Johann Trinity
* Age: 26 (KIA)
* Unit: GNW-001 Gundam Throne Eins
The oldest of the three siblings, he undertakes the mission to eradicate the world's strife. He began his armed intervention activities with his younger siblings Michael and Nena. He is a calm person who faithfully handles his given mission while he commands his problematic brother and sister.
Michael Trinity
* Age: 19 (KIA)
* Unit: GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei
The younger brother of Trinity. Impulsive, he immediately bares his fangs at people who oppose him. Similar to his personality, he favors brutal tactics for mobile suit combat and specializes in attacks with the Gundam Throne Zwei's all-range weapon, the GN Fangs. Prefers to carry knives than guns. Said to dote on his younger sister, Nena, he has a sister complex on one hand while still abiding by and complaining about orders from the eldest brother, Johann.
Nena Trinity
* Age: 17, 21 (After Time Skip)
* Unit: GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei
The youngest member of Trinity. She is impulsive in personality, displays self-centeredness to an extent. She is attracted to Setsuna and kissed him when they first met aboard Ptolemaios only to have him disgustedly push her away. Like Tieria, she is able to interface with Veda directly. Her Throne Drei stores a large quantity of highly concentrated, condensed GN particles and employs a GN field that transfers particles to other units and interferes extensively with communications. She's the strong support within Trinity. She habitually smiles and makes a V-sign with her fingers.
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Members: 14
Pictures: 4
Category: Characters
Created: May 4, 2008
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