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Ginger Snaps 3: The Beginning
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Fort Bailey, a trading fort in the western Canadian wilderness. Each spring a party of thirty six men from the fort travelled to Hudson's Bay in boats laden with pelts. The men returned in Autumn with provisions to see the fort through the harsh winter. In 1815 the party never returned. With the men two months overdue, the freshly orphaned Fitzgerald sisters (their parents having drowned), stranded in the wilderness, are brought to the fort by a resident Indian Hunter. The men there are suspicious of them, but, reluctantly, the sisters are permitted to stay.
Almost two hundred years before the attack on Ginger at Bailey Downs in Ginger Snaps, orphaned sisters Brigitte and Ginger find themselves lost in the cold Canadian wilderness. The sisters encounter an Indian Seer who warns them of impending danger, one that would ultimately end in the death of one of them at the hands of the other unless they 'kill the boy'. The horse they are travelling by bolts, and, chasing the horse, Brigitte is caught in a trap set by an Indian hunter. The hunter arrives, and releases her, then leads the sisters silently to Fort Bailey, a trading fort of the Northern Legion, where they take refuge.
It becomes apparent the fort has been under siege by werewolves for some time. Consequently, it is undermanned and short of supplies; its only occupants being Chief Factor Wallace Rowlands, Sergeant James, Reverend Gilbert, Doctor Murphy, Cormac, Claude, Finn, Owen, Seamus, and Milo, his half-Indian son. The sisters are taken to Doc Murphy, who inspects Brigitte’s leg wound. Murphy applies a leech, surreptitiously testing to see if a werewolf bit her. As nothing untoward happens to her, Wallace quietly uncocks his pistol and welcomes the sisters to the fort.
The sisters find they have few friends within the fort, and are treated with suspicion. Finn takes them to the bedroom previously occupied by Wallace's wife. He explains how both she and her son Geoffrey are now dead. The sisters are given fresh clothes and asked to attend dinner with the men. During the night Ginger is awakened by a voice and goes to investigate. Wandering the corridors she eventually finds the source of the voice, and enters a small, unlit room; reaching out to a deformed boy, who turns and bites her as he makes good his escape. Wallace later goes to the room with a pistol and food for the boy; he finds the door open and Ginger’s bird necklace on the floor.
Ginger and Brigitte try to leave the fort, but James confronts them, punching Ginger in the mouth. During the fracas, werewolves attack. Owen is dragged through the gate and killed as they fight them off. Ordered to their room, the sisters are redirected by Gilbert to an allegedly safe building. He locks them in, and leaves, knowing a werewolf is in there with them. The sisters flee up the stairs, chased by the werewolf, but are saved by the hunter, who shoots the werewolf dead with his bow and arrow. As the men drag the werewolf out into the parade square, they discover it has a glass eye, and a tattoo, and it is in fact Claude’s brother, from the boat crew, turned.
The sisters arrive at Murphy's surgery, with Ginger looking very ill, as Murphy forces Finn at gunpoint, to put a leech on his chest (after finding him cutting them up). Finn, bitten during the siege, reluctantly does so, instantly screaming in agony. Murphy, seeing Finn begin to transform as the leech bites, shoots him dead, then turns to the sisters to ask, "What can I do for you ladies?" Understandably, they make their excuses and leave.
The sisters now know the boy who bit Ginger is in fact Wallace's son, Geoffrey, whom the rest of the fort believe dead, but was bitten by a werewolf, and is slowly transforming. As Ginger sleeps, he sneaks into the bedroom, waking her. She knows she must kill the boy to lift the curse, but, in her weakened state, she fails to grab him, and he snatches a lock of her hair as he runs off. Soon after, hearing a noise in the attic, Seamus investigates and is savaged by an unseen Geoffrey. The men find his mutilated body with the lock of Ginger’s hair beside it. Each draws his own conclusions. Gilbert, Claude, and Cormac drag Ginger from her bed, carrying her off struggling, whilst James holds Brigitte captive until Wallace arrives to find him sexually taunting Brigitte. Dismissing James, he turns to Brigitte, who makes it clear they know about Geoffrey. In exchange for their silence about his son's condition, and existence, he agrees to save Ginger from the men.
