Information Hello, if your wondering what this club is about, it is about helping to select Anime and Manga that is apropriate for the children in your life. Each child is different and as it moves up, selection becomes harder.
<strong>What is the difference between selection and censorship?</strong>
Selection is where one says that one is not ready for this yet, for example, those things rated PG 13 are likely to not be apropriate for a child who is under thirteen.
Censorship is where one goes and says that something should never be read by the mass majority. As one of my teachers in my undergraduate studies, people who try to censor tend to not have read the whole thing and have only read the part that offends them.
This club pushes for selection instead of censorship, in order that those who are helping younger readers to make Anime, Manga, and even book choices to make a slection based on what would be good for that person of persons.
<strong>What was the insperation for this club?</strong>
Back in high school, I was a library aide. I got the privalage to being able to be the second person to read the first manga, in fact ... graphic novel... to come into our school library. It was the three Ray Earth novels, and then the next in the series.
The librarian even asked me and a few of my friends for further choices to expand the selection, those that were school approprate and what should be left for the students to find on their own.
Later on, with my undergradute studies, I learned about the concept of selection versus censorship. I'ld always been against censorship, unless it was slander.
We went over how it was easyier for a parent then a teacher to make desisions as they only worried about their few, while a librarian has to worry about the multitude of students at the school.
<em>(For those who don't know, slander is something that is a lie that is spread amoung the public in order to purposly hurt someone; legal action can be taken. And, it is illigal)</em>
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Members: 12
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Category: Other
Created: Sep 1, 2008
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Yemi_Hikari (President) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |