Information * Age: 15
* Birthday: December 20
* Height: 138 cm (4'6")
* Handedness: Left-handed
* Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
* Residence: Saitama Prefecture
* Blood Type: A
* Strong Subjects: Japanese
* Disliked Subjects: PE
* First Appearance: Shōnen Ace before Comptiq
* Hair Color: Salmon pink
* Eye Color: Green
Voiced by: Ai Shimizu (Drama CD, NDS Video Game), Shizuka Hasegawa (Anime, PS2 Video Game)
Yutaka Kobayakawa, a very positive and cheerful, but sometimes forgetful girl, is Konata Izumi's cousin and Yui Narumi's younger sister. Often referred to as "Yu-chan" by Konata and Sōjirō Izumi. When Konata became a third-year student, Yutaka was admitted to the Ryōō Gakuen High School, as a first-year student. She is in the same class, 1-D, as Minami Iwasaki and ran for candidacy for class president on the first day of school. She came to live at the Izumi household, since her body is weak, making her prone to getting sick, and it was too far for her to commute to school from her home. Yutaka wears her hair with small pigtails and often wears a ribbon in her hair. She is an indoor person, and her height and her physique are smaller than Konata (a fact that shocks Kagami). Her primary concern is her height and her body development; sadly, she realizes her dreams are futile, seeing as how Konata hasn't developed physically since entering junior high. Her best friends are Minami, Patricia Martin, and Hiyori Tamura, which she is glad about, as she was a bit lonely, due to her weak condition back in junior high. She looks up to Konata like an older sister, but fails to know that her cousin and her sister Yui will not be too helpful, as both are too lax and carefree, when it comes to studying.
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Members: 29
Pictures: 25
Category: Characters
Created: Apr 26, 2008
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