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<span style="color:#739AC5">Everyone is welcome, as long as you have love for Fai.<!--color--></span><!--center--></div>
<span style="color:#CDC1C5"><span style="font-size: 150%;">iMPORTANT. Let's gather members, and, could someone help me run this? xD<3 You'll be greatly appreciated!<!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<span style="color:#739AC5"><strong>About Yuui Fai. D Flourite,<!--color--></span>
Age:</strong> Unknown
<strong>Gender:</strong> Male
<strong>Aliases:</strong> Big Kitty, Yuui, Mummy
<strong>More:</strong>Fay is first shown sealing away King Ashura of Celes country at the bottom of a pool. He transforms his creation Chii[1] (originally from Chobits) into a net-like shield, instructing her to alert him if King Ashura should awake. He then uses his magic to transport himself through dimensions, to the shop of the Dimension Witch, Yūko Ichihara.[2]
Out of his traveling companions, Fay's motives for joining the group are the least clear. He is the only one to arrive at Yūko's shop purposefully, by use of his own means. His wish is to never return to Celes country, but as the price for this would have been too great, he travels worlds with the group instead. He fears King Ashura’s awakening, believing King Ashura would chase him through different worlds.
In "Horitsuba Gakuen", an alternate universe storyline created by CLAMP, Fay is the happy-go-lucky chemistry teacher at a prestigious private school in which Yūko is the principal, Kurogane is the gym teacher, and Sakura and Syaoran are students. He and Yūko frequently team up to fool and pull pranks on people, especially Kurogane, who labels them, "A demon and a witch". <em>From Wikepedia,
<span style="color:#739AC5">Would you like to know more?<!--color--></span>
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<strong>Personality:</strong> Of Syaoran's group of allies, Fay is the most enigmatic. He appears to be happy-go-lucky and good-natured, and acts very carefree. He often teases Kurogane, calling him ridiculous nicknames such as "Kuro-rin" and "Kuro-chan". However, Fay has been shown to be as perceptive and skilled a fighter as Kurogane. He also appears to carry a deep emotional burden, and values his own life very little. In battle, Fay doesn't bother to fight very hard for his life, and will only do so if someone he cares for is in danger. Though he hides his unhappiness well, Kurogane is able to sense the disguise. When he confronts him about it, Fay usually gives very dark and enigmatic answers. His past is a profound motivating factor for his actions and is something Fay cannot seem to overcome; instead he masks it all with a smile.
Fay is emotionally distant, refusing to allow anyone to become too close to him. Despite this, Kurogane has noted that the mage has become attached to Syaoran and Sakura. Fay's behavior changes significantly after he becomes a vampire and is forced to regularly drink Kurogane's blood to survive. Fay becomes much colder and very solemn around everyone, and begins addressing Kurogane by his real name. However, after the events in Celes, Fay seems to have gone back to the way he was at the beginning of the series, as he once again addresses Kurogane with strange nicknames, and he seems to give a real smile.[3]
Fay worries about his companions and would go as far as breaking his own personal vows to ensure their safety. Kurogane confronts Fay about this, and states that Fay should figure out what he's doing with his present and future, because his past has nothing to do with either Kurogane or their younger companions. <em>From Wikepedia,</em><!--spoiler--></span></div>
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<span style="color:#88ACE0"><span style="font-size: 150%;">SO sorry for my abscence!~ Let's get this club running, first of all...who would love to be an admin? PM <3<!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">10 members<!--strike--></span>
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-create a userbaaar
-add more Fai pictures to love!
-let people know just how much they love him
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Members: 71
Pictures: 2
Category: Anime
Created: Sep 20, 2008
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Kittenia (President) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations Character Relations