The Pokespe logo for Viz Media's first English translation in the early 2000s.
Pokemon Special (Japanese: ポケットモンスターSPECIAL Pocket Monsters SPECIAL) (English translations: Pokemon Adventures), usually shortened by it's fanbase as Pokespe (Japanese: ポケスペ PokeSupe), is one of the several Pokemon manga. It began publication on March 3, 1997 in a Japanese children's manga magazine, and the series' first bound volume was released on August 8, 1997 by the Japanese manga publication company Shogakukan. The series is still ongoing, with 50 volumes currently released, over 500 chapters, 12 different arcs, and 19 unique main characters each with their own stories that span all 6 regions in the pokemon universe. The author is Hidenori Kusaka (日下秀憲), and the series has had two artists: Mato (真斗) for volumes 1-9 until she was replaced by Satoshi Yamamoto (山本サトシ) starting with volume 10 (Mato was forced to stop drawing for the series due to an illness she got which left her hand weak and unable to draw).
Pokespe has a colourful English translation history. The first English translation was by Chaung Yi, a English publication company based in Singapore, in May 2000 with volume 1 of the RBG Arc. Chaung Yi still translates the series chronologically, in order, and in a constant fashion. However, there are many translation errors, and they flip their manga to a left-right format. In July 2000, Viz Media began releasing Pokespe under the same title than Chaung Yi used ("Pokemon Adventures") but the rest of Viz's translation history for the series couldn't be anymore different. The RGB and Y arcs were translated, uncensored, in English in the early 2000s but were released in a "monthly comic book" format, similar to superhero comics. They were flipped to a left-right format, and all of the bonuses, even region maps, were omitted. Viz also put their own special bonuses into the issues, like stickers. These monthly issues were not full bound volumes, but only a few chapters per issue (like monthly manga magazines). Once the Yellow arc was finished, Viz never went back to releasing Pokespe until 2006, when they released two separate Pokespe bound volumes: "Best of Pokemon Adventures: Red" and "Best of Pokemon Adventures: Yellow". These two volumes used the same translations from the original monthly comic book run in the early 2000s, but skipped many chapters and left out very important details and plot points, so it's pretty hard to follow. Finally, in 2009, Viz Media announced that they would be re-releasing Pokemon Adventures from the very beginning in a second edition. The translation was brand new with some unfortunate censorships. As of August 6 2013, Viz Media will have every arc either completed or currently publishing, except for the FRLG arc, the E arc, the Pt arc and the B2W2 arc, because they either have not finished translating the previous arcs or the arc has not even been finished in Japan yet. Pokespe has been translated and published in several other different languages and countries: China in Traditional and Simplified Mandarin, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, South Korea, Poland, Latin American countries and Thailand. However, several of these translations had only translated the first or second arcs. The Viz Media translation is sold in The United States of America, Canada, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and South Africa. In 2014, it was announced that
Chaung Yi would be shutting down all operations. Therefore, Chaung Yi will no longer be releasing Pokemon Adventures books, and all of their past releases are now out of print. Their website is also permanently down. Earlier this year, Viz Media announced that they would be creating a new publishing label called "Perfect Square"; this is the new label that Pokemon Adventures is currently being printed under. PokeSpe will no longer be published under the "Viz Kids" label, and all older releases have been receiving re-prints with the "Perfect Square" packaging. Also in 2014, French manga publisher Kurokawa announced their own re-releases of the RGB/Y arcs. These will compile several volumes into three bigger volumes (similar to VizBig editions of Viz manga), and the second volume will have a never before seen art of Green Okido/Blue Oak/Green Oak by MATO.
FAQQ: Where can I read Pokemon Special?
A: The best place to read the series is, but you can also read it on places like Mangafox.
Q: Where can I buy Pokemon Special?
A: If you live in a country where Viz Media releases their products, you can find it in any bookstore near you, or you can order it through your bookstore's website, your country's amazon website, Viz Media's website, or even Ebay. You can also buy Chaung Yi's releases on amazon or Ebay.
Q: Where can I read the two new Pokespe arcs, the B2W2 arc and the XY arc?
A: Currently there are no official or ongoing fan translations of these two arcs. However, there are places where you can look at the magazine raws of these arcs, and read synopsis' of their content (see the "Helpful Links" section).
Q: Can you explain the naming confusion of the rival character and female character from RGB?
A: Their original names are "Green Okido" and "Blue". In the English translations, their names are switched, so Green Okido is named Blue Oak and Blue is named Green. The reason for this switch is because Pokemon Red and Green was not released in any countries except for Japan, and the translators thought that having the rival named after a game that was never released would be strange. Most fans prefer to call them by their original names, or call the rival, "Green Oak", so that his last name works with his sister and grandfather's (whose names are "Daisy Oak" and "Samuel Oak" in English). You can call them whichever version of their names you like, but here please specify by putting (male) or (female) after their names.
Q: Isn't the main character of Pokemon Ash Ketchum?!
A: In the Pokemon Anime, yes! But in Pokemon Special, Ash Ketchum doesn't exist.
Q: Is Pokemon Special the only Pokemon manga?
A: Absolutely not! Pokespe is just one of many Pokemon manga, and absolutely should NOT be referred to as "the manga" or anything like that.
Main Character ProfilesClick the spoilers to view. Contains spoilers for every arc.
Kanto Dex Holders
Name: Red
Title: The Fighter
Age: 11 (RGB), 12 (Yellow), 14 (GSC), 16 (FRLG)
Birthday: 8th August
Zodiac: Leo
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Red
Family: None
Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto
Pre-Starter: Poliwrath (Poli)
Starter: Venusaur (Saur)
'Dex Group: Kanto Quartet
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids), Electric Trio
Other: First 'Dex Holder based on first appearances; Winner of the Pokemon League Tournament
Name: Green Oak/Okido (En. Blue Oak)
Title: The Trainer
Age: 11 (RGB), 12 (Yellow), 14 (GSC), 16 (FRLG), 19 (HGSS)
Birthday: 22nd November
Zodiac: Scorpio/Saggitarius Cusp
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Sandy Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Family: Samuel Oak (Grandfather), Daisy Oak (Elder Sister)
Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto
Pre-Starter: Scizor
Starter: Charizard
'Dex Group: Kanto Quartet
Starter Group: Blast Burn (Fire Kids)
Arcs: RGB, Yellow, GSC, FRLG, Emerald,
Other: The first 'Dex Holder based on when he aquired his Pokedex; Second Place Winner of the Pokemon League Tournament; Viridian City Gym Leader
Name: Blue (En. Green)
Title: The Evolver
Age: 11 (RGB), 13 (Yellow), 14 (GSC), 16 (FRLG), 17 (Emerald)
Birthday: 1st June
Zodiac: Gemini
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue (alt. Black)
Family: Silver ("Brother"), Mother, Father
Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto
Pre-Starter: Wigglytuff (Jiggly)
Starter: Blastoise (Blasty)
'Dex Group: Kanto Quartet
Starter Group: Hydro Cannon (Water Kids)
Hobbies: Collecting accessories (especially earings) and cute shoes
Knowledge: Has deep understanding of Pokemon Evolution
Specialties: Disguise, Modifying glasses, invention, etc
Arcs: RGB, Yellow, GSC, FRLG, Emerald, HGSS (cameo)
Other: Kidnapped by the Masked Man at age 5, escaped at 8 years old with Silver.
