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This is a group were we all hate SAO.
SAO is the biggest garbage ever created.
After watching further into the series even more, I am proud to announce that Sword Art Online is an extremely crap anime with a horribly written story. Even Twilight takes a huge dump on it. I made a review of SAO recently, so I'll show you how I felt of it.
''Sword Art Online is by far one of the worst animes I've seen in a while to the point where I'd rather watch another typical harem genre than this piece of trash. The anime started off pretty strong. I like where it was headed at first. It's about thousands of players who recently bought the game and are playing it right away, only to be trapped in there. If they die in game they die in real life. Only way to log out? Beat the game. Awesome plot! That got me excited. I thought this was going to be the best anime I'm gonna watch. Oh how wrong I was...
Story: 2
Like I said, I like where it was headed at first. Mainly for the first 3 episodes. It felt nice and fresh. But then they decided to add some side stories about Kirito-kun (or should I say, Jesus, since he's one of the most over-powered characters in the anime, I'll talk about this in the character section) meeting new players and just being a total badass *sarcasm* when dealing with troublemakers. Right after episode 3, the anime just feel dull, just adding side stories justan excuse to make Kirito look so sugoiii by making all the heroines wanting his nuts. As soon as they begin to romance between Kirito and Asuna, I just wanted to barf. Why? It's because how horribly written and cheesy the dialogue is to the point where I'm just face palming the whole way through the anime.
What I really hated was the lack of common sense the writer had. Every moment of this show, you just wanted to yell about how stupid the scenes were. Asuna being able to move to save Kirito? Let's not make her use her sword and use her avatar instead, so she can die so we can feel sorry for her. Asuna had sex with Kirito? Let's just improve her tsundere personality by making her tell him not to peek up her skirt after that. Met a little girl? Let's play family and make her our daughter! Kirito dies? Lets bring him back to life from the power of love! Goddamn this show is stupid...
Oh and one more thing which makes this show really bad. Since the writer has no creative ideas cause he/she was hit hard on the head as soon as he/she was born, we were never told why Kayaba was evil enough to trap players in the game. That was by far one of the most stupid villains to ever exist. Oh wait, I forgot. The second villain was more bland, worst and unbearably stupid. Not to mention cliche.
Art: 7
The art of the show was well done. It represents modern day anime art. To be honest, I have a weak spot with anime with good art.
Sound: 10
Yup, that's my only favorite thing of the show. The music is really great and engaging. It gives my ears an orgasm everytime I see a fight scene. It's probably the only thing that keeps me watching the show other than the amusement I get from laughing about how bad the story is.
Characters: 1
By far one of the worst cast ever to be placed in an anime show. Kirito represents a Gary Stu character. What I mean by this is that he is perfect in anything. The writer of the novel wanted us to think he's a total badass and make the female anime fans make him their dream prince. Pfffthahaha! Kirito is a freakin joke.
Asuna is a bad female heroine with a brain as big as Homer Simpson's. Her lack of common sense makes me want to claw my eyes out. The crap she says to Kirito is so stupid and cheesy. "If I were let you go and you don't come back...I'll kill myself!" Pfffthahaha, seriously? She doesn't even know this guy in real life and yet she's thinking that he's her everything.
The other heroines were just bland and typical harem characters. They all want the protagonist to be their prince and suck his...enough said.
One more thing. The villains. There is no good reason to why they are doing "evil" things other than for their satisfaction. Kayaba is retarded. He just traps everyone in the game and gives Kirito a chance to save everyone. "I forgot why I even started doing this." *Ahem* Translation Kayaba, you didn't forget. You just had no reason to do it whatsoever that you're just so embarrassed to admit it.
Enjoyment: 4
Giving 2 points on some of the good fight scenes on this anime. Giving it another point for the first 3 episodes. And giving it one more point for how horrible written this show is that it amuses me greatly.
Overall: 2
This show filled with cliche scenes with idiotic characters. Horribly written and planned. I don't recommend it to my friends at all. Since half of them would hate it to the point where I would be shot to death for recommending it to them. And the other half would suck me off as a reward for recommending them a show which they think is "good".
Let me explain the rest for more Info.
Lets face the facts: Kirito is Gary Stue. For those that don't know what a Gary Stue is, it's the male version of a Mary Sue. Every time he has been struggling in a battle, he has called upon his Gary Stue powers to win the fight. Remember the last fight in the SAO MMO? That's the perfect example of Gary Stue being Gary Stue. This happened in an MMO, It doesn't matter what kind of excuses you can think of to defend the awful development in that fight. With the way Kirito fought and consequently gave up; he should have lost. But praise the Gary Stue powers, suddenly he found hidden strength in the despair of his loved one being dead and SOMEHOW managed to power-up despite being realistically dead in the mmo (Yes he was, his Health Bar was gone when he "defeated" the bad guy). There is nothing wrong with that. Except for one detail. That player was wearing the best gear you could obtain the game so far, and Kirito was wearing VENDOR TRASH. But it's okay, thanks to his Gary Stue powers and by stealing his cousin's weapon, he powered up 1000x times and owned everyone. He has zero depth to his personality. It's just "haha I'm super evil! I will torment these players and get valuable mind control data, and get super rich! And I'll steal this woman from you because I can! Oh, and I might brain-wash her, because I can. There is no real motive behind. Just because I'm evil. You know. Evil. That's why. Evil and CREATING A FALSE IMPENDING DOOM OF NTR - Oh what was that about pandering to every fetish and whatnot? Yeahh...... Club Members Club Pictures
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Created: Oct 30, 2013
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