University Of Salford Anime Society
We are a marvellous gathering of all walks of life! The only true catch to coming along is that you must have some level of interest in anime. You can be an otaku (you'll know what that means if you're close to or are one) or someone who's never watched an episode of anime before in you're life, but just have that curiosity to give it a chance. We will welcome you all with open arms, and take you under our wing, to see what we can create from our society. You will be surprised at just how many people are anime fans out there, most likely pick up several new friends if not the entire society, So please, come to the Salford anime Society, let you're inner geek or curiosity out and have fun, you might of come to salford to study, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun.
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Members: 10
Pictures: 0
Category: Schools
Created: Oct 2, 2013
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