Name: Yellow (Nic. Yellow de Tokiwa Grove)
Title: The Healer
Age: 9 (RGB), 10 (Yellow), 12 (GSC), 14 (FRLG)
Birthday: 3rd March
Zodiac: Pisces
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Black (alt. Green)
Family: Wilton (Uncle)
Hometown: Viridian City, Kanto
Pre-Starter: Raticate (Ratty)
Starter: Pikachu (Chuchu)
'Dex Group: Kanto Quartet
Starter Group: Electric Trio
Likes: Drawing, Fishing
Arcs: RGB, Yellow, GSC, FRLG, Emerald, HGSS ("cameo")
Other: Gifted with the 'Viridian Powers'
Johto Dex Holders
Name: Gold
Title: The Hatcher
Age: 11 (GSC), 13 (Emerald), 16 (HGSS)
Birthday: 21st July
Zodiac: Cancer/Leo Cusp
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Amber
Family: Mother
Hometown: New Bark Town, Johto
Pre-Starter: Ambipom (Aibo)
Starter: Typhlosion (Exbo)
'Dex Group: Johto Trio
Starter Group: Blast Burn (Fire Kids), Electric Trio
Hobbies: Going around different places tasting their food
Specialties: Skateboard, Scooter, Billiards (Pool)
Food: Volcano burger done Cinnabar style
Arcs: GSC, Emerald, HGSS
Name: Silver
Title: The Exchanger
Age: 11 (GSC), 13 (Emerald), 16 (HGSS)
Birthday: 24th December
Zodiac: Capricorn
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Grey
Family: Blue ("Sister"), Giovanni (Father)
Hometown: Viridian City, Kanto
Pre-Starter: Weavile
Starter: Feraligatr
'Dex Group: Johto Trio
Starter Group: Hydro Cannon (Water Kids)
Likes: Proteam Omega
Arcs: Yellow, GSC, FRLG, Emerald, HGSS
Other: Kidnapped by the Masked Man at age 2, escaped at 5 years old with Blue.
Name: Crystal (nic. Crys)
Title: The Catcher
Age: 11 (GSC), 13 (Emerald), 16 (HGSS)
Birthday: 30th April
Zodiac: Taurus
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Navy Blue (alt. Black; alt. Brown)
Eye Colour: Light Blue (alt. Brown)
Family: Mother
Hometown: Violet City, Johto
Pre-Starter: Smoochum (Chumee)
Starter: Meganium (Megaree)
'Dex Group: Johto Trio
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids)
Hobbies: Reading
Specialties: Apricorn Harvesting
Arcs: GSC, Emerald, HGSS
Other: A Capture Specialist; Currently a lab assistant for Professor Oak.
Hoenn Dex Holders
Name: Ruby
Title: The Charmer
Age: 12 (RS, Emerald)
Birthday: 2nd July
Zodiac: Cancer
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Red
Family: Norman (Father), Mother
Hometown: Goldenrod City, Johto
Pre-Starter: Delcatty (Kiki) / Mightyena (Nana) / Kirlia (Rara)
Starter: Swampert (Mumu)
'Dex Group: Hoenn Trio
Starter Group: Hydro Cannon (Water Kids)
Specialties: Tailoring, Making PokeBlocks
Conquered: All Hoenn contests (4 rounds of 5 categories)
Arcs: RS, Emerald, ORAS
Other: A Pokemon Coordinator; Has a scar on the left of his forehead.
Name: Sapphire Birch (nic. Sapph)
Title: The Conqueror
Age: 11 (RS), 12 (Emerald)
Birthday: 20th September
Zodiac: Virgo/Libra Cusp
Blood Type: O
Hair Colour: Mauve
Eye Colour: Deep Blue
Family: Professor Birch (Father), Mother
Hometown: Littleroot Town
Pre-Starter: Aggron (Rono)
Starter: Blaziken (Chic)
'Dex Group: Hoenn Trio
Starter Group: Blast Burn (Fire Kids)
Hobbies: Tree Climbing, Cliff Climbing
Conquered: All Hoenn Gyms
Arcs: RS, Emerald, ORAS
Other: Before DP/Pt, she held the record for "fastest amount of time obtaining all gym badges of a respective region (80 days).
Name: Emerald (nic. Rald)
Title: The Calmer
Age: 12 (Emerald)
Birthday: 31st May
Zodiac: Gemini
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Green
Family: None
Hometown: Somewhere in Hoenn
Pre-Starter: None
Starter: Sceptile
'Dex Group: Hoenn Trio
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids)
Likes: Pokemon Battles
Arcs: Emerald, HGSS (cameo), ORAS
Other: An orphan boy who ends up at the orphanage Crystal teaches at; has dwarfism.
