Look-alikes, Doubles, Doppelgangers, Copys of all ages
Characters can be similar in a few ways.
1. They can be similar enough to be interchanged.
2. They can look like older/younger version of each other.
3. They have incredibly similar expressions/ personalities.
4. Similar but different colors (hair, eyes, skin)
5. Similar only if face is not clearly seen
6. (Twins can be covered by another club)
This club is dedicated to recognizing and talking about look-alikes, doubles, doppelgangers, copys of all ages either existing in the same story, or ideally across stories. So if you have ever seen a show and been like.
Also. If there is anyone who know how to make MAL stuff look pretty. please help.i am very novice
Members: 3
Pictures: 2
Category: Characters
Created: Feb 16, 2013
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