Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Avatar: The Legend of Aang in several countries) is an award-winning American animated television series that airs on the Nickelodeon television network. The show is set in an Asian-influenced world[1] of martial arts and elemental manipulation; the series follows the adventures of Aang and his friends, who try to save the world from war with the Fire Nation.[2] The show's protagonist Aang is trapped in an iceberg when he is found by two members of the Southern Water Tribe, Katara and Sokka.[3] After being freed from the iceberg, Aang joins Katara and Sokka on a long journey across the globe; their ultimate goal is to give Aang the skills to defeat the Fire Lord, and end the war.[4] In the series' terminology, each episode is referred to as a "chapter", and each season as a "book."
Members: 42
Pictures: 2
Category: Anime
Created: May 13, 2008
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