Sinnoh Dex Holders
Name: Diamond (nic. Dia)
Title: The Empathizer
Age: 11 (DP), 12 (Pt)
Birthday: 4th April
Zodiac: Aires
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Blue
Family: Johanna (Mother)
Hometown: Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh
Pre-Starter: Munchlax (Lax)
Starter: Torterra (Tru)
'Dex Group: Sinnoh Trio
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids)
Hobbies: Watching robot anime, video games
Special Skills: Cooking, making poffins
Award: Next Generation Comedy Grand Prix Special Merit Prize
Arcs: DP, Pt
Name: Pearl
Title: The Determiner
Age: 11 (DP), 12 (Pt)
Birthday: 6th June
Zodiac: Gemini
Blood Type: B
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Orange
Family: Palmer (Father), Mother
Hometown: Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh
Pre-Starter: Chatot (Chatler)
Starter: Infernape (Chimler)
'Dex Group: Sinnoh Trio
Starter Group: Blast Burn (Fire Kids)
Special Skills: Developing comedy routines, foretelling a pokemon's move by analyzing its body language.
Award: Award: Next Generation Comedy Grand Prix Special Merit Prize
Arcs: DP, Pt
Name: Platinum Berlitz (nic. Platina, Lady)
Title: The Understander
Age: 11 (DP), 12 (Pt)
Birthday: 27th October
Zodiac: Scorpio
Blood Type: A
Hair Colour: Dark Indigo
Eye Colour: Amber
Family: Yanase (Mother), Mr. Berlitz (Father), Berlitz Family
Hometown: Sandgem Town, Sinnoh
Pre-Starter: Rapidash
Starter: Empoleon
'Dex Group: Sinnoh Trio
Starter Group: Hydro Cannon (Water Kids)
Likes: New experiences, Gambling
Special Skills: Reading (researching)
Arcs; DP, Pt
Other: A member of a 200 year old, extremely financially powerful and rich family of Sinnoh known as "House Berlitz".
Unova Dex Holders
Name: Black
Title: The Dreamer
Age: 14 (BW), 16 (B2W2)
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Family: Unknown
Hometown: Nuvema Town, Unova
Pre-Starter: Musha (Munna)
Starter: Emboar (Bo)
'Dex Group: Unova Quartet
Starter Group: Blast Burn (Fire Kids)
Arcs: BW, B2W2
Other: Has a strange mental disorder which is delt with by his Munna eating his dreams.
Name: White
Title: The Dreamer
Age: 14 (BW), 16 (B2W2)
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Family: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown
Pre-Starter: None
Starter: Serperior (Amanda)
'Dex Group: Unova Quartet
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids)
Arcs: BW, B2W2
Other: The creator and president of the BW Agency
Name: Lack-Two (codename: Black 2; alt. Rakutsu)
Title: None
Age: 12 (B2W2)
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Taurus
Blood Type: Unknown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Raspberry (alt. Brown)
Family: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown
Pre-Starter: None
Starter: Dewott
'Dex Group: Unova Quartet
Starter Group: Hydro Cannon (Water Kids)
Arcs: BW (cameo), B2W2
Other: A Interpol Superintendent with an S rank in organization
Name: Whi-Two (alt. Faitsu)
Title: None
Age: 12 (B2W2)
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Virgo
Blood Type: Unknown
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Family: Mother
Hometown: Unknown
Pre-Starter: Foongus
Starter: None
'Dex Group: Unova Quartet
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids)*
Hobbies: Stargazing
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Flower: Gracidea
Favourite Food: Parfait
Arcs: B2W2
Other: Former Team Plasma Grunt (Sided with N)
*Only if Foongus is counted as her starter
Kalos Dex Holders
Name: X
Title: None
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Hair Colour: Purple
Eye Colour: Grey
Family: Mother, Father
Hometown: Vaniville Town, Kalos
Pre-Starter: Kangaskhan
Starter: Chespin (Mariso)
'Dex Group: Kalos Duo
Starter Group: Frenzy Plant (Grass Kids)
Arcs: XY
Other: Was a child star; is able to use Mega Evolution
Name: Y Na Gabena
Title: None
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Grey
Family: Mother
Hometown: Vaniville Town, Kalos
Pre-Starter: Fletchling (Fletch)
Starter: Froakie**
'Dex Group: Kalos Duo
Starter Group: Hydro Cannon (Water Kids)**
Arcs: XY
Other: A Sky Trainer
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