Information Welcome to Fujioka academy here we have The Host club and The Hostess club. Shortly after the host club was created a group of girls decided to create a Girl host club. What will happen to these host clubs? will they join together? Will they stay rivals?
<span style="color:red">Host club members and their nick names-
-Yukinari kenshin (cute bad boy but caring type) ~ayachan1996~
-Trent uzumaki (cool type) ~12345trent8~
-Zero Asakura (the cute type) ~12345trent8~
-Tennouji Nikkaido(Silent/Intelligent Type) ~llPhantom~
-Kei Matsuraka (Silent type) ~66Revelations~
-Ichika Mitsuki (mischievous type) ~jj-khlover~
-Aito Takahashi (Sweet romantic type) ~ayachan1996~
-Corey Grants (strongest type) ~darkdragon~
-Kouta Mizumore (Mysterious type) ~Otakabu~
- Kusanagi, Kyo (Talking machine) ~bley43~
<span style="color:blue">Hostess club members and their nick names-
- Aliee Ren (shy cute type) ~ayachan1996~
-Pretty Uchiha (number 1, cool type) ~pretty-chan~
-Hatori Luna (Intellectual type) ~Shiura_Aoi~
-Alice Hikari (Intellectual and Mischievous type) ~AliceRose157~
-Ai Takahashi (Shy girly type) ~ayachan1996~
-Kiley Mitsuki ( shy type) ~jj-khlover~
-Aria Cain (Cool and somewhat boyish prince type.) ~rika713~
<span style="color:green"> Only student's (costummers) in this school
-Vanity Mitsuki (Female, Class 2) ~jj-khlover~
-Heishi (Male, Class 3) ~EmperorsChosen01~
-Naomi Yukari (Female. class 2) ~Angel_of_dreams~
-Kirari Tsukishima (Female. class 3) ~Pretty-chan~
-Tara Kenshin (Femal. class 2) ~ayachan1996~
-MUST be approved before rping
-ONLY 2 people per dorm room. Gender separated.
-can have as many charas as you want
-anything goes but if you get intimate please do it in PM and in your dorm room
-no god modeling
-fighting is allowed but please dont destroy the club rooms
-Girls go to the Host club and Boys go to the Hostess club
-<span style="color:red">NO MORE DRAMA!!!<!--color--></span> (temporary rule)
-HAVE FUN!!!!!!
Im looking for some admins :) if you would like to be an admin please PM me :)
<span style="color:red">ADMINS IMPORTANT!!!<!--color--></span>
1. if you would like to improve, change or add something you <span style="color:red">MUST<!--color--></span> PM me (creator ayachan1996) before you do so even if im not online
there may be more added later
<span style="color:red"><strong>Note to all-
Kawaii will not be rping due to other reasons, people who are rping with her characters please continue rping but obviously not with her characters.
from kawaii-
sorry all<!--color--></span></strong>
Club Members Club Pictures
Displaying 5 of 35 topics | See All Club Discussion
Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 70
Pictures: 8
Category: Schools
Created: Jun 21, 2013
Club Staff
AyaNekoQueen1996 (President) EmperorsChosen01 (Secretary) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations |