The Incomplete Elimination of Netorare Anime
The reason I bring this club up is because I think its kind of messed up and to let those stupid manga hentai writers go wild with their imagination totally ruing the image of anime. I want to restore anime back to its pure and original image and eliminate the bad netorare but some netorare are okay and good and stimulating but I hate when the girl is actually forced to do things she dosent want to I just hate it so much........... with every single bit of my energy. I don't like seeing anime being put that way at all I want to heal anime not make those stupid horny manga or porn writers take over the anime nation and corrupting its people with such unreal thoughts I mean its bad and it literally influences males to actually try some of the stuff like they do in the HENTAI ANIMES.... sad to add anime in that name...... so f'n sad that some of us actually pushed anime our pure category down to the messed up stories of porn and disgusting netorare...... I mean have you seen the anime for HENITAIS they literally are quality drawn so I ask why don't the writers and manga drawers actually make some useful stories and more meaningful stories instead of burning the name of anim........ just why......
Members: 3
Pictures: 7
Category: Anime
Created: Dec 2, 2013
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