In Murphy’s surgery, Wallace and Brigitte find Ginger strapped to the examination table and held at gunpoint by Gilbert, as Murphy with a leech in his hand. Wallace demands they release Ginger. Murphy ignores the order, and approaches Ginger with the leech. Without hesitation, Wallace shoots him dead. Fearing the same fate, the other men dismiss. Ginger, increasingly sick from the bite, determines to follow the Seer's advice and "kill the boy", in order to lift the curse. Trapping Geoffrey at his mother's grave, Ginger holds a knife to this throat, but her courage leaves her. The men emerge nearby, and he bolts from her grasp, only for the men to see. Ginger weeps in Brigitte's arms, knowing her last chance of a cure is fast deserting her as the men capture Geoffrey. Wallace arrives, exerting his authority, and unexpectedly kills the boy himself. Wallace declares the sisters protection at an end, and Ginger is forced to leave, Brigitte deciding to go with her.
Cast out, the sisters are led by Milo toward the Hunter's cave; but Ginger is overcome with the infection, and kills Milo before they get there. Arriving at the cave, the Hunter reveals the sisters coming had long been prophesied and that the "red and the black" would decide the destiny of the werewolf bloodline. The Seer is in the cave, and after a trance-like state is induced upon Brigitte, her 'destiny' is revealed to her: that she must now kill Ginger before she transforms fully into a werewolf, thus fulfilling the prophecy. As Brigitte emerges from the trance she finds the Seer is dead, and the Hunter tells her Ginger killed the Seer. The Hunter leads Brigitte back to the fort, saying Ginger will return.
Back at the fort, Brigitte is taken prisoner, bound and locked in a room. Gilbert goes to her, telling her to beg forgiveness to save her soul. Brigitte curses, spitting in his face. Gilbert drags her out onto the parade square, and prepares to burn her alive. He is interrupted by Wallace who runs Gilbert through with his sword before setting him on fire. Ginger, feigning injury, has James bend to listen to her, before reaching out to slash his throat. As he falls to the ground bleeding to death, Ginger opens the gates and ushers in the werewolves who immediately attack and kill Claude and Cormac. The Hunter and Wallace put up a brave fight, but Wallace is soon bitten. As a final gesture, Wallace goes around the fort setting it alight, before turning his pistol upon himself.
As the battle reaches its climax, the Hunter urges Brigitte to kill her sister; instead, Brigitte kills the Hunter. The final scene ends with only Ginger and Brigitte left alive, outside in the cold and snow as the fort burns in the background, and Ginger is slowly transforming.
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Ginger Snaps 1
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A slideshow of the Fitzgerald sisters' staged deaths, created for a school project entitled "Life in Bailey Downs" plays in a schoolroom. Their teacher is disgusted and demands to see them in the guidance office after class. Later, on the sidelines of a hockey field, they smoke and play: "Search and Destroy", Dissing the reputation of people they dislike, and imagining how they may die. As Brigitte describes Trina Sinclair's (Danielle Hampton) character and death, Trina's friend overhears, and tells Trina. The sisters notice this, and, on entering the hockey field, Ginger tells Brigitte she will "cover her". However, as Ginger is distracted by sexual taunts from Jason (in the bleachers), Trina pushes Brigitte into the remains of a dog: a victim of the Beast of Bailey Downs, a wild animal which has been killing pets. Distraught, Brigitte rushes back to school, followed by Ginger, who vows to avenge Brigitte. Together, they decide to kidnap Trina's dog that night, using the blood and guts from their slide show to imply the Beast of Bailey Downs killed it. They set out, and find the mutilated corpse of another dog, which is "still warm". They decide to take it with them to convince Trina it is actually her dog, but, as they pick it up, a leg comes off in Brigitte's hand. Dropping it quickly, Brigitte notices blood on Ginger; but the blood proves to be from Ginger's first period. As Ginger bemoans her "body screwing her", the Beast of Bailey Downs attacks, and drags her into the woods screaming. Brigitte gives chase, finding the Beast has its teeth sunk into Ginger. She whacks the Beast repeatedly with her camera until it releases Ginger. Then, in blind panic, the sisters flee, run across a road, narrowly missing an approaching van (driven by gardener and local drug dealer, Sam (Kris Lemche), which hits and kills the Beast as the sisters run home, where . . . Brigitte finds Ginger's wounds are already healing and pleads with her to go to a hospital. Ginger passes this off, as she doesn't want "Pamela", their mother, (Mimi Rogers) to find out. After a few days, Ginger begins to grow hair from the sites of her wounds, sprouts a tail and menstruates heavily. A rift inevitably forms between the sisters after Ginger smokes marijuana with Jason, and aggressively pursues him. Glibly ignoring Brigitte's warnings, she has unprotected sex with Jason, then kills her neighbour's dog on the way home. Ginger explaining to Brigitte: "I got a pain, and I thought it was for sex; but it's to tear everything to fucking pieces!". Frightened by what is happening to Ginger, Brigitte has turned to Sam. Agreeing the Beast of Bailey Downs is a lycanthrope, he suggests a pure silver ring may cure Ginger's illness. Brigitte persuades Ginger to have her navel pierced, using the ring, saying "We Have to try something". But this proves ineffective as Ginger's bloodlust continues unabated. Some nights later, Trina goes to the Fitzgerald house, unannounced, claiming Ginger kidnapped her dog. Ginger drags Trina into the house, and slaps her. Trina grabs a knife, but slips on milk (spilled as she broke away from Ginger), bangs her head on the kitchen counter, and is dead as she hits the ground. Despite Trina's death being an accident, the sisters panic, narrowly avoiding their parents seeing them as they put the body in the freezer. Brigitte later accidentally hacks off two fingers trying to get the corpse from the freezer. As they take Trina's body to the playhouse, to bury it beneath the floor, they lose the fingers. In the playhouse, Brigitte tells Ginger she cannot go out anymore, but Ginger proves defiant . . . So, on the pretence that Brigitte is the one "changing", they visit Sam, who suggests a monkshood solution for Ginger's illness; and says "It grows everywhere, but only in spring". Ginger angrily replies they have no time, Brigitte is "growing a tail", and accuses him of being a "pervert" and of just wanting to have sex with Brigitte, before storming out, telling Brigitte "If he rapes you, don't come crying". On Halloween, Brigitte locks Ginger in their bathroom, takes her mother's monkshood (bought from a craft store), and asks Sam to make the 'cure'. Sam warns her she "Shouldn't let her use it alone; it's for Ginger, isn't it?". Brigitte admits the truth, and promises to go to the 'Greenhouse Bash'. Unfortunately, on the way home, she is forced to use it on Jason (whom Ginger infected through having sex) as she encounters him attacking a young boy. Meantime Ginger, escaping captivity, returns to school looking for Jason. As Brigitte arrives, a message on the PA asks her to go to the Guidance office. She knocks, and is dragged inside by Ginger who has killed the counsellor after he threatened to call her mother. Amidst the blood and gore, Brigitte calms Ginger down, and says "I think you've fucked up enough". Presently, Brigitte goes to find cleaning supplies; but returns to see the janitor with his throat torn open. Ginger pursues and kills him, then forcibly tries to allow her to infect Brigitte, before leaving for the Greenhouse Bash. The sisters' mother Pamela, discovers Trina's corpse, goes to look for her daughters, sees Brigitte and picks her up in their mpv. As she drives Brigitte to the Greenhouse Bash, she tells her she will "let the house fill up with gas, and light a match" to erase evidence of Trina's death, and their escape. Brigitte arrives to find Sam nursing a broken arm (having fought off Ginger); in despair, she infects herself as Sam pleads with her not to. As the sisters leave, Sam knocks Ginger out with a shovel. Brigitte and Sam then take her back to the Fitzgerald house in his van, and prepare more Monkshood solution to inject Ginger before she completes her transformation. However, Ginger fully transforms into a werewolf on the way, escaping the van as they arrive at the Fitzgerald house. Afraid, and unaware she has transformed, Sam and Brigitte hide in the pantry, and he makes the solution. As he goes to find Ginger, Ginger-Wolf drags him out, ripping him to shreds as she goes. Brigitte tentatively emerges, picks up the dropped syringe and a kitchen knife to defend herself, and follows the blood trail downstairs. Approaching Sam (heavily mutilated), terrified by what she sees, she tries to drink Sam's blood in an attempt to calm Ginger-Wolf, but chokes on it. Ginger-Wolf senses Brigitte's insincerity, and kills Sam in front of her, then chases Brigitte through the basement, finally leaping at Brigitte to be impaled on her knife. Brigitte then lays upon Ginger-Wolf, sobbing, listening until its breathing finally stops.
