and if I feel that someone deserves one, I'll announce that person in the metal ceremony that will be held in an OCC thread every two weeks and give them one of these metals. 1st Metal- Can create an extra student character 2nd Metal- Can add a third power to an existing character (More to come.) Getting Started
Make your College student
Student Creation
Once approved, you'll be put in a Frat House. You can rp then.
Frat Houses
-Miwa Omega
Lilith Tokisaki
Kyouka Shinohara
Shiori Kimura
Seria Artarest
Aaron "The Danger Ranger" Mswati III
-Miwa Alpha
Sara Whiterose
Toho Mirokawasi
Rosaria Voro
Kazuma Sayatodi
Ryoko Wakaba
Ren Kurosaki
Freya Sparks
Lilith Tokisaki
-Miwa Beta
Rex Ragoule
Robert E.O Speedwagon
Koneko Toujou
Svetlana Gavrikov
Aomine Yukimura
Melody Pierce
Akihiro Surko
-Miwa Gamma
Harmony Pierce
Kimi Kimura
Jimmy Crow
Ray Nightrose
Suzy Tsukino
Victor Vladoskovici
Kimagurena Joi
-Miwa Delta
Kinshi Junketsu
Benkei Kase
Charles Brenais
Claire witfree
Flynn Marcus
Issei K
Mila Fenris
The Cage
[size=120]People are gonna get into a fight anyway, but it's banned on school grounds...except in the cage! 2 people declare that they want to fight, and an SC member must make it official. Then, a date is set for the two or more fighters to step inside a cage that covers 50 feet from each corner and 100 feet up. On the outside, people can bet on their favorites to win and watch the fighters compete. An SC member will also be inside the cage to act as a peacekeeper if things get too out of control. NEW! Club System
Introducing to Miwa is the new Club System, adopted from the Ace High Class System.
Each Club Meeting will be 2 days long. Participation in a Club Meeting will allow the student to receive 1 MA (Miwa Academy) point for that Class Day. Participation = 5 posts after the club leader has taken attendance. 1 post responding or interacting with the club leader. At the end of the Club Meeting, the club leader will award everyone their MA point.
Clubs are also a separate, but ongoing plot line. Meaning they happen at the same time. This is the only time and place where your character can be at 2 places at once. This works as follows: Your character will take part in the Club Meeting and whatever other plot is happening outside of club at the same time. After a Club Meeting ends, after 2 days, all the knowledge from both of those characters is merged. So essentially, what your character in the club learned is given to your character outside of the club and Vice versa. This also means experiences and memories as well. As soon as a Club Meeting ends, your characters basically merge to form one single character again. All knowledge and experiences being passed back and forth.
The in-between period is the time between Club Meetings, which will last only one day. At the end of this day, the character will, again, split and be allowed to be in both the clubroom and the other plot as well. Same rules as above apply.
Current Event
None Upcoming Cage Fights
Club Members Club Pictures
Displaying 5 of 50 topics | See All Club Discussion
Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 25
Pictures: 3
Category: Schools
Created: May 5, 2015
Club Staff
LeCrowe (President) RazorDestiny (Secretary) 5h1take (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations |