Assassination Academy -rp
Assassination Academy is an Anime styled RP club where the members join and create a character to play as and develop as much as they want. This based in a school where there are dorms but students may also live off campus as well. Although it is an Assassination School it is not just limited to assassinations. You can pick any class to play as. But the who says just cause you decide to be a medic if you have time in your busy schedule you can't take a bomb defusing class? This is a club for all people and walks of life so please enjoy and have a great time.

1. Be respectful in all aspects of the club when OOC (out of character)
2. There is no limit on character creation at the moment but as it is only make as many characters as you can handle.
3. NSFW threads are alright but MUST have a warning in the title of the thread. Any threads containing NSFW materials without a warning will be deleted immediately.
4. No cheating - If you are caught cheating it will result in a warning which will be your first and last warning. After that you will be kicked from the club
5. NO GODMODDING - (The only time GM is allowed is when there is an Over the top or OTT thread and both or all parties agree to it)
6. Stats - There is a stat list when you are IC you must follow the stat list unless stated other wise by staff or agreed upon between the parties.
7. Have fun. This is a roleplaying thread for everyone to have fun and relax, escape and explore your imagination. Do it with your friends and have a great time.
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Members: 1
Pictures: 0
Category: Anime
Created: Mar 27, 2015
This is a private club. Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.