Information THE A-PROJECT:
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- The Alliance is only aware of only approximately one hundredth of the Milky Way Galaxy
- Exploration and precision cartography is nescessary for survival of the Alliance against all Hostile and Unknown extraterrestrial forces
- ASC Primo Victoria is the sole ship charged with this task
- Captained by Admiral Sun Tzu and Navigated by the AI "Victoria"
- The mission is expected to take several decades and is expected to never return
- May God have mercy on the souls of the men, women, and their families on this mission
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//Alliance Date- "Earth Time"- June 5th, 2213- Mission Log 1- Admiral Tzu- Bridge of ASC Primo Victoria- "A-Project"//
Admiral Tzu: "How soon?"
AI: "T-Minus 16 hours, 42 minutes, and 10 seconds until the launch of the ASC (Alliance Space Corps) Primo Victoria, Sir"
Admiral Tzu: *sigh* "I knew this day would come... they finally found a way to get rid of me"
AI: "Sir?"
Admiral Tzu: "They as in the Rear Admirals in the pockets of the Alliance Council... since when did politics supersede military action?"
AI: "You did crash your own frigate into a Technosapien warship, Sir"
Admiral Tzu: "That was only the cherry on top... and was that humor? From an AI?"
AI: "No, Sir. Just reporting facts, Sir"
Admiral Tzu: "Hmph"
*brief pause*
AI: "Sir, may I ask a question... Sir."
Admiral Tzu: "Only if you stop calling me 'Sir', just call me 'Tzu'"
AI: "Well Sir... Tzu, why did you ram that ship and that wasn't your first time disobeying the Rear Admirals. Why have you consistently disobeyed direct orders throughout your entire military career?"
Admiral Tzu: *Chuckle* "The price of a mile"
AI: "Sir?"
Admiral Tzu: "Its an expression from Earth, the 'price of a mile' is the cost of gaining ground in open warfare. How many men and women have to be sacrificed in the name of victory"
AI: "So... you sacrificing your frigate was..."
Admiral Tzu: Those soulless machines, those 'Technosapiens' were turning that planet's surface into glass! Do the reports show what was on that colony AI? Do they?"
AI: "Strange... I can find no data on the subject"
Admiral Tzu: "It was a farming colony made up of civilians! Not a trace of Second Division was there to protect them! Why? Because the damned Rear Admirals and those damned Politicians found it unesscesary to protect them! Why is that? Because supposedly that colony was in the middle of 'Alliance Space'!"
AI: "Sir... are you suggesting that Alliance Space is insecure?"
Admiral Tzu: "Hahahhaa! Seriously? What Alliance Space is there? The Alliance is made up of seven systems of seven different races that happen to almost be civil enough to get along with one and other! All 'Space' between these systems is considered 'Alliance Space', meanwhile there's already a half dozen Hostile races from God knows where flying through said 'Alliance Space' like its a damn highway! WE HAVE NO POWER HERE!"
AI: "Sir... do the Rear Admirals and the Council realize this?"
Admiral Tzu: "Of course they do! The problem is that they just don't care! Every time I speak up about it or do something about, I get chewed out by my bosses and get a slap on the wrist... but its all over now"
AI: "Sir?"
Admiral Tzu: "I'm getting too old for this, I've been serving in the Alliance for over 60 years now... I'm pushing 83 next month"
AI: "Sir... at that age, you should have been a Rear Admiral over a decade ago"
Admiral Tzu: "Nah, really?"
AI: "Sir... are trying to be sarcastic with an AI?"
Admiral Tzu: *sigh*
AI: "So that's why you've been assigned to the "A-Project"... a mission that should take decades to complete, they want to push you out and wait you for you to die"
Admiral Tzu: "I'm glad you finally caught on AI... yes, the A-Project. The project essentially is deep space exploration, the only Space that the Alliance has ever properly mapped only consists of about a hundredth of the galaxy. The project is intended for space cartography, but I'm hoping to find more"
AI: "Sir... you intend to find allies?"
Admiral Tzu: "Bingo, that's exactly what I'm planning"
AI: "Sir... I take it the Rear Admirals and the Council didn't properly sanction to right to recruit allies into the Alliance?"
Admiral Tzu: "What do you think?"
AI: "..."
Admiral Tzu: "That's what I thought... by the way I thought I told you to stop calling me Sir?"
AI: "How about I will once you stop calling me AI"
Admiral Tzu: *chuckle* "Fine then... what's your name?"
Victoria: "I'm Victoria AI, both the frigate's and your new personal AI... Tzu"
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-Largest Frigate possibly ever constructed in the history of Alliance
-Roughly one quarter of the ship is designated for cold storage (Cryostatis) of crew that takes 'cycles' of waking and sleeping periods. Cycles may vary from a few weeks to a few years.
-Awakened crew can be found normally in the central area of the ship dedicated to barracks for bachelors/bachelorettes and apartments for couples and families. The greenhouses and parks can be also found here to provide adequate air supply and social gatherings.
-Lower areas of the ship carry armories, hangars, and various storage area for perishable and nonperishable goods. Previously mentioned Cryostasis will be found here as well.
-Engineering can be found at the aft of the ship near the Main-Reactor with powers the ship and enables its hyperdrive for heightened acceleration.
-The bridge can be found at the stern of the ship, most mission briefings will be held here with the Admiral or one of his men or with the ship's AI "Victoria"
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1.) No Godmodding (GMing) or Overpowering (OPing)
2.) You can Die, but only if you allow another player to do it or if you just kill off yourself
3.) You may have 3 character(s) per person, but please don't but 2 or more of your charas in the same Party and please but all your charas under the same post in the Chara Creator Thread.
4.) Minimal of 3 people to a Party, veteran RPers should understand why but for the neophytes out there we do this just in case one of the party members is absent so as to allow the other members to continue with out them
5.) I the Creator (Gibz0matic), the Admins, and Officers won't always be creating Missions. It is up to you (the RPers) to create your own Missions. I only created the world and its citizens... you and your friends can make the adventures in it as long as they follow the Rules I have put into place.
6.) Everyone and anyone can create a Thread, Seed is an ever growing world so feel free to contribute to its many locations.
7.) Your chara may be in only one Thread at a time, no multiple locations are allowed. If you are leaving a Thread, please put an /EXIT/ at the end of your post... the only exception to this rule would be in the case of rule number 8.
8.) If a thread is inactive for to long, players may 'ditch' the thread and move their charas to join a different one and can pretend that thread 'never existed'. Please inform an Admin or I, the Creator, of this before doing so. So that we may also delete the thread entirely.
9.) Anyone can be an NPC temporarily so long as they just feed into the story and then leave.
10.) You are required to have fun.
11.) All violators of these rules will be prostituted to the fullest extent outside the Law.
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Category: Other
Created: Jun 24, 2013
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