Information One day, cards began to fall from the sky and were picked up by kids all over the world. The cards featured different characters, different environments, and different powers. Kids created a popular battle game not knowing that these cards actually corresponded to an alternate world called Vestroia.
In Vestroia, a rogue Bakugan named Naga lusted for control, and schemed to seize all of the power for himself. When he tried to absorb the silent core and seize its power, the negative energy proved too much for Naga to handle. The negative energy exploded and the Infinity Core fell to earth. The creatures of Vestroia started to emerge in Bakugan battles. Now it is up to Dan and the other Battle Brawlers to find the Infinity Core and reunite it with the Silent Core to restore balance. At the same time, an evil Bakugan player called Masquerade is taking away Bakugan that belong to other people. As well, a scientist called Michael Gehahbich disappeared into Vestroia. When he returned 6 months later, he came back as a creature known as Hal-G, half Bakugan-half human. Hal-G is plotting to reunite Naga with the Infinity Core to take over the world. Dan and his friends must stop Hal-G's evil plans.
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Category: Anime
Created: Apr 12, 2008
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