REVIVAL!! It's alive again!! Bleach: Abridged is now being worked on!! SOMEBODY CALL RIPLEY'S!!
This club celebrates the new Bleach The Abridged Series, created by Dr_Jan_Itor and Japan Productions. NOTE: Japan is Rikushadow5.
Voice Cast: Season 1
- Ichigo Kurosaki (Japan)
- Rukia Kuchiki (Dr_Jan_Itor)
- Isshin Kurosaki (Japan)
- Karin/Yuzu Kurosaki (Undecided)
- Yasutora "Chad" Sado (Dr_Jan_Itor)
- Uryu Ishida (Japan)
- Orihime Inoue (Dr_Jan_Itor)
- Renji Abarai (Japan)
- Byakuya Kuchiki (Dr_Jan_Itor)
Episode 1 - Pilot
Ichigo must join the Circle of Dead People to prevent the Canadians from taking over the world. But can he stand up to crappy Adam Sandler movies, idiotic family members, and a girl semi-obsessed with Rick-Rolls? Will he be subdued by the power of the Maple Side? Find out on this introductory Episode of "Bleach: The Abridged Series"!!!
Come Join us on Bleach Abridged Chat: Which is currently broken. Sorry about that!! It'll be fixed soon.
Members: 17
Pictures: 2
Category: Anime
Created: Aug 12, 2008
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