Information If you love Darker Than Black just like me feel free to join the club & the newly created Discord!
This club is destined to all the ones who want DTB to have a 3rd season. Here we will develop: - A role play game: Looking for a Officer - Our drawing and writting skills: Looking for a Officers from partnership in Deviantart or here. - The plan that can make DTB S3 possible: Managed by Officer Casprom. Imagine the story that could come after the Season 2, or maybe the story before the Season 1. You can do here some fanfiction and share. We're picking DTB's world and doing some roleplay to keep the spirit alive and have some fun, while we look for accomplishing our mission: making the DTB Season 3 become a possibility, by following this easy steps Darker than Black Season 3 Petition published by Darker than Black Season 3 on Jun 09, 2013 Target: BONES and Tensai Okamura Region: GLOBAL Web site: [url=][/url] Sign the petition Petition Background (Preamble): With the ending of the phenomenal second season of the called anime series Darker Than Black, many loyal viewers were disappointed with the lack of answers given to the amount of questions generated by it’s ending. So we, disappointed but still loyal fans and viewers, come here to state our point and to try to have BONES and the director Tensai Okamura to listen to our only wish. We agree that not only the ending was too unclear and left too much in open, but also showed us a new tipping point in the story that had origin in the ending chosen for the 2nd season, and which is still a hidden incognito for all the DTB fans around the world. We see in this, a very new opportunity to improve the story and to develop the concept within it, as new mysteries peeked in the very ending of Season 2, and they seem to be just waiting to be revealed. Such a mysteries that had origin through the following facts told at the finishing part of Season 2: - America invaded Japan, in hopes of regaining their status as the World superpower. - Misaki, Madame Oreille, Mao and co. formed a group to resist to the Americans, called The Syndicate. - A child woke up inside Hell’s Gate and is seen to be able of killing many humans. - It’s assumed to be the child of Izanagi and Izanami, Kagutsuchi, the prophesied disaster to befall the World. - Hei is alive and has his powers back. • Through this topics, we find that the story was never completed, as we don’t know how this battle against Kagutsuchi ended. If the humans were save or how the child of Izanagi and Izanami was killed. • Looking for other points and questions, we found out that although the whole 2nd season was all about it, no one actually figured out for sure who was Izanagi. If he was Hei or Shion we would only know if we saw Kagutsuchi. • Other hidden points in the story were Yin’s wish and the fact that we never got to know if she really died, if Hei was able to kill her, or he just rescued her. Also a very important fact, but this one related to both seasons: - We still don't know what happened on Heaven's Gate. - What was Hei's link with Amber? - How he got involved? - How he got his powers? - Why it's said that what happened in Heaven's Gate was BK201 fault? Hei's fault? His sister's fault? All this, takes us to the same conclusion: There’s no reason why an anime as successful as Darker Than Black, should be shoot down by BONES when it has now the greatest opportunity to conquer more fans with a whole new season. Petition: We, Darker Than Black’s fans from all over the world, come to ask: -Should this anime end without an enlightening ending? Or instead, take this whole opportunity to bridge a new adventure in the story and finish it up with a “full stop” instead of so many“question marks”? As so we request: -The final season 3, where we can finally see what has become of Misaki’s syndicate, Hei, Kagutsuchi, to the World, and what atually happen at Heaven's Gate. Because we love this series, and we love Tensai Okamura, we know this serie can still reach higher scores in the world. Sign the petition PETITION CREATED!!! Read, Sign and spread here: [url=][/url] Darker Than Black Season 3 [url=][/url] Read, Sign and Spread our fellowship [url=][img][/img][/url] Some of you just have MAL and Facebook account, so I only ask you to wear our club signature on your MAL signature and share our petition on Facebook. Some of you have a Youtube account and a MAL, you could wear our club's signature and post the petition link on the description of you videos. Some of you have a Deviant account and a MAL, besides wearing our signature, you could join our page on Deviant and wear our signature from Step 3 above this one, on your work's description box. Some of you have a Fanfiction account and a MAL, you could also help us by using the same signature on step 3 the bottom of your work and profile description. Some of you have a Blog account and a MAL, you could do a really quick post sharing our campaign petition. We're working to build more pages of our campaign so you later can join: -Deviantart:DTB-Season3 -Fanfiction (ongoing after having co-founders for Deviantart group) -Youtube (planning) -Facebook: Darker Than Black: Season 3 *anime conventions and comic-cons by doing cosplay of a character and taking the petition link and the setence with you on the costume. Club Members Club Pictures
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 145
Pictures: 23
Category: Anime
Created: Jun 9, 2013
Club Staff
CaspromReikings (President) BigJk (Secretary) Kikimorka (Officer) Mystie- (Officer) Zakuuo (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations Character Relations