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Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed
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Set some relative short time after the events of the original film, Brigitte (Emily Perkins) uses an extract of monkshood to fight the effects of the lycanthropy that transformed her sister into a werewolf.The opening credits play over Brigitte shaving all over her body, cutting her arm with a scalpel, then injecting herself with a dose of monkshood, cutting to Brigitte in a library, where the librarian Jeremy (Brendan Fletcher) clumsily hits on her. When she goes to check out her books, her library card has too many fines owing, and she walks out, leaving the books behind.Back in her motel room, she inspects her latest cut and records the time and state of healing on a page crammed with similar entries. Ginger (Katharine Isabelle), her late sister, appears to her as an apparition, saying, "You're healing faster. That shit's not a cure, you know - it just slows the transformation."Brigitte shoots up another dose of monkshood, but immediately after, Brigitte senses the presence of the male werewolf that has been stalking her. She hastily packs and opens the door to find Jeremy with her library books. However, the additional dose has pushed her into toxic shock. Jeremy gets her in his car and is about to drive her to hospital, when the driver side window is smashed, and the werewolf drags him from the car. Brigitte stumbles down the street and collapses in the snow. She awakens in a combination rehab clinic for drug abusing girls and chronic care patient facility, located in the only operational section of a large, old hospital. She attempts, but fails to escape. When delivered to the clinic's director Alice (Janet Kidder), she pleads to be released, but to no avail. She does, however, manage to palm a piece of glass so she can continue to measure her healing rate. Tyler (Eric Johnson), a worker at the clinic, visits Brigitte at night and offers her some monkshood in exchange for sexual favours, (his modus operandi with other young women undergoing treatment in the clinic). Brigitte refuses, and orders him from her room. As Brigitte's healing begins to accelerate, so does her rate of transformation. Ginger continues to appear, taunting Brigitte as she experiences growing cravings for sex, and to kill, as did Ginger previously. During a group therapy session Brigitte fantasizes about being instructed to lie on the floor and masturbate along with the other girls present. Suddenly jolted back to reality by a vision of Ginger, she draws her hand to her face to reveal a wolfen paw. Later, and very depressed, she takes her shard of glass and holds it to her throat while looking into the bathroom mirror. However, she does not kill herself, she simply cuts off the growing point of her ear instead. During this time, Brigitte is shadowed by a lonely young girl named Ghost (Tatiana Maslany), the granddaughter of Barbara, a severe burn victim who is a patient there. Ghost slips Brigitte a comic book containing a werewolf story. She begins to question her about lycanthropy, and notices Brigitte's ears have begun to grow pointy. Shortly after, Ghost tries to slip monkshood to Brigitte, but is foiled by Tyler. The following night, in despair at her rate of transformation, Brigitte allows Tyler to inject her. By now, it is apparent the werewolf has found her again. After Ghost's dog is found dead and mutilated, Brigitte asks her where the corpse was found: the disused crematorium section of the hospital. Upon learning this, Brigitte says she must get out. Ghost offers to show her an escape route, but insists she be taken with Brigitte. Brigitte escapes to the disused crematorium, in the basement, by crawling through air vents following Ghost's trail marks. There, Brigitte meets Beth-Ann (Pascale Hutton) who is high on drugs that she just received in exchange for oral sex with Tyler. Beth-Ann is killed and dragged away by the werewolf. Shortly after, Ghost arrives and says the escape route is where Beth-Ann was dragged away to. Brigitte and Ghost proceed, but are separated as the werewolf attacks. Clashing with the beast, Brigitte's leg is broken by the werewolf, but her transformation is so advanced, she heals almost immediately, and makes good her escape after burning the beast in the crematorium. Ghost drives them to a gas station, where Brigitte tends to her wounds. They then drive to Ghost's grandmother's house and sleep. The next day, they arrange for Tyler to bring monkshood to the gas station, but when Brigitte wanders inside she discovers the attendant has been slain. While she was away, Tyler had arrived and taken Ghost's car. Brigitte dashes back and drives off. Back at the house, Brigitte's body once more begins to reject the monkshood and Tyler worriedly calls Alice. Ghost tricks Brigitte into thinking Tyler abused her. Brigitte locks Tyler outside, and he is killed by the werewolf. Alice arrives, and is "mistakenly" attacked by Ghost, wielding Barbara's hunting rifle. Ghost lures Alice to the attic to take refuge with her. Brigitte's transformation is almost complete, when the werewolf enters the house. She lures him into a room, and, when Ghost distracts the werewolf by dropping something, Brigitte stabs him. The werewolf bites her on the arm. They struggle and after she repeatedly bashing its head with a curling stone, they fall into the basement, which has been transformed into a pit of death using a set of mattress springs holding a wide variety of sharp objects. Ghost hits Alice with a hammer and descends the steps to peer into the basement, gun in hand. Brigitte crawls up the stairs, her face half transformed, begging Ghost to kill her. Instead, Ghost locks her in the basement.The film ends with Ghost illustrating a comic page of herself as a powerful warrior with a werewolf pet. Ghost narrates that Brigitte is getting stronger in the basement and is waiting to be unleashed on Ghost's enemies.
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