The legendary sniper that makes grown men quiver in fear...
In order to compensate to the thousands of lives he has destroyed, Henry "33" Li (godbless) goes to church 8 days a week and 5 weeks a month. Even then, no amount of church un-sinning can undo the pain and horrors this man has bestowed upon the battlefield.
In addition to becoming a holy man, he also takes part of one of the largest underwear washing organisations in our observable known universe.
Not only skilled at the sniper, he is also a professional on just about any gun, where his enemies and allies alike, repeatedly report him for "grieving".
Over the past 33 years, many biblical words have come out of this clergyperson's mouth and here below i only have a sample of his truly inspirational quotes;
"Duhhhhh having a TP in my inventory does more harm than good for me"
"DW team I'm TPing back to defend Ra- Oops I'm dead."
"Sorry cant play i got church in 33mins."
"I think they're ganking someone.... oh... it was me."
"It is only my fifth game..."
"33 bullets... 33 body bags."
"No miss calls? i hope you goofs are left behind during the rapture."